This Is Why The Demons Asked Jesus For The Pigs (Biblical Stories Explained)

Published 2022-10-20
►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through
►Footage licensed through and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.


Title: Why Did The Demons Ask Jesus For The Pigs (Biblical Stories Explained)



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Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.

All Comments (21)
  • @soejuatti
    I'm going to tell you how I was saved. I had carried so much guilt, pain, regrets suffering the consequences of bad choices. I was locked up in an overcrowded jail dorm meant to hold 16 women in a corrupt little illinois town. Completely felt I had nobody on my side, I physically felt too heavy to go on anymore and I was giving up. I laid with my back to the room crying silently with a scratchy wool blanket over my head. and in my head I started a conversation with Jesus/God. I asked if he wanted to do anything with what was left of me, because if he didn't do something, I'm letting go. It dawned on me what it meant when Jesus died for our sins, translated to me that he will carry what burdens our souls if we surrender it. So I acknowledged everything that made me guilty, sad, I acknowledged things I had done that only I knew about. Al the baggage that weighed me down. I acknowledged, asked for forgiveness guideness and visualized me wadding it up and tossing it in a trash bag. Took me over a half a day, this conversation with my savior. When I let him take that huge bag from me, It was totally clear that, I didn't have to carry anything on my heart anymore, but there's a catch, I also had to put the idea of revenge and payback in his hands too. And to trust that whatever happens is his will, and his will is what I put my faith and trust in as being right. So my faith is rewarded by his protection. When I came up out of that blanket, I went directly to the shower and washed it all away, when I came out I felt clean clear, alive and everybody saw that I went through a change in just a few hours, people were drawn to me that I had never met, and wanted to do bible discussions every night before lights out, because they saw me read the Bible before I went to sleep and first thing before my feet hit the floor in the morning. I had a genuine love for everybody and treated people that way even when they were horrible. I was saved alone and baptized alone. No preacher did that for me. I quit drinking, taking psyche meds because I took back control of my life. No "Dr" who doesn't know me can't just prescribe a pill that makes me have the personality of a dishrag thus a more acceptable citizen. I had true power and freedom and it was the sunshining on me all the time. My savior delivered me from exhaustion and filled my soul with radiant energy. I hope this helps anybody. It's real.
  • @annonemus21
    When Jesus talked to the demon-possessed man, He was NOT talking to the man but the demons. So when the legion begged for Him to not condemn him, it was the demons talking, not the man.
  • It’s hard to see how true the Bible is until you’ve seen something like this for yourself. I was with a girl I would see occasionally at night basically sinning being lustful. Doing drugs(no hallucinogens) I was pretty much sober on this night. I really thought in my head this is not where I should be and it felt like maybe God had given up on me.(I know now that was the enemy in my head). One night I got there and she had been drinking a little. Not much though. She wasn’t a believer yet. She started grinning with this evil smile and speaking in weird riddles. Also playing very weird music that she would NEVER play. She plays lady Gaga poker face and tells me I should look up the song backwards. I said you got a phone, why don’t you? She said no you have to be the one to do it. So I did and on the chorus it said do it die do it die and some other horrifying stuff. I knew something insane was going on but I wasn’t sure what. All of the sudden she says turn it off right now! I said but you were the one playing it? After I did her breathing started getting worse and worse like someone was choking her. She said turn it back on now! Please! I need it! I said you don’t need a song by lady Gaga. Is she your savior? She doesn’t control you. It went through my mind at that time maybe it was possession but I still wasn’t sure what to do. Then I told her a bible verse. The devil is roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. I had told her bible verses in the past and I could see at times it was really making her think so I was certain she was possessed when she said you don’t speak about that here. At first I was just like ok? And she went back her seductive trance like dances she’d been doin all night and was on the bed laying down acting very seductive. I decided it was time to just start praying over her whether she liked it or not. I said Jesus Christ please deliver us from evil! I don’t even deserve to speak these words as bad of a Christian as I’ve been but please lord heal her. Take away whatever is inside of her! Just like that she snapped out of it. Went back to the girl I knew. She didn’t remember ANY OF IT. I told her what happened and said do you accept Jesus as your lord and savior now? She said yes. Do you feel like the darkness has left? She said felt like it couldn’t control her anymore but it was still lurking around. But I believe since she accepted him she could no longer be possessed but of course as true Christians we know that while it may still be around us we have a way to fight back and it can’t take over us. I saw then that God did have a plan after all and I was right where he wanted me. He uses very imperfect people to do epic things. I never thought it would be like some possession movie but in this instance it was. I think when she said to turn it off that was the real her stepping back into the driver seat for a second. Also it shows how powerful the music we listen to is. I believe much of it is spells opening people up to demonic attack. Sorry it was a lot to read. I hope someone is helped by reading all of this. Just know it’s all real what the Bible says. God bless. Thank you lord for giving me this experience to share with others.
