4 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer You Should NEVER Ignore

Published 2022-12-01
Many cases of colon cancer have no symptoms. If there are symptoms, the following may indicate colon cancer: Abdominal pain and tenderness in the lower abdomen.Rectal bleeding is the most obvious colon cancer symptom, but there are other, more subtle signs, like learning you're anemic. It may be the first sign that you're bleeding internally. Other signs are you can't catch your breath, you feel bloated or crampy and you have severe constipation.

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All Comments (21)
  • I had ZERO symptoms, no family history and they found stage 3 rectal cancer during a routine colonoscopy. That was 2019.. Today, I am happy to report I'm coming up on 3 years cancer free!
  • @kotik1033
    I noticed my husband was visiting the bathroom more often than usual so after about a month I asked him about it; he said he felt the need to go more often but wasnt passing anything except orange mucus. I insisted he visit the doctor, who referred him for an emergency colonoscopy a few days later. They found a small rectal tumour which was successfully removed about a week later, he didnt need chemo because it had been caught so early. That was 10 years ago and he is still 100% cancer free. I am so glad I pestered him to find out what was going on and made him see the doctor, it literally saved his life.
  • @leedsman54
    Don’t ever be put off by doctors saying you’re too young for colon cancer. If you think you are not ok be persistent. My daughter died aged 21 due to this awful disease. Her doctor told us that she never really considered it in someone so young.
  • @CycleCruza
    Both of my grandmothers lived until 93 years old and drove a car up until 90. My one grandmother ate healthy, took vitamins and walked a ton daily. My other grandmother smoked half of her life, never exercised or walked a lot but stayed active, she ate every bad for you can think of and ate tons of sugary foods and candy every day, however, she ate in moderation and small meals. Both lived to 93 years old and both got dementia the last couple years of their life. Meanwhile, Steve Jobs, a vegetarian for most of his life, died of cancer at 56. Robin Gibb, a long time vegan, died of cancer at 62. Just eat in moderation, stay active, be happy and enjoy today. Nobody is promised tomorrow no matter what you do.
  • @OliveYoo864
    My aunt Prentice lived to age 102. She was know as the baking aunt who always made the best pies, cakes, cookies and all that sugary fudge and peanut rounders. She was finally placed in a nursing home after her husband passed away at age 95. She said she looked forward to going to the “old folks home”, as it would be an adventure where she could and would share many of her recipes with the staff there. When I last saw her, she was still winning the wheel chair races at 101 yrs old. RIP Auntie Prentice.
  • @pinkfreud62
    My aunt had colon cancer and had quite abit of her colon removed, but luckily not to where she has to wear a bag. She'll be 80 this summer & has been cancer free for over 20 yrs. 🥰
  • My hubby was 7 years overdue but he got sick of sepsis due to a liver abscess, so his dr ordered colonoscopy and so he had stage 1 sigmoid CRC, he had that removed and hoping for complete remission. He gets to be checked every year now. Thanks for your continued education
  • REMEMBER: it can be many other things than cancer (IBS, Celiac Disease ) - I had ALL of these symptoms and had a full colonoscopy done and they found nothing.
  • @tommurphy4094
    My late wife was 39 (13 yrs ago) when she had low iron and all her doctor did was prescribe iron tablets, bc she was a young, menstruating woman (which made her feel artificially better) and blood tests, 2 times. The tests found nothing. 12-18 months later, she started vomiting late at night, but it was only after a late meal out and not often. These were only symptoms and didn't present together until too late. Eventually, the tiredness returned and new doctor referred her for endoscopy and colonoscopy, the latter detected a large tumour and she had stage 4 colorectal cancer. Sadly she died 2 yrs later after chemotherapy and surgery. Don't let your GP fob you off with tablets if you're suddenly getting sick (iron deficiency) which you never had before. Insist on further investigation.
  • @spleeeen4it
    Important to remember you can have rectal bleeding and abdominal pain and change in stools and it's still unlikely to be cancer, just in case anyone is freaking out with worry.
  • Just found out one of coworkers that was in his early 50s passed away from colon cancer 😥I'm devastated. He was a wonderful man and a good father. I believe diet played a huge part in his diagnosis. RIP RAY🙏🏿
  • I’m 47 and ironically, had a colonoscopy on Monday. I have no symptoms, but just was doing it for screening purposes. I had the doctor keep me awake so I can see the whole process and to be honest it wasn’t that bad, and it was pretty relieving to know that everything is fine.
  • @lotstodo
    I can tell you from experience that a colonoscopy isn't that bad. I was only sedated the first time so I remember everything. You are draped, they lower the lights in the room and watch their TV screen. It's over with quickly. If you are under general anesthesia it's like no time has passed. And, the peace of mind once it's done is worth it.
  • @cbryce9243
    Many of the symptoms you mentioned in the beginning are also some of the many symptoms (bowel changes, constipation and diarrhea, anemia, bloating and more), of Celiac Disease. Also eating certain foods like blueberries and beets, can change the look of the stool by making them black and have a different consistency or make it look like you have blood in your stool. If you have symptoms like the doctor mentioned and you get tested negative for cancer, make sure you push your doc to find out the cause. Celiac is deadly too. Also, even if you never smoke, drink, or eat processed foods, does not make you immune to disease.
  • @remedymeHOUSE
    Your video on colon cancer hits close to home for me. I recently started a channel sharing educational content about colon cancer and the lessons I've learned along the way. Your content is inspiring, and I believe we can create a positive impact by sharing our stories.
  • Had my stern pipe checked at 50 with a colonoscopy as part of my check-up. I asked the doctor to completely knock me out, so I woke up afterward with no memory of the procedure. They found three precancerous polyps that they removed. I'm 52 now and just completed my mail-in Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT), which is free in Canada, easy to do at home, and I'm glad to report that the report came back clear.
  • More needed awareness , Dr Mike i appreciate good education on healthier life and better living 🙏
  • Given the toxicity of the food supply, this video is recommended. I had diagnosed colorectal cancer in 2005, with a surgical solution of removal of the whole colon. My diet pre-surgery was what was considered normal. Nowadays diet is special.