5 Ways To Manipulate a Narcissist & Shut them Down

Published 2024-05-30

All Comments (21)
  • @carparthero
    narcissists actually expect you to tolerate behavior they would never accept. they are insecure bullies that turn into petulant cowards when the tables get flipped on them. cheers from southern ontario, canada 🍁
  • Yep if you pay attention long enough the patterns and cycles will become very evident.
  • I defeated the freaking narcissist. He thinks he's too smart, but I think he miscalculated me. He didn't expect I could outsmart him. Actually, they are not that smart. He thinks by yelling so loud, he can overpower me. He doesn't know I will open the door and windows for the neighbors to hear the nasty narcissist. The neighbors are the witnesses. I embarrassed him left and right. One of the neighbors asked, "Are you ok? I replied, "No, you should see the narcissist went hiding for months from our neighborhood. Thank God the coward is gone.
  • @a.williams10
    "Think the worst and you'll be certain" always works with a narcissist.
  • @danmeck5978
    They always try to start an arguement. Never bite. Always act like you didn't notice and keep talking normally.
  • @TheKrispyfort
    I clicked so I can leave this comment: I am not interested in manipulating a narcissist. I do not need to clap back on a narcissist. They will be their own downfall, and my help is not required.
  • @gigidayz6936
    I sometimes just smile and pretend to agree. They do NOT expect that. I dont consider it defeat to even play to their vanity. It IS reverse nanipulation, in a way, because I can get what I want. It might not be ideal, and it doesnt always work, but in my case, i kind of enjoy seeing how confused he gets.
  • I’ve noticed something about the narcissist, they are scared to be alone , I know a gurl who kept using people for money and rides but would dispose of them and not pay back the money , when she ran out of people to use she would go down the line apologizing and hitting back up the people who she did wrong , even in real life I noticed how she’d always need someone new to talk gossip with when she wasn’t getting the praise she needed from the previous friend , narcissists are infact cowards .
  • @danmurray1143
    The only good thing about narcissists is they are very predictable. Once you learn this stuff you might be amazed at how easy it is to stay a play or two ahead.
  • Exactly! There are times where it's necessary to play the narcs game strategically to counteract their ill moves. "Say hello to my little friend" 😅
  • I am from Greece and try to heel from a narcissist who destroyed my feelings, my self esteem and my personality… thanks for making clear for me, all these things that I could not understand before…
  • @user-fz5my8zj6z
    I wish I had known this divorcing in 2015. It was so shocking that a person I had spent half my life with and still loved and needed to leave, acted in ways so known to me only now. The vengeance of a seemingly disinterested partner I chose to divorce was stunning.
  • @audrablue515
    The only way to easily manipulate a narc is to not tell them anything about your life. It drives them crazy when they ask you questions and you just say, "I don't have anything to say about that." Also, not reacting to their crap, no matter how they behave is also their kryptonite. I have to occasionally see my narc and as he doesn't want to look bad in public, I only meet him in public, so I'm almost guaranteed he will behave. When I don't give him what he wants, he starts to wind up the victimhood and the complaining and then comes the insults and bad language. Of course, this is all done in a manner that doesn't raise red flags with any strangers that may be around him at the time. Once he starts with that behaviour, I say, "I'm bored with your nonsense. You're boring. I'm leaving." And then I walk away. My phone number is blocked from him as well as my email address and I'm not on social media so he can't slag me off that way. So I'm pretty much bullet proof these days. When I have to see him again, he acts like nothing happened at the last visit. What a walking cliche he is. I enjoy saying those dismissive phrases to him because he has no comeback and as I'm walking away, he doesn't chase after me. Saying that doesn't change his behaviour as he's always trying to find the chinks in my armour (there aren't any). But it doesn't stop him from trying. My secret is that I know he won't succeed but he doesn't know that because his narcissism won't allow him to change tack and try something new. Must be tough being a moron.
  • @LV4REAL
    You're so well educated on these people. Thanks for sharing all the great info, Danish! 😊❤
  • @anbumangai5055
    We need to keep our individuality and no need to compromise it for anything.
  • @linden5576
    Yeah, no thank you! I prefer just to keep them out of my life permanently. because truth be said I don’t have any feelings for them anyway. My life is calmer and happier.
  • @i.l.9546
    Its helpful to know tactics of war for example acting weak when you are strong, demanding the opposite of what you really want, acting friendly when planning an attack, denying even when there is evidence and so on because it is actually a war you are in. Ty Danish for your education, very appreciated.
  • The narc, I believe, has a very long life. I’ve observed this both as a private caregiver, and as a person who was in a romantic relationship with one long term. They are so STRONG WILLED,,,, it’s as though they refuse to die, even when their body is shutting down. They have to have the last word, the last grab, the last atttack on your dignity, even while they’ve lost all dignity. It is that strong will,,, that preserves them. The last narc in my life was a family friend, who had dementia, and stayed in my home till his passing. He’d made everyone’s life miserable HIS WHOLE LIFE,,,, the Hospice health care professional was so helpful, as she told me this : WHATEVER A PERSON HAS DONE THEIR WHOLE Life, THEY WILL DO IN THE END OF LIFE, ONLY WORSE. “ so,,, just saying. I’ve found this to be very true. It has helped me to know this, and I hope this helps someone. 😢
  • I think manipulating them doesn't make you to be like them but but help you to get what you want in a case where there's children involved, where is impossible to go no contact.