Cowboy Bebop - How To Kill A Show In 5 Easy Steps

Published 2021-12-16
Netflix's Cowboy Bebop turned out to be such a disaster that it got cancelled just weeks after premiering. And I think I know why. Join me as I break down the 5 steps that led to its failure.

All Comments (21)
  • I think the biggest loss here is for John Cho. The man watched the entire original, fell in love with it, battled on set to ensure that Spike's iconic Jericho would be used, got the original composer involved, and tried his genuine best to represent Spike with the script he was given. And all off his efforts went down the drain because your average fanfic writer could create a better script then Netflix could.
  • @Hypershell
    "There's a very good reason people watch anime and read manga. It's not made by people like you." Nailed it, Drinker.
  • @Ruylopez778
    "It's not made by you." Nailed it. According to the internet, Faye was only 5'6" anyway, so she just further proved she knew fuck all about the 'source material'. I can't stand these people that take on established franchises/characters to further their own career, that have absolutely no respect for the creation in the first place.
  • That speech - what I heard was “how dare the fans expect actors to convey the look and feel of a character!” But isn’t that what actors are paid to do?
  • "But unfortunately ther is only so much we human actors can do" is basically the line that makes me think WHY do people make live action adaptations of animated movies/shows. With animation you can do so much, show so much more than live action. Even if you go through the Herculean task of making a "good" adaptation there is still going to be magic that is lost with the switch. I'm looking at YOU Disney remakes.
  • @TheArchangel911
    They only got one thing right. This train wreck gave me the incentive to go watch the original again.
  • I love the whole trope of "unrealistic body standards" in regards to Faye's difference in appearance, but there's literal dozens if not hundreds of amazing cosplays of Faye that look exactly like her. They chose not to choose an "overtly sexualized" Faye, not that it wasn't possible.
  • @joshbarbour6483
    As an old Cowboy Bebop fan, I feel like you missed the key things that ruined it for Fandom. #1. There was no bebop. No jazz. No soul. It's amazing how much of the anime was developed and scenes specifically written for the music. They had the chance to bring in incredible music and film scenes around it but just didn't. Why is the ship called the Bebop? Because they had to in a way to work in that It's a jazzy space cowboy action dramedy western that leaves you feeling melancholy. It just worked as a glue for the episodes. #2. Jets story. It was nice seeing Jet as a dad, but that is the opposite of what made his character great. He was a lone wolf even when he had Spike. The Black Dog that wouldn't let go once he sank his teeth into something. He has a dark history as a cop who becomes a bounty hunter after losing his job, arm, and lover. He barely has any personal connections left and that's why he needs Spike. Jet also loved jazz and that's the "real reason" the ship is the Bebop lol. Great actor though. With a different script, he would have killed it. Hard yet likeable. #3. The Main Story of Spikes background should be the backstory/ending. In the anime you grew invested trying to figure out who he is/was and by the end, you felt shaken. You needed to rewatch it to pick up things. After you rewatched it, you watch it again later, sometimes just for the audio/soundtrack. The whole main show feels like it's missing and yet overdeveloped. That's how I feel after watching the original Cowboy Bebop countless times since it was released (thank you early 2000's NYC Chinatown bootleg discount video stores for the $30 DVD collection of this, Trigun, and Outlaw Star). Thanks for your time if you read this.
  • @xephys8788
    "they couldn`t find a woman that looks like her, its impossible" Then watch people spam almost 100% look-a-like cosplayers with the right clothing and style.
  • Netflix: "No, Faye's anime attire is morally wrong & not allowed!" Also Netflix: "Cuties"
  • @shinychris0400
    To the actress— we aren't necessarily complaining about your looks... or how you aren't physically like Faye. The bigger letdown is how the true character, demeanor, values, and the niche personality of who Faye is— That was missing. No matter how similar you may look like the character, if one cannot embody the true essence of the character, then it is something else that the anime does not portray. On a side note, I think John Cho did an amazing job portraying the true essence of Spike. But the defilement of the production of this series ruined his character, and the whole series. But that's just my humble opinion.
  • I’ll never understand the need to “fix” Faye. What exactly is there not to like about her? She’s brave. She’s charismatic. She’s smart as hell and is dangerous. Her choice of clothing and her choice of makeup is on purpose. She uses the fact that she’s drop dead gorgeous as a way to bring her targets to their knees. It’s an incredibly smart tactic that serves her well in her line of work. She’s an incredible character. This one? I can somewhat understand that the costume may not be right for certain practicality in major fight scenes but that’s not a good enough reason. Her feminine wiles are what she uses as a bounty Hunter. You may not like it, but that’s what the writer wanted.
  • @EnKiDou666
    The most funny thing about this is the fact that original Cowboy Bebop was written by a woman, Keiko Nobumoto. And she worked on 4 good anime series after it.
  • @AlienSensei
    I need to point this out, Netflix's Witcher for me also suffer the same "woke" treatment just like Cowboy Bebop, but the fans still hang around because of Cavill's darling attitude towards the whole series as well as the fans. He also paid homage to the ultra-popular video game through his gruff voice which is similar to video game Geralt and he stroll around the set like a walking Witcher novels wikipage. Humility, that's one fatal thing missing from Netflix's Cowboy Bebop. At least that's my take that nobody asked for.
  • @Deathend
    What did it for me was how they gutted the characters. Anime Spike is a quick talking, fast thinker, who is tormented by his past, tries to improve himself, and doesn't kill people unless he doesn't have a choice or they're really REALLY bad guys. He usually even spares people that try to kill him because he doesn't want their deaths on his conscience. Netflix Spike straight up executes people with a big smile on his face. He's a literal psychopath.
  • @tomb3782
    I love how the first thing they always do is blame the fans... I happy to see that the Sonic movie producers actually listened to its fanbase, can't wait to see the second one!
  • @wcw2793
    Not only did Daniella’s video backfire with the cancellation of the show, it unmasked her hypocrisy because of people bringing up pictures of her doing movies with a lot of revealing clothing.
  • @j.vinton4039
    I’ve hated Daniella Pineda since Fallen Kingdom. The “I’m a perfect human woman with no flaws and I intimidate the men with my bitchy attitude” or as one of the other characters called her “a nasty woman”
  • @Shinigami41395
    "The art generally comes before the politics." This is one of the reasons I love anime. I want to use entertainment to briefly escape from our terrible reality, but it has become increasingly difficult to find movies and video games that don't try to force some heavy-handed political message. Anime is pretty much the only hobby I have left that I can simply enjoy without having to worry about "the message" being thrown in my face every five seconds.