INVERTIBRATES ON A PLANET WITH ONLY CATTLE? - Project Apollo(Cattle seedworld) Ep. 4

Published 2023-12-16
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Planet Apollo is an abandoned planet-wide cattle farm. The only vertebrates are cattle, but they're not all that's been evolving. In their shadow, invertebrates have been thriving. So what forms could insects take in such a unique ecosystem?

This is part of my seedworld series, Project Apollo. Seed worlds are planets that were 'seeded' with earth animals, that are then left to evolve independent of Earth in this new context. This can result in extreme diversification, reminiscent of Darwin's Finches or mammals post K-T Extinction Impact. Serina, a natural history of the world of birds by Sheather888/Dylan Bajda and Tales of Kaimere by Keenan Taylor are two examples of popular seedworlds.

Most insect groups could have representatives on Apollo, except for ants, wasps, termites and most parasitic groups.


I definitely didn't cover all the insect species on Apollo in this video. Countless unique forms have probably evolved, thrived, and went extinct, which I might cover in future episodes. Let me know if that's something you're interested in seeing.

Sorry about how long it took for me to get this video out. I've been procrastinating A LOT, but hopefully the next video will be done a lot sooner lol

If you've got fanart you'd like shown in the series, post it in the r/speculativeevolution subreddit and I'll probably see it. But don't flood the sub of course, and I can't guaranty it'll be in the vid.


Original concept by reddit user Bteatesthighlander1

Art by:
Dylan Roca


Fanart by CrabdominalPain.

Credit to those who drew their respective images in the video, such as Keenan Taylor and Dylan Bajda. Most other images belong to me, can be found on Wikipedia, or are protected by fair use. Some have been modified/edited.

♫Music is from Youtube's Creator Music and does not belong to me.

All Comments (21)
  • I watched a documentary recently that focused on sleuthing the reasons for the giant arthropods demise, and the oxygen rule is apparently not as strong as people think. Apparently meganeura (giant dragonfly) species existed all the way into the Jurassic.
  • While oxygen levels do influence the size of arthropods, even our current atmosphere can support a cat sized arthropod. Coconut crabs are a good example of their potential.
  • @clan741
    Plot twist, the bugs became cows. Everything eventually evolves into cow.
  • @ikengaspirit3063
    I think there should be soy and other calorie dense plants that humans can also eat. They are often included in feed.
  • @jgr7487
    Borrowing grasshoppers? The Seeders could have seeded the planet with many generations of locusts like those that swarmed the USA last year. If enough groups are seeded, there could be an annual invasion of locusts, which would compete with cattle for grass, but would also be a source of protein (& other stuff) for the cattle. The ones that aren't eaten will fertilise the fields. One very important thing that is missing are trees. It's important to have places where cattle can protect themselves from the sun, & cows do eat fruits to add more vitamines (& other stuff) to their diet.
  • @BigBossMan538
    Armored cattle would be interesting. Possible in smaller species that need defense against predators. Something like a cow pangolin or armadillo. Could eventually lead to cow glyptodonts!
  • So the next episode is about mega fauna? What about "mega flora"? I'm intrigued what plant may take up the niche analogous to trees.
  • @battledome3226
    I can definitely see Asterionoides turning into a megafauna, they could hibernate like bears eating a lot then going into a great sleep.
  • @NumerousBadgers
    It might be interesting to cover cattle specializing in insectivory. You’ve only really covered the ones that hunt other cattle, and it doesn’t feel realistic to me to let such an enormous amount of protein go to waste. Loving this series, though! I can’t wait for more.
  • @caedenide8721
    I'll call the spider "Megarachne", meaning "big spider".
  • @chrisgaming9567
    Excellent video! If you want more ideas for invertebrate evolutionary pathways: . Krill evolving into a clade resembling Eurypterids . Earthworm, Millipede and Spider clades returning to the ocean . Pill bugs evolving into trilobite-like creatures . Deep-sea gigantism among all of the above . Dragonflies evolving bee-like hive societies
  • @mistery479
    For the grasshopper I propose "Neotitanoptera cicadaformi" Neo: new in Greek, titanoptera: a group of grasshopper-like priedator insects equipped with raptorial legs, cicadaformi: from Latin "cicada-shaped" for the wings and growth behavior.
  • @deralex4350
    I'd love to see the big spider called "Arctosatitan" Arctosa is the genus for the burrowing wolf spiders and you know what titan means so I think it fits pretty well^^
  • @malusignatius
    For the spider genus: Buculovenator: 'Calf hunter' For the Grasshopper genus: Legiogryllus: 'Legion Grasshopper/cricket', a reference to it's mass emergence behaviour.
  • @thepikamence1250
    Here are my picks for the names: Deinoscelis (terrible legs) for the giant spiders, and Trypanogryllus (burrowing grasshopper) for the huge locusts Also, I could see coleoid cephalopods like squid or cuttlefish moving into the niche left by fish (assuming they were among the plankton or aquatic life seeded)
  • @Liethen
    I suspect several of those plants would evolve into tree, megaherb, and bamboo forms. And now I imagine arboreal cows. And flying squirrel cows. And flying cows. And burrowing mole cows.
  • @MilaFredka
    The foot long spiders could be called cowlions (like ant lions, which dig burrows and hunt ants, but these hunt cows so you know) Their scientific name could be neopalpares, meaning new ant lions
  • @-SA-Dushes
    What about evolution of trees? Different plants on earth becomed trees, I think it's good idea