Confidence affirmations for transforming limiting beliefs

Published 2023-07-03
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This demonstration video is aimed to develop a feeling of confidence and train inner wisdom in making decisions. It is designed to aid those who suffer from the sense of inferiority and anxiety.

The training helps in overcoming negative thoughts, overcoming negative images. The film transforms limiting beliefs. It makes you sure in your power and gives confidence in your actions. Positively tuned and focused on your thoughts, you break the borders. You start to realize that you are strong and granted with endless possibilities and special talents from the Universe. You trust yourself, you know what to say and what to do.

This manifestation video convinces you that you are worthy of your dreams and can find the right way and strength to fulfill them because you deserve what you want. You gain power over your life.

The video appeals both to the conscious and subconscious mind. Visual subliminal commands are enhanced with a meditative spatial sound track with binaural beats at a specific frequency (3.9 Hz). It is the frequency employed in Zen meditation.

This personal development audio is efficient in the treatment of uncommunicative behavior, the transformation of ultimate beliefs. It trains concentration and boosts cognition of new forces and development of internal knowledge.

Breaking borders, you get rampant confidence, propelling you to productive self-expression and the implementation of even your boldest objectives. Success becomes a matter of fact in your everyday life.

Although you will see the commands before they are given to you subliminally, here are some of the subliminal affirmations you will experience in MANIFEST CONFIDENCE:

Use this Manifestation Movie to increase your CONFIDENCE! When you have confidence, you KNOW that things will work out the way you want them to. And I want ALL OF YOU to start experiencing that inner confidence without any self doubts!
Your possibilities are endless
You are clear and focused
You take what you want from life
You are a rock
You make quick, good decisions
You totally trust yourself
You make things happen
You always know what to say, and you say it
You radiate love and happiness
You glow with fierce confidence
You have special talents
You are worthy of your dreams
You are confident and in control
You are worthy of great love
You deserve to have what you want
people are drawn to your strength
You believe in yourself
You accomplish many great things
You speak with ease and confidence
You have power over your life
You are important
You choose what to accept or dismiss in your life
You feel and speak confidently
…and many more

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