Why I left the Seventh-day Adventist Church and became a Roman Catholic

Published 2020-04-04
My personal journey and advice to anyone searching. Respectful comments and dialogue are welcome.

All Comments (21)
  • Congratulations. I liked your testimony. I will pray for you that you are always faithful.
  • None of any religious are perfect. Since I was little boy into adult man, I went to 8 different religious before I became SDA. I was catholic that no one taught me. But Sda taught me a lot made me so excite and then I have very peaceful now. I like SDA and I do love you all and smile... John 3:16...........
  • @alexmbire3529
    I will cut right to the point. Your beliefs need to based on the Word of God not personal feelings. 2 Timothy 3 vs 16, Matthew 4 vs 4, Psalm 119 vs 105.
  • @maryingold1368
    I was only eight years old and was invited to the Seventh Day Adventist Church for evangelistic meetings, which drew me to accept Jesus as my Saviour. I love Father God and the Holy Spirit also. That is why I trust and obey God, and through the Holy Spirit indwelling my mind and heart, I can keep all ten of His Commandments habitually. I am saved only by Jesus' death on the cross, and I trust and obey Him because He loves me and gave up all of heaven for me and all humanity.
  • @monidominic4505
    Praise God for Pr Walter Veith and his passion for spreading the Sabbath truth.
  • Proverbs 28:9,10 9-One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination. 10- whoever causes the upright to go astray in an evil way, he himself will fall into his own pit; But the blameless will inherit good. Amen.
  • @cantokz6381
    :). God bless u men... Still i will remain as a seventh day Adventist..
  • OMG... you went completely backwards instead of forward. The RCC is the worst cult you could have Chosen.
  • "why do you ask Me about what is good ?" Jesus replied." There is only one Who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the Commandments. Matthew 19:17.
  • If you loved Me, keep My Commandments. John 14:15. "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? Luke 6:46. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules. Mark 7:7.
  • @edivettez1642
    I used to be catholic but when I was 10 years old I decided to read the word of God because I felt wrong everytime I will kneel down and pray to all those images. It felt even more uncomfortable to talk to a stranger about my problems and wait for him to decide to forgive me. After I left the catholic church and I went into a seventh day adventist church I felt peace because there were no contradictions to the word of God. If it's in the Bible I want it if it is not I don't need it. In time, one of the ""fathers" came to me because my aunt wanted me to come back to the catholic church. He asked me why I left the church? I told him all I read in the Bible and since God knew how I desperately wanted the truth, I like to believe that He reassured me of my path and didnt want anyone to mislead me at a young age because that "father" surprised me by telling me that I was in the right place. Then he said something that I never understood, when I told him if he knows the truth he should get out, he answered that it's different for him, he made a promise and his life could be in danger. Furthermore I just want to say that following God is not just about religion is a lifestyle, studying the word of God every day with a humble heart no matter about our traditions or what we feel because our hearts can be deceitful, we have to be open to the idea that we might just have it all wrong and if God shows us the way, we should leave everything behind and just follow Him. We should all be in search of truth! God bless you all! 💗
  • @Super-chad
    This isnt an objective message; you haven't seriously informed us as to the fundamental reasons for leaving the Adventist Church
  • @Gio-ce8ob
    Appreciate your testimony and welcome Home brother. God bless!
  • @lmirra6744
    Hi! 💗 I admire your sincerity in searching your heart and your journey of faith. Everyone's personal journey is different, and mine of course tells another story. Seventh-day Adventists do not teach us to hate Roman Catholics. I have many Catholic friends whom I love and I am really close with. Many of my other SDA friends have tons of Catholic friends too and we go along well. I never see Roman Catholics as an enemy to avoid but rather a brother/sister to care about and that's enough reason why we're evangelizing. Because we love our neighbors and we want them to know the truth. Now I won't say that SDAs know all the truth in the world and we're perfect, sinless or blameless and so on. No matter what church you claim to be, you're still a sinner and the same goes to SDA church members! But as a church, it's the only church that is the "closest" or most aligned to the Bible (that I have found so far). In the book of Daniel/Revelation, + historical facts, current news, and obvious characteristics, Rome (I believe) is still the fourth beast. Yet the people, individually they are not a beast on their own. Same goes to Jericho, Ninevah and other cities before in the Bible. Even though as a nation they were said to be enemies of God, in every individual hearts there are people who truly love God and these people were protected and accepted. I believe the same way with Roman Catholics. On the other hand, many SDAs are not living their faith too because of the world's pull and attraction. There are many distinctive truths that is enjoyable to talk about but I won't include it here 😆 Also, you mentioned about SDA being the remnant people. I do not know why people see the word "remnant" as something to be proud of or highly respected. The same goes to Israel, even if they were chosen as a nation, they were to bring forth the good news to their neighbors. Claiming to be the remnant is a heavy responsibility. We are to be God's witnesses to people around the world, and it is said that God's people will be persecuted for His name. Claiming to be the remnant people does not change the fact that we are all the same in God's eyes. No one is higher than the other. Yet we are to bring others to have the spirit of the remnant people which is proclaiming the truth and that Jesus is coming soon. You see, we're all looking for the truth. Many of the things you talked about in the video was a matter of "feelings." You don't "feel" connected, or you don't "feel" united. There are many reasons for you to not rely upon feelings only. Feelings are like waves, it goes up and down. One day you feel like praising God at the top of your lungs, and the other day you feel like there is no God at all. But choices are constant. That is why in the end, you'll only have to choose between obeying God's laws or men's laws. You'll see clearly which laws are established by men, and your choice will determine your faith. God bless!!
  • @dannynos5066
    Brother thank you for making up your mind. But remember God is not a dump God he will take you back from were you are now. God bless you brother. We people from the world will not have the power to judge you but God the Father will judge you according to his might🙏
  • @jediv3381
    ​ @Misael-Hernandez Your dim intel is not appreciated. That was already answered. LEarn to read. Bible says "one who believes in Jesus is saved". So it does include anyone. No need names. you said Where in the Bible does it say Jediv is saved?
  • @solovief
    Brother, I'm so happy for you. I am glad you found freedom. I grew up Methodist so we were more open to Catholicism. But I did see how harsh some non-Catholic Christians could be toward Catholics. It took me a few years to unlearn some false beliefs and prejudices about Catholics. Now I'm happy to finally be in the Church. I hope by now you've been able to enter fully into the sacramental life. All the best to you. ~Bill from Tampa
  • @shegadayos2813
    I have a question: Does a person from a religion not allowed to call others a brother or a sister from a different religion? what I mean is when you are a Catholic, you will not be allowed to call others a brother or a sister, in spiritual manner?