Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door — Our Story Begins — Nintendo Switch

Publicado 2024-03-26
Our story begins an awfully long time ago in a strange and far-off land. Experience the grand adventure and thrilling battles when the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door game launches on the Nintendo Switch system May 23, 2024. Pre-order today:…

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @IAteABox
  • I never thought I could miss seeing someone say “Ahem!” so much until this moment
  • The fact that a city was violently destroyed and thousands of people lost their lives to fire, lightning, and floods at once is being show to lullaby music. Dang, I love Paper Mario!
  • Man, the fact they're emphasizing the story aspect of this game so much means they HAVE to know how long we've been longing, how much this game deserves the love and respect it is getting.
  • The fact that the entire intro is animated like a pop-up book! They didn't have to do that, but I'm so glad they did! And that music! Ugh, so many chills and memories washing over me!
  • This is just like Mario vs Donkey Kong because the latter and this game each has picture frames back in 2004. 20 years later, they finally got to animate the cutscenes of Mario vs Donkey Kong and this intro of TTYD. It's crazy how 20 years flew by. It feels like my childhood has been revived.
  • The 1000 year door will soon be open...once more. Your journey begins now.
  • The fact that the developers of the game FULLY ANIMATED the story instead of just keeping it to turning the pages shows how above and beyond they're going with it. I can't wait two months, but I gotta! ;v;
  • Usually Nintendo just posts like various gameplay whenever they are doing these trailers, but with Thousand Year Door they posted the intro and people still got hyped. Lol THEY KNOW.
  • Pre-orders are selling like hot cakes. It makes me happy to see this game reintroduced to a new generation.
  • @madm3rt989
    The sound effects, my god, it's beautiful. I can't get enough of the book opening sound effect at 0:12
  • @chibi2239
    Bro...😢 They actually freaking animated the whole opening...that's so awesome! 😊
  • @555redkid
    When you actually think about it... The pipe that leads to Rougeport Sewer is probably just a drainpipe from the previous city structure
  • I hope Nintendo knows that now we all want a physical copy of this book
  • @still_leuna
    *cute, peaceful, playful music * many people died it was very tragic.
  • @imoldgregg8
    Goosebumps all over. This literally jolts me into my body when I was just a young child. The house I grew up in, the family happy before divorce. All things were right. This game is it for me. I could be on my death bed and play through this one time and pass on with a smile. Such a masterpiece, and I am thankful for experiencing it when it came out in the early 2000s.
  • @Zain1P
    I have never cried over a video game trailer as much as i have over this one. I remember growing up poor and my dad still managing to buy me a GameCube and this game so much nostalgia plus i can finally read and understand it now
  • Ahem! Today I'm going to tell you the story of the Paper Mario series. An awfully long time ago... In an era of innovation and ambition, a beautiful game called Paper Mario was created, with an endearing world, characters, and brilliant battle system. It was soon followed by a sequel-- Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, a critically acclaimed success that built on the original in every way. And though the third entry was quite different, it still had the heart of the first two, and was also quite adored by many. But one day, tragedy befell this blessed series. A wicked curse struck all the characters, turning them into generic toads. All experience points were spirited away into the ether, and cursed stickers rained down from the sky, making anything they touched bland and boring. It was as if the very series had come to a violent end. And in but a single night... The series sank into an ocean of paint. Many moons rose and set... Stories of the original games and how good they are were met with ingorant accusations of nostalgia blindness... And when the next generation of children no longer knew how great the first two games were... A new game suddenly unfolded like a pop-up book. But word soon spread among those who played it... That an ancient relic of the past, the roots of the series, lie somewhere, just waiting to be uncovered in this new generation. And that a remake could one day breathe new life into these beloved titles. Indeed... This is the tale of the fabled Paper Mario games of old. Yes, this is where it begins, in the sea town of Rogueport. The tale of the quest for the legendary title... Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door... starts here.