Fastest deck in the game | Tarkin cunning deck tech | Meta breaker - Space aggro |

Published 2024-07-08
Link to deck list in the comments.

All Comments (16)
  • @RossCooper
    Congrats on such a cool and unique deck!
  • @ljohnsson
    Great video, i really love this deck and i wish u the best in the tournament! :]
  • @rebelresource
    I love this deck! Great video. I have a version that I was planning on doing a video for. I'll for sure credit you in the comments + vid.
  • @user-nw7jz5bx5s
    This deck is super fun 🤩 What cards do you side off in certain matchups?
  • Did you test Prepare for Takeoff? I’m not sure where it would fit since the list is pretty tight but was just curious.
  • @riddick729
    this deck is fun! it has a rough matchup against cad bane and cunning villian fett. Any tips for those?
  • @smcculloch
    Very strong against a lot of decks. Doesn't seem great against boba yellow though? Cunning, Waylay, Bouncer?
  • @maravitch
    Amazing deck! How to deal with bamboozle and traitorous?
  • This is budget version of the deck or it's happened that deck at it's prime is cheap? My question is if it could be stronger if you add more expensive cards? Cheers
  • @Vader785
    What do you think of general veers in the deck?
  • @Nystan
    Is there a way to place veers inside the deck?