REPUBLICAN Backs Harris, PUMMELS Trump In Op-Ed

Published 2024-07-29
Mayor John Giles, the Republican mayor of Mesa, Arizona, said the Republican party failed to do a much-needed course-correct. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. Your Support is Crucial to the Show:

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"Despite criticism on her handling of border policy, Vice President Kamala Harris scored an endorsement from Mayor John Giles, the Republican mayor of Mesa, Arizona.

In an op-ed published by the Arizona Republic on Monday, Giles made the case for Harris as president over his own party’s nominee, former President Donald Trump. As he invoked the memory of the late Sen. John McCain and his motto “Country First,” Giles said to readers and his fellow Republicans: “I call on other Arizona Republicans to join me in choosing country over party this election and to vote against Donald Trump.”"


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All Comments (21)
  • @YesJustice
    HE endorsed the TRUTH; period!!!!!💯💯💯He couldn't continue living in lies
  • @EJONES-zk4it
    So all the Republicans are not Trump puppets? You mean to tell me some Ronald Reagans Republicans are still living wow
  • No matter what good political news we get, the USA is STILL blighted with the evils of materialist greed and corporate corruption. We need to look more deeply within and realize it'll take more than playing around with politics to fix this.
  • I would prefer Tim Walz. I think at this moment, dems are so happy to be rid of Biden, they'll be a lot more tolerant than usual. If the DNC had held a legit primary, I don't think Joe or Kamala would have been the favorites but compared to Trump getting re-elected, we'll take Kamala.
  • Walz is more personable than Kelly and comes across as for THE PEOPLE.
  • I'd endorse Charles Manson over tRuMp. What was that ? Charles Manson is dead ? So , what's your point ? 😏😏😏
  • @adame7149
    Why the left is becoming less tolerant. As a Millennial, growing up, I had a sense that America was a solid middle-class society, our foreign policy was benevolantly designed to PREVENT the horrors of World War II, and that Civil Rights of the 1960s fixed our racial inequalities. I thought I only had to sit back on this secure foundation and wait for American life to get even better. More prosperous, more tolerant, more enlightened. What I learned through 20 years of my own studies is that the country was backsliding just as I had the impression that we were reaching a pinnacle. That the mid-20th century reforms were sloppier than I believed/sabotaged from day one. And I can see exactly how older generations failed to finish the job on ensuring that we don’t backslide into the attrocious conditions of the 20th century. The generations alive today have to finish the job that wasn’t finished in the latter 20th. Young people have to be willing to rip the ills of our systems out at the root. Even if there approaches offend older people who want moderation and civility for their own comfort. I believe that if we can’t transform modern Western societies so that we can handle complexity and equity, humanity WILL wipe itself out. I am sure that people understand the existetial urgency of the threat, which is why they lack the patience to deal with people pushing them back from progress that needed to be made 20 years ago.
  • @jamesgiller6182
    Cenk and Ana contradicted themselves in under a minute by first saying that people on the Democratic side don't generally forgive/welcome previous adversaries, then immediately admitting that former critics of Harris now embrace her.
  • @erz31
    Thank you John Giles ! You are the proof not all Republicans are ignorant !
  • @Elena-rt9yu
    Let’s hope ur head , doesn’t explode Anna……Kamala is gonna be hard to beat. He is a convict.
  • trump blocking the bipartisan border bill (waiting on a tragedy to exploit it) is like trump setting up a "false flag attack on America 🤔
  • Kamala Harris has given many Americans hope again for a normal existence although the fight is just beginning she has made a fantastic start with a calm,efficient approach and a smile or two. Trump freaking out now as he as an opponent in every way better than him
  • Mark Kelly to me is a good idea, in the sense that the biggest next boom in the global economy after AI is likely going to be the Industrialization of Space, because it will be enabled by AI/ML technologies, and the VP is the person from the Administration that deals with NASA and Space affairs. So while the Industrialization of Space is not going to really start to happen for several decades, it behooves us to get as early as possible jump start on that as possible, it is clear that China is pushing for it, and while Russia is falling father and farther behind, that is a temporary situation, because none of anyone's political opinions mean anything, if NATO aligned nations are not the ones dominating in space. And no, I am not talking about Musk colonizing Mars, his Mars plan is silly, and does not offer anything in return to the majority of people on earth. Where as mining and manufacturing as much as we can in space is great for the economy in the post AI landscape, it will take sophisticated integration of AI/ML of robotics to do the heavy lifting, because you could never lift enough material into space in order to build out the needed infrastructure to make a difference, so you would need to build it insitu, which really is a job best suited to robotics. Moving that kind of infrastructure off earth would help with climate change, and pollution, and would generate enough taxable wealth in order to pay for everyone's healthcare, and UBI, which will be needed all that much more as AI permeates all industries, and creates a massive reduction in humans needed for jobs. Having a space based industry would also help mitigate Nuclear War, because the point of Nuclear War is to destroy a nation's ability to further conduct war, and if you have mobile space based Manufacturing and Mining operations, you can never be sure than you eliminated someone's ability to respond in kind, and Space is the ultimate high ground, and the tech necessary to operate in space, and send goods and materials back to the earth is the same technology needed in order to drop rocks, or what have you on a hostile nation of your choice. So at best, all you would ever do with foreseeable technology is fight to a stalemate, meaning that people will have to find ways to get along.
  • Aloha ! It's time for Mr. Trump to move on & maybe get a Day job & find out how the Americans people who are really trying to live the American Dream !
  • Why is Cenk being intentionally dense regarding the reason progressives are backing Kamala Harris?
  • Yes yes, Go Kamala! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Till you are replaced after your debate...
  • Come one Come all🎉 kamala now 🎉😊🎉😅🎉2025🎉😊🎉😅🎉😊🎉🎉