Video chat with ChatGPT? OpenAI just announced new GPT 4o | OpenAI spring update

Published 2024-05-14
OpenAi just announced the new ChatGPT release, GPT-4o. A smarter, faster and better model. In this video, I go over the features.

#openai #ai #gpt
00:00 Introduction
00:16 Real time conversations with ChatGPT
01:43 Video chatting with ChatGPT
03:04 Prices for the new ChatGPT Model
03:32 How good is ChatGPT compared to the other models?
04:33 The BEST new feature that ChatGPT just released
05:26 Is the new ChatGPT going to steal jobs?


All Comments (9)
  • @codingwithdee
    Just a few corrections, new voice mode and video chat will be released “in the next few weeks” according to OpenAi. In terms of the actual price, OpenAi says: There will be a limit on the number of messages that free users can send with GPT-4o depending on usage and demand. When the limit is reached, ChatGPT will automatically switch to GPT-3.5 so users can continue their conversations.
  • @leshiq4214
    I'm currently studying German by myself. This new feature is really helpful. I can do simple exercises, where I get a sentence, answer, and get immediate response, whether I gave the correct answer. Really helpful!
  • @johto
    This is not free. Even if one subscribes to the plus subscription, its not available for everyone yet.
  • @gorgep1242
    I can use 4o as free user but I thibk the voice chat hasn't changed significantly yet. Or will the more real, more human voice only come out with the video chat?
  • I am paying for GPT4 + I signed up as a developer so I get everything when it's still in beta, I don't know why I don't have that feature on my phone (also of course not on the web), also about Gemini you're right, I am a software developer and I pay for Gemini advance and it sucks, I also found another AI model called Claude which is great in coding and he was better then GPT4 in coding (I don't know about GPT4.0 since I almost don't use GPT to code anymore I almost only use claude
  • I have to agree with you on Gemini! It does not do an adequate job of helping you code!