Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress & Later Wife | Full Documentary | Biography

Published 2021-10-01
The speculation surrounding Eva Braun has persisted for decades: Was she Adolf Hitler's lover or just a close friend? Our profile tells the simple story of a simple girl who simply fell in love...with the wrong man. 


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All Comments (21)
  • She probably lived like a princess while the world was falling apart around her. She was the ultimate fan girl, groupie, someone who was just fine being close to power and riches and didn’t care about the people around her. She just didn’t care
  • I think what bothers me the most about her is that she wasn’t stupid. She was raised intelligently, had attentive parents, and came from a family of hard workers. She chose to ignore everything around her and focus on frivolity. There was no excuse for her behavior.
  • @livylu6287
    No, she was well aware of what was going on. She just didn’t care. It really annoys me how they try to victimize her in this.
  • She is often described as pretty. To me, she seems rather plain, not that is a bad thing at all. She lived and loved like a simpleton, that's for sure.
  • Based on what we know of hitlers personal conversations and private rants which she was definitely present for she isn't innocent at all.
  • We only really have ourselves in this life. Too many of us get too attached to others thinking it is necessary for our survival and contentment. Your best friend and companion is yourself.
  • @GoGreen1977
    I've always felt sorry for the dog, Blondie. It didn't deserve to die as a test case for the cyanide pill.
  • @lb8141
    I lost family in Auschwitz-Birkenau on both parents sides. It's a miracle I even exist. This woman makes me sick to my stomach.
  • @MissHeird
    Like the narrator states toward the end of this video, "there were many Eva Braun's in Germany..." Many German citizen's were aware of Hitler's atrocities, and yet stayed devoted to him. Extremely disturbing and very sad!
  • One thing that really hit me hard was the sympathy to her family. I save my sympathy for the real victims. She and her family are not victims at all.
  • @iniuppa
    I'm actually kind of surprised that there are so many comments that think we are expected to sympathize with her while watching this video. Biography has to humanize her in order to make sense of her. But Biography doesn't explicitly tell you she is unsympathetic because that should be clear to the viewer? Yes? I would never assume that a person who wants to marry Hitler is a person who deserves my sympathy.
  • @irshgrl500
    My heart hurts for all those lives lost over Hilter's maniacal manipulation. The multitude of innocent lives lost because of this monster & his WILLING followers. How could you? I have not one drop of sympathy for Eva, either.
  • Not understanding how Eva could love Hitler, as biographer says. Well, what of the wives who loved Himmler, Goering, Goebbels, Borman, Heidrich? As Prince Charles infamously said, "whatever love is."
  • If Hitler was unmarried and Braun was unmarried how could she have been his mistress? She was his girlfriend or lover or whatever you want but not a mistress.
  • @nicole14355
    The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
  • @jamesdavis700
    If anybody was ever a dumb blonde, Eva Braun was her.
  • I feel about as much sympathy towards Eva as she did towards the women children elderly people her fuhrer killed for just being. She cared more about her makeup and clothes and she wasn't stupid she chose ignorance and silence over even trying to appeal to whatever humanity that devil had in him. She was the devils essentially shallow and frivolous companion with no care for humanity beyond the ones immediately around her and as she said to her sister not even them. She was at worst as culpable as the devil himself and at best a coward she is not missed.
  • @michaelneal900
    Get real. She knew enough to know it was wrong and she supported him.