How AI causes serious environmental problems (but might also provide solutions) | DW Business

Published 2024-04-29
Companies and the academic community are rushing to take advantage of big, recent advances in artificial intelligence. In many cases, they're using AI to minimize humanity's impact on the environment and find solutions for the climate crisis. But AI consumes an enormous amount of natural resources, like water and electricity, in order to function. So, is AI a climate solution or problem?

0:00 ChatGPT, how can I help save the environment?
0:53 AI's positive climate impact
3:37 AI's resource drain
7:55 Balancing the scales
9:11 AI regulations and the environment
12:20 Conclusion

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All Comments (21)
  • @miraculixxs
    Lots of pipedreams start with the words "Our AI"
  • @perer005
    AI can find solutions to the climate crisis that we won’t use because other options are better for short term profits.
  • @yomajo
    Thanks for covering this. This needs more attention. Shipping, aviation, sure. But most forget the enormous and fast-growing datacenter impact.
  • @hayato4574
    A medium-sized data center needs about 200 liters per second. This means it could process 200 * 30 (= 6000) questions per second. This corresponds to around 260 million questions per day. It should be noted that the data center also consumes electricity when it is not processing requests.
  • @nevarran
    How is fixing an error faster going to gain you a 40% energy reduction? Let's be honest here, this is not about energy efficiency, it's all about personal efficiency. If your technician can fix an error twice as fast, you'll need only one on a shift not two. And that's why the company that runs the building will pay for the AI services. The eventual minimal energy efficiency improvement will be a bonus, not the main goal.
  • @urimtefiki226
    I knew that it spends a lot of electricity now the water is an issue as well.
  • @lessar2721
    These AI solutions are not enough balance the costs. Not to mention the untold amount of human slave like labor extracted to create it. (One google search is enough to prove)
  • @robwashers
    'Forestry Waste' Now you really have to swallow hard for this one
  • @jake_shoe
    Great pronunciation of Uruguay! No one ever gets that right! Kudos!
  • @kinngrimm
    If you as a neighbour hear the electric humm of a nearby data center, there are a few revolutionary novel concepts like acoustic insulation according to building standards that could be adjusted by regulators for such data centers.
  • I think in order to cool Ai servers, the piping should be made of aluminum so that salt water can be used to cool servers and not put pressure on fresh water. From that angle the alloy of aluminum can aid solve water needs for Ai servers, as for electricity that is encrypted.
  • @sixstringmania
    i can`t understand how come the cooling system is not a closed system so it uses mostly the initial amount of coolant and adding more water just to top up every time or so..
  • Companies should invest more money on research and development on building these data centres under water using the wave energy.
  • @FrankHerfjord
    a company tax on electricity, relieved by lowered employer tax, helps two problems at once as AI consumes power and jobs.
  • @CustomComputing
    I actually laughed out loud when they played the hum and said this is what people here 24 x 7. Literally could barely hear that sound.
  • So building AI costs alot of resources(emissions), water and energy to run(also emissions), and then we can use that AI to make some efficient changes, and also to make advertisement more efficient, sales, videos and effects that make us glue to the same products that AI is build from. Sounds like we are taken over by machines, and are powerless to change. Sounds like AI will replace alot of jobs, and at the same time degrade environment to some extend. I would want to see some analysis on the overall positive and negative impact and what is the ballance.