  • @gregv.k7919
    Im a middle child of a now deceased mean alcoholic father who was an atheist. I was told on more than occasion at a very young age "there is no God". I remember crying and asking for God to help bc I never knew what I did to deserve the punishments I got. That's when my father would tell me there is no God. My father was always around but I never once knew him sober my entire life. All I knew is he spent his whole life miserable and always said he would change but never could not even for a day. I know he was treated pretty bad by his father and for the longest time I held a grudge bc I thought my father was just an a**hole bc I thought there could be no possible other explanation. I was in school when they started teaching evolution so growing up I really didn't hear or know to much of anything about God. I went through the first 35 years of my life (give or take a few years) not believing in God bc my whole entire life just seemed so unfair. My parents NEVER taught me anything and I mean I can't tell you one thing my parents taught me, my grades were horrible all through school. I never took a book home, I never did any homework, I don't remembered ever passing a test and I was the youngest person in my class. My parents fought every single night and day and it was screaming matches every single day. I was always tired I'd sleep in every class. Since my parents always fought I just left and I would walk to go play basketball at the school for hours apon hours until the lights shut off or I was to hungry to play anymore. The only reason I never failed a grade is bc I was a good basketball player for a D4 school and I won a lot of games, broke records and won championships. But my parents never watched me play, well my dad did once and he stayed a couple minutes into the first quarter then left to go drink alcohol even tho he drank a bunch before the game. I spent almost my whole life just angry. I started lifting early bc I felt like I needed to protect myself and I did but I hurt almost every friend I've ever had bc I couldn't control my anger and not to brag but there was only a couple people in my school who would of even had a ok chance at beating me up (and trust me back then I needed my ass kicked bc I was a dick head alot just like my father but bc of the anger I just didn't see it). I'm 37 years old now and I don't have any friends, and I don't blame them I blame myself. I became a huge drug addict and I really never thought I'd be alive at this age. But it wasn't until I got rid of my own demons and trust me I grew up with demons in my house and now I know I would bet that my father was a good man. I believe demons go from generation to generation. I have an older brother who has the exact same characteristics as my father. They both will do everything in there power to NEVER admit the truth. I definitely see why God does not want us to judge. Bc we don't see who's really controlling the body of the person that you think is just a bad person. God DOES NOT make bad people and God does not make weak people. I blamed God for so long bc I just did not understand. It took me 37 years to realize God didn't make my life unfair. God gave me my life bc he knew I was strong enough to live the hard life I lived. Whether you believe me or not one thing I can promise is I've done more drugs in my life I don't blame you for not believing me bc I should NOT be here. Ive wanted to die so many times through out my life. I'm a completey different person now and I'm still working on myself. The person I used to be I wouldn't want to be friends with now so I'm sorry to any and everyone that I've ever hurt. From my experience I've never seen a person happy unless they had Jesus in their life. I know I didn't know what happy felt like til I found Jesus. If there is ANY kids out there who don't feel special, just bc you don't feel it doesn't mean your not. It just means you haven't found why your special yet. But you will if you seek you will find.
  • @chicali707
    The demon of our time is called addiction.
  • I'm a recovering alcoholic, cancersurvivor and backslider and more I thank Jesus Christ for what he has done for me and others that can relate and have made a serious decision to change for the greater of good and the kingdom of God !
