Post Malone On Mental Health And Quitting Weed

Published 2022-06-10

All Comments (21)
  • @RodriguezGorge
    I started smoking 20 years ago as a teenage, got addicted to cigarettes. Spent my whole life fighting Cigarettes addiction. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
  • @Guenter34
    The fact that he says "thank you" and "yes, sir" "no, sir" so naturally really shows the type of person he is. I wish nothing but the best for Post Malone. ❤
  • @larrydiaz9013
    I’ve been addicted to heroin for 11 years, but after trying out psilocybin treatment I will be 2 years clean.
  • @vicstruys9948
    I quit smoking too because of this. Fell in a bad depression also because I couldn’t handle this depersonalisation feeling. But after working on myself setting goals and doing mindful things in my life, no drugs drinking etc it got better day by day. Not easy but very rewarding experience in the end when looking back on it.
  • @batia0121
    Terrible interviewers, constant interuption, never let him finish a thought.
  • These two have no idea how to conduct an interview. They're stepping all over his answers, never giving him time to expand, and they aren't curious about anything he says.
  • @jim2268
    I went through this as well. Used to smoke every day and feel completely normal. Then all of a sudden it just wasn't the same, made me feel weird and anxious. Funny how others can also relate. 5 months sober now
  • @volsdeep9395
    My take on this is it depends more on what state of mind you’re currently in, as opposed to just smoking a lot of weed. It’s like when people say “don’t trip acid if you’re not in a good place in life because you’ll have a bad experience.” It’s the same thing. I was in a bad place about 2 years ago, and smoking DID NOT help. It’s just made the anxiety 10x worse. Now, I’m in a much better place mentally so any time I smoke it’s nice and relaxing. Just my two cents.
  • @vinultra7266
    It’s nice to finally have someone shine a bright light on depersonalization/derealization. It’s such an under the radar illness that affects so many people!! Keep your head up and I promise things will get better!
  • @jusia.srusia
    I stopped smoking pot because I had an episode of psychosis. I've never felt such a mixture of anxiety, panic attacks and unwarranted fear. I feel much better without marijuana. I don't drink alcohol either. I changed my diet to carnivore/keto. I take supplements such as lots of magnesium, potassium and vitamin D3. I feel insanely good not only physically, but also mentally. Take care of yourselves. You can live without pills or drugs and cope with difficult emotions. ❤️
  • It's comforting hearing someone as well known and that has such a large platform talk about this issue. I first started having issues on my 16th birthday, a few days after smoking some weed with friends. I had been smoking for some months but it wasn't until this later stage that I realised something wasn't right. I remember feeling a sense of doom and panic and this transcended into Depersonalisation and Derealisation over the coming months/years. Symptoms got so bad that I had to take time off of work to try and understand what was going on. I thought I would suffer forever, but I managed to overcome it and move past it with the help of research and also therapy. I am not sure exactly on how the process works but I understand that both DP/DR stem from anxiety and in order to move past this, you need to tackle it head on instead of shying away and cowering from it. Quite simply, you do not overthink it. When you get into a state where you feel you cannot go on, you carry on with what you are doing and don't pay attention to your symptoms. The less you pay attention to it, the less your brain focusses on the symptoms and less of an issue it becomes, to the point where you can do those same tasks in those same situations and not have any symptoms at all. This is unlikely to happen overnight, however, but I managed to make real progress within weeks and I can live my life day to day now as I did before I had ever even smoked week before. Good luck to anyone suffering with DP/DR. Stay positive, things do get better.
  • @prodbyekva
    I suffer from depersonalization/derealization as well after going through Serotonin Syndrome and overdosing off Adderall (I had also been smoking insane amounts of weed at this point so that didn't help). Over the years I've done a lot of research into it and trying to figure out what exactly is it's purpose in are bodies. The best way I can put it is that DP/DR is a defense mechanism are body uses when you cannot fight or fly. It's an eject system from stressful & dire situations. People who undergo extreme states of panic, stress, anxiety, or traumatic events tend to go through depersonalization/derealization. You become a spectator of your own vessel. It makes you feel like you are in a first person shooter. It's a living hell. It can takes months or years to get rid of for some people. Some people live there whole lives with it. But It can dissolve away. Best advice I can give too someone is to: 01. Stay away from substances that mess with your nervous system and that have dissociative traits (nicotine, weed, and alcohol). 02. Take your health/diet as serious as possible (Gym/Healthy Diet). 03. Try to find ways to cope with the stressors of your life. Basically the cliche "Get Your Life Together" package. Once you make better habits out of your life the likeliness of you feeling like yourself will increase. You might be depersonalized so long that you forget what it was like to be "normal" or what it was like before the DP/DR Onsetted. Somedays are better than others and it's not so intense. Other days it will be too intense and may hinder you from living your life. But you learn to live with it day by day. One day you'll stop thinking about it. You'll stop overreacting to how things look or feel because you'll have lived with it for so long that it becomes normal. & when you stop thinking about it and letting it dictate the quality of your life that's the moment you have recovered. I promise you things get better!
  • Post is such a polite and earnest dude. Wish more musicians were like him. Feels like someone I completely relate too, even though our lives couldn't be more different. Ya know?
  • He's so raw and real. My whole family loves Post. He's not alone in feeling the way he does. I wish him well. He's a good dude!
  • @blobblob3830
    Great to hear someone talk earnestly about this issue. I had several depersonalization and derealization episodes after smoking weed during my teen years, to the point where I thought I was going crazy. The feeling of seeing your own life as a movie is very disturbing. Even the feeling I had when I touched any surface would be different, like there was a delay between the touching and the feeling; almost like someone divided the feeling into small pieces and then slowly released it. I still remember when I was in the shopping mall with my dad and suddenly I started to cry and told him I thought I was going crazy. Unfortunately, this issue took away many years of my early adult life. When something like that happens to you, your self-confidence drops dramatically. The notion that weed is a harmless drug is far from the truth for many people.
  • @jasusoppo498
    I went through the same thing... It is so comforting and validating to hear others talk about their experiences.
  • @YTviewer118
    1:17 - Can we all just appreciate how Post took a mere moment to thank the guy, it really doesn't take much and post ensures that his appreciation is made clear. Such a top lad.
  • @sql638
    I smoke everyday and even if I’ve never felt this type of feeling (I smoke like 1 joint per day so it’s not an heavy addiction) I can understand that weed can really change your lifestyle. For example I cannot sleep without smoking earlier or I can barely feel hunger. I’m so happy when the day finishes just because I can finally smoke, which for my body it’s like a reward for the day passed. It’s strange, I like smoking when I’m smoking, but I hate it before and after
  • I'm so happy he's talking about this. Depersonalization is a real thing and I had to quit smoking weed because I had a major panic attack from it. Also, I had a patient go into psychosis just from smoking laced weed once.. whole life changed from it. Cheers Posty