r/MaliciousCompliance | Me: Sure thing!

Published 2023-07-18

All Comments (21)
  • @ashethefox22
    I love that EmKay is starting to branch into more story subreddits, rather than just the image ones. Stories keep me in. Memes I forget about.
  • As someone who saw this video 56 seconds ago, I can proudly say I watched the entire thing and am going to leave a comment that will be excellent feedback for the creator.
  • “HOA’s are trash” truer words were never spoken! I DO NOT live in an HOA and just hearing how stupid they are makes my blood boil INSTANTLY
  • @mr.cobalt6695
    I love that the censor is gone Robin's pure anger is really statisfying to hear for some reason
  • @Gr3nadgr3gory
    Any boss that fires you and tells you to train your replacement deserves the level of work they get out of that person who was OBVIOUSLY trained WRONG.
  • @Kattlarv
    You gotta remember: Corporate environments are ALWAYS short term. They just stroll in, look at what happened last month and base EVERYTHING on that. As companies are designed to NEVER think more than a fiscal quarter ahead.
  • I read this one sci-fi story where, in a company where some humans and other aliens had been doing things not exactly by the book, but getting quotas and being more efficient than the company's convoluted rules. Then, a new boss was hired, and wanted to run things EXACTLY as their company rulebook dictated. The human worker, not getting payed enough for this shit, proceeded to learn Every SINGLE company protocol to the letter. The next time the boss tried to do something at all, the human sprung the trap of beurocracy and COMPLETELY BY THE BOOK made the boss's life a living hell "Oh you want to do X? You'll need forms 7, 12, and 36." "Where do I get those?" "Oh you're filing an inquiry? You'll need a Z-17" "Go get me a Z-17" "I'm not authorized to do that" "who is?" "X person in X place" "I need to see them" "Then you'll have to file forms 6, 72, and 29." And so on and so on until the boss got so fed up he went back to letting them do as they pleased as long as quotas were met, because doing things COMPLETELY BY THE BOOK in that system, was a living hell, and he did NOT want that, despite earlier thinking he did. Malicious Compliance, bay bee.
  • @CryptoDagger
    The uncensored swearing in this video is a pleasant change
  • I worked at a GameStop for about a year. I always felt a sense of satisfaction when I'd explain something to a customer (usually something about a policy like fir trade ins) and they'd demand to speak to the manager, only for the manager to tell them exactly what i just said. Also my manager was awesome. Loved working there
  • @Aderon
    I love the manager's reaction as he realized what had happened with the ice cream. That's the sound of someone who realizes that he really should have been more clear, and not a dick.
  • @PureChaos
    The reason the lady's car had to leave the repair shop before being pulled over is due to the shop being private property and not a public roadway. She should have had it towed, after the mechanic let it down.
  • @SirPreyas
    11:24-12:54 "Blast and harrass me" wait what?! OP did nothing wrong! The customer was driving an unsafe car that was not street legal and willingly signed a paper proving that she was denying the repairs! She even called the cops! OP did the right thing.
  • 16:02 As someone who work in a workshop/petrol station hybrid, buying a radio for the workshop stopped them from going insane during the quieter spells, so I can totally see their delight about that.
  • My HOA was dissolved after I was the only one to show up for the meetings three weeks running. The HOA rules were that you needed a quorum, and if not enough people showed, the meeting was rescheduled for the next week with the quorum requirement being half as many residents. If there was no quorum three times in a row, the HOA was dissolved for non-participation. However, if no one from the neighborhood showed, that didn't count toward the three failed quorums, so I made sure to show up for all three meetings. The only reason I learned all this was because I showed up to the first meeting to point out that I was getting weed notices for the land around the community mailboxes (next to my house) which was supposed to be maintained by the HOA. The only other person there, the professional HOA rep, explained the process to me. I generally take care of the weeds around the mailboxes, but the first time I didn't, the city sent me a notice that they were violating city ordinance and I could be ticketed. I ended up calling the office in question and reading the HOA agreement to them, which said that in the event of the dissolution of the HOA, the land became city property, which meant it was their job to weed it. The city throws herbicide on city property that isn't supposed to have plants, so they would have just needed to start doing so to that spot. They never did, but they stopped sending me notices, so I just occasionally cut back the weeds on my own when I feel like it.
  • This subreddit is basically "I did exactly what you told me to do, I just did a bit of trolling that still follows the rules that you gave."
  • It's funny. The first one isn't even malicious compliance. It's just actual compliance. Malicious compliance is normally reading into the request and doing something that you know they didn't want but their words could be interpreted that way. They asked him to do something that would screw them over, he just complied and did exactly that.
  • @countfrackula6707
    19:00 - I used to work for Micro-Center and saw this type of thing occasionally happen to my female coworker, Rachel. Now, I was one of the most knowledgeable people in the department, but she was knowledgeable enough. Whenever one of her customers turned to me for a second opinion, I'd feign ignorance and lie, "I'm not really sure, Rachel's one of our experts on that, let's see what she thinks..."
  • 3:05 The word "rude" here is referring to being forced to train the new person when you get fired, not the new person existing.
  • Yep, the cops had to wait until she was outside the repair shop because driving an unsafe car short distances on private property and especially in repair shops is legal basically everywhere as it makes certain repairs easier.
  • Had a similar experience with my previous roommates. I took EVERYTHING that was mine and EVERYTHING that I had contributed to the apartment. This included all the cooking utensils, dining table and chairs, wall hangings, tools, bookshelves, rugs, ALL the groceries in the fridge and cupboards (since I bought them), towels, cleaning supplies, bedding, even the toilet paper. As a final f*** you to my roommates, in place of the TP, I left a roll of duct tape on the roll. 😂😂😂