  • @thegiftsofgod
    The power of prayer never ceases to amaze me! What an incredible story and what great comfort knowing are prayers are being heard❤
  • @mreza84
    I am not Christian, but I have always loved Jesus ❤️ Ex-Muslim ☺️👍
  • All praises to the Most High Thank You Jesus for dying for our sins ❤
  • @tammi67able
    I love Jesus!!! Great break down if this scripture! Completely healed no more ever to return! Hallelujah
  • Jesus rocks. He is the greatest gift to mankind. I am so happy to be a born a Christian and live as a Christian.
  • @meagain6008
    🚩🚩🚩..."THEY WERE MORE AFRAID OF A FREE MAN THAN A POSSESSED MAN." Very powerful vid!!! ♥️
  • @MissAmazanda
    I have to tell this since this video is on the subject, I have been a Christian for a long time but anyways 2 years ago a guy in his late 20's moved in my neighborhood and I've been around many people before with mental illness but this guy was something different. I won't use his name but he would sit outside his apartment and cry hysterically, then 5 minutes later he would laugh the most cynical laugh i ever heard then half hour later he would pace around the neighborhood and threaten to kill people, his mom moved in with him for little while but he busted her windshield out of her car and threatened to kill her, he would walk out of his apartment late at night and sit picking cigarettes out of people's ashtrays with his clothes most of the way off so basically naked, one night he was sitting under a pine tree close to my place indian style just staring straight ahead for hours sitting on a bunch of pine needles...every time the police were called on him he would run into the woods and hide, so basically he hated everyone and wanted to kill them but when he was around me he would say "hello neighbor" and was totally respectful and would not say anything bad to me but I was the only one....I even gave him a ride to a relatives anyways if there was ever an example of a modern day person possessed by a demon spirit this guy had to be it..the guy eventually got evicted from our community for threatening to kill the people that owned it...Also i recall talking to his mom once and she said a mental health center had tried every kind of mental health drug on him that seemed to exist and nothing seemed to phase him....In my short 42 years of life so far one thing I can definitely say is I've seen the evil that men do that live for Satan and the beauty of what men do that live for God...don't fool's a struggle for your soul, your life and your very existence and there are two spirits at work in this world...
  • @Big88Country
    I was saved when I was 8 or 9 years old. I have lived a blessed life ever since! Sure I strayed away when I was a teenager, my family didn't attend church and never talked about God. But throughout my life I have prayed, maintaining a relationship with him. I truly believe that is the only reason I am still here. I did everything wrong and nothing right throughout my 20's but I did continue to pray. Folks, if I can get you to understand only one thing, that is to begin a relationship with him and trust in him to deliver you! He will and you will find yourself being blessed more than you deserve. Thank you Jesus for this life and all the blessings you have poured over me, I do not deserve any of it, but thank you for saving this sinner and welcoming me to your throne!
  • I grew up in the streets, the streets raised me and made me a gangster, I was a blood, I sold dope. Been in shoot outs, fights, in and out of jail since age 17, I robbed people and got robbed. I was a drunkard, fornicator, I use to club and pop pills, but i had a encounter with JESUS while in jail facing 5-10 years.. and JESUS made me over again at age 23.. 8yrs later hallelujah I'm still free and born again, JESUS a mighty deliverer bless his Holy name
  • @peterjon777
    Wow that's powerful. I never really understood that bit of the story. It makes a lot of sense and you make a good point. I like to listen to all different interpretations of Gods word and then ponder sometimes for years through trial and error , prayer and meditation. He always comes through because I trust Him 😊
  • I can’t help but to cry this is so beautiful we see soo many homeless people just like this walking around lost possessed by demons screaming so helplessly I wish I had the ability to bring jesus into their life
  • We have authority through our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST TO CAST OUT DEMONS!! Praise our dear LORD!! I love you JESUS!!
  • @Grunt49
    Put on the full armor of God.Pray for protection,strength and mercy.Steel yourself,gird your loins because nothing can defeat you if God is behind you.Amen
  • @jdheath5054
    Jesus is our Brother as God is our Father the sooner we put then first in our life the better.