German WW2 Direction Finder in use.

Published 2023-07-17
WW2 Germans radio direction finder used.

All Comments (21)
  • @ntal5859
    That swan looked like at about 88 degree and quickly relocated when you went to report.... The swan is clearly transmitting.
  • @Valvulo
    A few days ago, this video came back to my mind, since I needed to trace down the source of a very annoying noise in my neighbourhood, which was jamming the whole RF spectrum all the way from 150 to 3000KHz. All I did was to walk up and down the street with a portable AM radio, but it took me some time to find a good null point, since the noise was really strong. In the end, the source was inside a newly-established mechanical shop, a few houses apart from mine. After talking with the owner, I found out the culprit was a compressor motor, which he agreed to fix after I proved him he was against the law for producing so much electromagnetic pollution! By the way, this video (and all the others) are amazing. This is what gives me joy for being into a cool hobby as this!
  • @cringemaki
    It is scary how folks back in the 40's had this kind of equipment. Being a spy and having the thrill of Germans possessing a precise device to find you out; must have been "fun". Excellent video, sir!
  • @talking.points
    this is historically fantastic that somebody knows how this was done and has the equipment
  • @DO7NE
    Absolut fantastisches Video. Diese alte Technik in Aktion zu sehen und dann noch erklärt zu bekommen. Einfach toll. Macht bitte weiter so und viel Spaß. Liebe Grüße aus Leipzig/ Deutschland 73 de Marco, DO7NE
  • Fin intressant video! Tack för den. För mig väcker det många minnen av de "rävjakter" jag deltog i som ung. Det blev många krysspejlingar, utom när man själv låg räv.
  • My dad used to be amateur radio operator and with his help I gave a friday afternoon presentation long ago in elementary school on this very subject. Most presentations were about cats, dogs and pet fish. You can imagine the surprise and excitement received when the presentation was about secret spy networks and triangulation such as in your video! My dad though me the exact same drawing techniques for triangulation. Thanks Helge, great video!
  • @cagedrex6584
    accuracy under a degree all these years later is amazing
  • @dev_echo
    a very cool piece of technology
  • I'm downright jealous of this video! Big praise that the device is actually used in the field, not just displayed in collection shelf. The video concretizes wery well how the device works and how it was operated. BTW I'm happy that the operator of the agent radio got away before the raid, I don't dare to think what would have happened to him if he was caught.
  • @pherdantler707
    An amazing collection of functional period equipment and an excellent demonstration of use. Thanks for sharing!!
  • @wikeroy
    Hello Helge, this is a great video. Very impressive that the equipment is still working after all these years. It was a nice surprise to find you here on YouTube now in 2024. I was your neighbour in Dyrgravveien in Kongsberg in the 1980'ies. You drove a 1/4 ton (?) military truck back then. Regards from Kenneth.
  • @scuzz152
    Fascinating video! Your knowledge and hard work to first find and collect all this rare equipment is amazing. I repair guitar amplifiers built from the fifties to the eighties so I have a small idea of how much work it must be just to get this gear working and calibrated. Bravo! I read a lot of military history from WW2 and always wondered exactly how D/F equipment worked and was used. Very grateful to you for an excellent lesson!
  • @TheRealBanana
    That was a fascinating demonstration, the accuracy was impressive to say the least.
  • Thanks for a brilliant video. I spent many years in the (S) branch of the navy and appreciate the effort you have put into collecting and maintaining the equipment as well as demonstrating its use. The RN version of this set for HF was the FH4. For MF it was the FM12. This had a "goniometer" to detect the true bearing from its reciprocal. We had a little verse, "Turning clockwise, signal rise - ship on other bearing lies. Turning clockwise signal falls - you've got the bas..rd by the b.lls. Cheers 73 VK5WB
  • beautiful to see such old equipment in use and somebody who is passionate about his hobby. Cool Video and greets from Germany.
  • @zaxmaxlax
    That's what I pay my internet for, high quality content
  • @localsheriff
    This is so geeky - and I LOVE it!! ✌I did have a fairly good idea of how transmitters were located via triangulation but never exactly how it was performed IRL. Thanks for showing the procedure of utilizing such a unique and fascinating (in its time also highly feared) device of Nazi equipment. Considering how - understandably - HATED any Third Reich objects were in postwar Norway it's a miracle this device has managed to survive at all. Great and informative vid! 👍
  • @bravo2xray
    Thank you Helge, for preservation of how the technology of WW2 was used by Techniques of the German Signal Corps to locate British or Norwegian Spies. I can only hope you continue to post your amazing Historical Techniques used to fight against the opponent who wanted world dominated. 73's from all of us Lone Star State Hams and Veterans. #BravoZulu 🎖