Bill Hader Reveals 'Barry' Alternate NoHo Hank Ending They Had to Reshoot | Making A Scene

Publicado 2023-06-23
Bill Hader (Barry), Anthony Carrigan (NoHo Hank), Stephen Root (Monroe Fuches) as well as 1st AD Gavin Kleintop, Stunt Coordinator Wade Allen, Executive Producer Aida Rogers, and Cinematographer Carl Herse walk us through the tragic final shoot out scene where fan favorite NoHo Hank dies and why the team behind the show decided to reshoot it.

Variety Making A Scene presented by HBO | max

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ItsXev
    “We’re going to reshoot your death.” “Oh thank God!” Is the most NoHo response.
  • @scolkereybel
    Crazy that Fuche’s actor said this is something he would never do normally, when he pulled it off so incredibly well
  • @Moviesan69
    When NoHo Hank dies and you hear the birds from Santa Fe chirping away reminiscent of his happier times with Cristobal at the beginning of the season, that's really when the waterworks came.
  • @jeremysiron9622
    NoHo Hank is one of the best television characters to come around in a while in my opinion…. And if you don’t agree with that, “like Sonny & Cher said, “that’s on you babe”.” 😆
  • Look, as Season 4 went on, it was clear the show was reaching greatness, but the standout, among stellar actors, was Stephen Root. His transformation to a pater familias gangster from Barry father figure and then instantly snap back to tender father figure when he heard Barry had a son was.... the way you could see the tenderness fill his eyes, even if nothing really changed... I was floored by that scene. And the way he covered the child in the shootout. Just wow. That moment took the show up to a higher level for me.
  • @thexbigxgreen
    Bill Hader is such a treasure, he blends comedy and drama so seamlessly, and he has an excellent eye for talent. Anthony Carrigan and Stephen Root were the perfect casting choices for their characters
  • @adelnarimani79
    Barry has so much heart and talent put into it. It truly is one of the best shows ever created. Excited to see where Bill will go artistically as a director.
  • @delfin5418
    Seeing Bill Hader go from funny characters such as Officer Slater and Stefon to tragic hitman Barry Berkman was astonishing to see him evolve as a performer. Comedic actors always make a seamless transition to dramatic roles, they nail it every time.
  • @saml302
    can we just appreciate how great the range of Stephen Root is? absolutely incredible performer.
  • @SophiaAphrodite
    When you listen to all these interviews. You realize why this show was a masterpiece. Hader was not the typical entitled director that forced the vision when it did not work. He listened to his people and their meetings talking about the show and how people recall characters and seasons . He had a vested interest in making the show memorable from the perspective of the viewers and those who worked with him felt the same because he listened to them.
  • @tzimiable
    Barry was a 10/10 show. Writing and casting....good lord it was amazing.
  • @moonchild._
    So nice to see Barry cast talking about the show on camera. There are only a few press interviews this season, and it's not enough to feed my broken heart post the finale. Can keep listening to Bill Hader talk for hours.
  • @notforone
    What a beautiful show with a sad & funny heart, and a strong, steady vision. I will miss watching this modern masterpiece every Sunday. It's been an absolute treat to watch Bill Hader evolve as a creator (especially standing out with ronnie/lily and 710N) but also as a leader and showrunner. I'd also like to appreciate the incredibly talented crew and cast of Barry - and Alec Berg, the co-creator of the show who was there to guide Bill from the very first day, giving him the vote of confidence as a director/writer, when no one else did.
  • Whatever projects Bill has in the future I hope Anthony is in it because I love they work especially with Stephen Root such a masterpiece
  • @cork2255
    I just want to say thank you crew of Barry. Seriously. This show was pleasure to experience front to back. I never felt like I was trying to watch this show. Every episode flowed into the next as if I was standing on the sidewalk in LA watching Berkman 😡 Bill Hader, you are class. Thank you for inspiring me. No more waiting. I’m already starting to write my own stuff!
  • @silenceoftheyams
    i love how much respect Bill has for the cast and crew of the show. it’s really inspirational
  • @Squiggly6942
    Seeing that Anthony just busts out Noho Hank randomly is fuckin great! Can't stop smiling at that.
  • @SidPhoenix2211
    Barry has cemented its place in my list of "My Favourite Shows of All-Time That Strangely Enough Start with the Letter 'B'", alongside Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul <3
  • Bill Hader has proven a talent far beyond comedy. He is the epitome of what a good actor should be. Writer, character, producer, film-maker, guru and handyman. The story, the places, the nuance of Barry has shown me that I wish to see a million more series and movies made by this man. He was put with an amazing cast and not only did he shine, but everyone else absolutely blew their characters out of the water. Bill, you're one of the good ones, my friend.