Published 2023-11-29
Hi guys .. this isn't my usual content but I wanted you guys to see a different side of my authenticity using my platform to be heard. I always thought my original purpose on my platform was to put curvy girls on the map for Vegas but I have a bigger purpose and that's finally answering my calling to speaking my truth .... The version of me who loves poetry wanted to do this in a form of speaking my truth against my "family".
In July of 2022, I finally gathered strength for my inner child and freed her from mental imprisonment.. I found my voice speaking up on a female family member that M***$TED me as a child. I told her Mother ( and this is the same mother that told me as a kid that I was chosen and was going to be the one who breaks generational curses ) and her mother did not believe me. Which then led me to get the strength to finally stand my ground & stand on my truth because in December 2022 when my cousins finally addressed it they said " I may have interpreted it wrong & that didn't happen " ( all details will be in my book & documentary ) ...that was it for me. I will not be gas lit over something I experienced, endured, lived with & was haunted by my entire childhood into adult hood and was taught how to be silenced & emotionally suppressed from a very young age. I refuse to protect abusers and I refuse to protect anybody who DID NOT protect me as a child. As a kid I always knew I was going to tell on her but never knew when. So at 24 yrs old ( now I'm 25 ) I did it. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to speak up on something. Do things at your own pace and divine timing. I will forever use my voice to speak up on the injustices I endured as a child and forever be courageous and strong to speak up on abusers that need to be held accountable for their actions . I hope by me doing this today inspires more women & men to speak on injustices in their life & toxic families . & somewhat gives you strength to go get your own justice by standing in your power. There is so much power in the power of the tongue.

I wrote this poem titled " The Fires Lit Under Me "
because I am tired of being Gas Lit by narcissist in my life who love to paint illusions and lies over me and lie on me. Painting very evil & ugly paintings about me , my name and image. I am tired.
I have been grieving over family members who are still alive on this planet walking in their flesh who think they can live this earth hurting people left and right thinking there are no consequences or karma for their actions. That is over. I have given my family a year of grace to be forgiven by me if they took accountability and they all sadly failed to do so acting like nothing happened & I will not accept that ... So now they simply do not exist to me & now I'm free to tell my story. I'm not bitter or miserable. So please do not come in my comments talking about " life is too short " bc it def is .. which is why I choose me always & choose to move forward without them. I'm healing from all of the emotional neglect , emotional abuse and years of trauma I have suffered in silence from. I am free and would love to tell my story to anybody who wants to listen ... I want to create a safe space for anybody who wants to learn how to tap in and heal their inner child & inner teen, and how to tap into your higher self to move forward. people who want to learn how to transmute their pain into power , people who want to take care of their mental health etc. I only have love & wisdom to pour into anybody who wants to heal.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and to listen to my pain that I have transmuted into one of my passions in the form of poetry.
Please share, like , comment if you'd like to. 🖤
love Vonetta 💋

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