Why Hitler Lost the War: German Strategic Mistakes in WWII

Published 2012-06-29
Dr. A. Roberts presents Why Hitler Lost the War: German Strategic Mistakes in WWII.

All Comments (21)
  • @greva2904
    What the hell were they doing asking a renowned historian like this to deliver this lecture, when they should have asked several thousand self appointed YouTube experts to lecture them instead? Fools!
  • @vkan1991
    YouTube: Here's a lecture about Germany and WWII Me: okay I'll watch it all
  • "our german scientists were cleverer than their german scientists", that one was was savage.
  • @laschagga8886
    Well, i am not an expert. But i guess fighting basicly all other Industrial nations at the Same time might have been a strategic mistake...
  • @James-km7yz
    As Napoleon Bonaparte said. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
  • @Fishsticks187
    5:30 Classic Sun Tzu: "when you're strong, appear weak; when you're weak, appear strong.
  • @utubewatcher806
    mental note: National Executive should always listen to strategic generals.
  • @BermanTaylor
    What a brilliant lecture and so beautifully delivered. I hope England never stops producing men like these.
  • @robert3987
    Having one's eyelids frozen off must bring insanity.
  • 21:07 The ignorance of cold and its drastic effects on people's health, while pretending to be able to tough it out, is one of the most teaching elements. It seems such a benign boasting, which many people still do today, yet it shows how being realistic can also mean looking "weak" in the eyes of delusional people.
  • Guderian visited the Soviet Union in 1938 and wrote a report to higher staffs in the Wehrmacht, warning about the much better than anticipated tank force they had. It was ignored. That is what politics do to military leadership. You can observe this in the US nowadays and elsewhere too, I guess 😂😂
  • @ampdoc
    What a great lecture, so well delivered too, thank you! Absolutely brilliant.
  • @WolfgangBrozart
    Headphone users beware, stop the video 5 seconds before the end.
  • @thegift20luis
    What a gem 💎 Outstanding educational! Worth bringing it back! Thanks for sharing!
  • @LabTech41
    I've heard it said that at various points during WW2, Allied forces had the ability to take Hitler out using either sneak attacks or some clandestine operation, but it was far enough into the overt conflict that the Allied powers realized that Hitler was such a colossally bad strategist, and tied up in ideological foolishness and internal power disputes, that it ironically made more sense to keep him in charge, because if he'd been taken out, almost ANYONE who'd have replaced him would've done a much better job and potentially cost the Allies the war.
  • @REPay1000
    Curious use of the word Anglo-Saxon to describe the Germans and British. At the time they would have erroneously said the British were Germanisch or Germanic - this would have been a good description of the language, rather than the people.
  • @tatata1543
    Excellent talk and delivered with an absolute minimum of notes . The point about ideology trumping sound military strategy is well made and entirely plausible.
  • @berniefynn6623
    When our troops on the beaches, the King called for aday of prayer,the country responded and the changes were amazing, small boat owners said the channel was a calm as a mill pond, never done this before, the sky to stormy for the Luftwaffe, so this was for the nine days it took to clear the beaches, a panzer group was racing to Dunkirk and was suddenly ordered to stop by hitler, no one ever found out why and they had to stay put.