Drew Gilbert Ejected in the Middle of At Bat Super Regional

Published 2022-06-10
Great work by the crew to keep order and control of the game.

Classic comments by the announcer...with zero context, instantly assumes that the umpire is in the wrong.

All Comments (21)
  • @jpg901c
    Crew Chief releases a statement on Gilbert's ejection: “Tennessee #1 Drew Gilbert argued several pitches during the top of the second inning, steaming in from cente rfield. To begin the next inning, I talked to the player between innings, warning him to direct his comments only to his team, not our crew or the other team. He said OK and that he just gets excited. “During the fifth inning following strike one, Tennessee batter Gilbert yelled an expletive, followed by another expletive as he walked out of the box and was subsequently ejected.” –Billy Van Raaphorst
  • @pyrobryan
    I love how the announcers were like "That's terrible! You can't toss a player like that. That's just uncal...oh, yeah, he deserved it."
  • @masonlarsen2374
    Gilbert looks stupid standing there with his mouth open like he didn't know why he got tossed
  • @Raider025
    Turning around and telling the umpire he is "f'ing terrible" is a surefire way to get a one-way ticket back to the locker rooms for the day.
  • @getreal1175
    Assistant coach leaving the dugout to argue is automatic!
  • @57Alfie
    “Gilbert is a class act.” Said no one!
  • @jpg901c
    Classic comments by the announcer 00:40..with zero context, instantly assumes that the umpire is in the wrong.
  • @jasonb4187
    My favorite part is the announcers alluding to the fact that the umpires "watch twitter" and haven't umped a lot of Tennessee games as if that made Gilbert less of a jackass lol
  • @mac2894
    The announcer admitting he doesn’t know what was said but saying the ejection was wrong has to be the biggest piece of stupidity this week.
  • We, as umpire, should apply rules only when it doesn't matter? These announcers should be fined
  • @MaydayAggro
    Yet again commentators making statement with no actual knowledge whatsoever and then walking it back.
  • @johng0807
    This Gilbert comes across as a kid who never got told "no" growing up. How can you act that shocked after saying that to an umpire and getting tossed?
  • Should have ejected the announcers for being fools as well. What an embarrassment to the school and the state of Tennessee
  • @juan833blue
    The last time the Tennessee Pitching Coach Frank Anderson appeared this season; he was promptly suspended 3 games for this incident. To make things worse, Notre Dame wound up going to Omaha.
  • @10sshirley
    Great learning lesson for the batter. Time will tell if it sticks.
  • @mikeday6047
    So the announcers immediately saying, "you can't do that", but know nothing about what transpired before this to set it up, is just bad announcing. The announcers shouldn't be making assumptions about why he got tossed. Gilbert was warned in the 2nd inning (while playing centerfield) about directing comments at the umpire and was told to stop or he'd be tossed. Three innings later, you saw what happened, and if you can read lips, you know what he said. Don't show up the umpire, don't curse at the umpire, don't argue balls and strikes, and once you've been warned, expect to get tossed if you say anything again. And for the announcers, don't assume a player is being tossed for a single incident. Assume the umpire is doing his job and trying to keep the game under control.