Reala Ace Messed Up My Fujifilm Autofocus.

Published 2024-07-18
In my Opinion the Fuji Autofocus updates are definitely making it worse.
In my testing and usage after the reala ace update , the xs20 overall stability has deteriorated.
And for the first time it’s making me question my decisions with staying in this system, for now I’ll wait till they iron it out.
These tests take alot of time and effort , a like and a sub will be much appreciated😉

They should start by Looking at the Final Firmware for autofocus of the xt4 and the initial firmware of the the newer chips which was stable and predictable and build from their , they Should forget about birds trains and plains for now and Fix the lack of predictability in their continuous autofocus modes , their Continuous Autofocus is lacking in Relaxed decision making and jumps on the first thing in hopes that it’s correct and then jumps again always second guessing its decisions.

I dont intend selling any of my Fuji Gear since my initial decision to enter the Fuji ecosytem has not been based on autofocus.

0:00 intro
01:31 Autofocus tests XS20 16 to 55
02:18 XT4 16 55
02:57 XS20 35 1.4
03:33 XT4 35 1.4
04:11 S20 90 F2
04:42 XT4 90 F2
05:12 Closing and Message To Fuj

All Comments (21)
  • @Iamtongue
    In b4 Fuji fanboys yells at you for not reading the manual or learning your camera
  • @Mohika881
    Thanks for this. Other YouTubers have talked about this issue too. Fuji really need to get this sorted. They are years behind Sony on this.
  • @ngonzale3
    Soooo grateful to have kept my xt4's for so long. The general autofocus isn't as great as the other brands but still good. Fuji needs to get this right. By the way, that 90mm f2 looked really good!
  • thank you, very good comparison between the 4th and 5th generation. i have the x-t5 and my 35 1.4 performs also worse after the update. its a shame, i love fuji, have this system since 2019. but quite upset now
  • @simon359
    I feel that two firmware updates ago were the best results I got from my XT5, which has steadily got more problems now!
  • @aghhygvhgc
    Fuji formware developing is just a joke. I know not a single other camera company that does software things as bad.
  • @SummersSnaps
    That is really sad to see. I moved from the XT4 to the XH2S for gains in AF performance, I owned the XS20 for a short period as well. Currently testing 1.03 on one of my XH2S's, looks like I will be putting both my units back to 1.03 eventually. The Fuji mask has well and truly fallen, revealing the grand level of gross incompetence and disarray at Fuji HQ. Heads should be rolling...
  • @RukiSeed
    Thank you for making this video. We need more voices heard on this matter. Fujifilm's silence on the matter is so frustrating.. We are buying these cameras with our own hard earned money and we expect them to work up to a certain level.. Fuji's autofocus for video is just unusable at the moment...
  • @jcar4522
    Im in the same situation. My xt4 focus way better than my xh2s. Well, it did, now im in 1.03... well, tbh i dont use none of them since a6700 destroyed my fuji gear. A shame...
  • My X-T5 is now a paper weight for any moving (even slow) subjects. Of course, no response from Fujifilm. Time to switch brands. I was (and maybe now) a Nikon shooter. Nikon, Sony and Canon seem more in touch with their user base, which almost seems funny to say.
  • @50shadesofNV
    Been using Zeiss manual lenses hoping for a newer better one Peking AF one more chance for Fuji
  • @garends225
    Tempted to downgrade my firmware. I wonder which is the best one? 1.20?
  • I miss the old autofocus on Fuji X-S20. Now it hunts a lot, even for still photography. I realized this when I was on a portrait session wedding where my client stand stills, and it can't focus on the subject at all. Sometimes when I was sure that the autofocus was already correct, but when I check back home on my PC, it focus elsewhere like the trees in the background or tall building. I was furious when I found this. It seems they use contrast detect autofocus rather than phase detect autofocus. Totally dissappointing for me
  • @semhfe
    I noticed the same but didn't thought of the update as the cause. This is such a shame
  • @finken2007q
    This is exactly my findings on my XT5 and XH2, pulsing and hunting, absolutely unusable! with the current firmware!! My XT3 is has WAY better video autofocus with the same settings and lenses.
  • @mainmain5303
    You are coming too close to the minimum focus distance of the lens for the xs20. That’s not apples to apples