The iPad Pro Has A Problem

Published 2024-05-31
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I spent a year thinking about why the iPad Pro still isn't the computer Apple once promised it would be. It took me using the new 2024 iPad Pro to finally figure it out.

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0:00 The original promise
1:45 Near-perfect hardware
4:06 iPadOS issues
6:14 The ROOT problem
8:17 My final thoughts

All Comments (21)
  • It's funny's how the original iPad pro is now unsupported but yet the pro capabilities were were never unlocked
  • @Fr4nc3sc0_Br0
    I like the take SnazzyLab had. It doesn’t need MacOS, just a better iPad OS if you want to call it “Pro”. Better file management, better multitasking, better external monitor management. It would be very good for everyone, even professional that are not creator but need some flexibility
  • @rhite139
    SOOOO totally agree with this; I would upgrade to the M4, but my M2 is already too powerful. Apple really should listen to this message.
  • @JoveroIV
    Your take on putting macOS on iPad was spot on. You basically admitted the device wasn’t for you and that’s really respectable. I also agree they need to clean up the OS without totally getting rid of it.
  • @malfaro3l
    Great video, probably the best I’ve seen do far, but I couldn’t disagree more. My main complaint is that saying iPad OS isn’t doing the job because it feels “wonky” is pretty much the same as saying “it’s not what I’m used to”. I love iPad OS and it does literally everything I need. I use cloud based file systems and run a law practice from an iPad Pro. I’ve tried cases and it’s literally the most flexible device I have. I don’t think the iPad Pro is for everyone and that’s cool, but it is for some. There’s a reason that iPads are still the best selling tablets and the iPad Pro is the most expensive and most advanced of those tablets so its definitely not going to be for the masses, and that should be ok.
  • @lukemiani
    This is the BEST iPad Pro review, I bet it only took you one quick take and not 4 days to film this!
  • @mainsink6385
    I have the new 13 inch M4 iPad Pro with one terabyte and it’s the non-textured screen. I’m a digital illustrator. But I would love for the file systems work like it does on a Mac.
  • The problem with the iPad is that Mac youtubers keep reviewing it as a Mac when it's not a Mac 🙃 Half the time they don't even know how to use the features they're criticizing
  • @josephk8506
    The iPad Pro is meant for those of us who wanted to utilize the screen as an actual platform or a creative platform in a simple form without relying on a full desktop/laptop with the external drawing tablets and whatnot, it’s that simple. The only major downside I see here it’s not the evolving iPadOS and its limitations, rather than its hefty price especially if you wanted the higher hardware upgrades. If you only want the full macOS experience, get a Mac.
  • @dinis984
    Sam your videos have been looking gorgeous and you’re doing a great job!
  • @pmbear
    Here it is: The Apple Sales Philosophy/Dichotomy!! They won’t cannibalize their Mac line with iPads. They won’t cannibalize their iPad line with Macs. Apple always does this. They give you everything you think you want… but all of their products are like 75-90% there. Unfortunately to have it all, you need to BUY IT ALL, and that really sucks but let’s face it Apple is all about selling their wares, and they know exactly how to go about doing this. From walled gardens, to connector ports that are proprietary, to features mysteriously missing. It’s like Siri and Apple Watch… portrayed as “hobbies”, I mean basically they deliver incomplete everything. I mean are you kidding me, we are this far down the road and an iPad can’t have a calculator app… and they start to feel the heat so they are going to add it and make a big deal about it. They want us to buy new gear yearly, and that’s the bottom line. They may as well start making gear that implodes after 365 days… if legally they could, trust me when I say THEY WOULD. The world’s eyes are opening to the ways of Apple, and it is not the greatest optics. I am no doomsayer, I love Apple so much… but I had an iPad Pro sitting in my cart since the event, and I am just watching and getting informed before dropping the money. This video is helping a lot…
  • @dovan4092
    Nailed it, I know a lot of people who have bought an iPad, I don't know anyone who's going to ever buy another and the OS, specifically dealing with files, is the reason they won't. It's useless to me and just sits there because it doesn't even come close to being as good as a MacBook when it comes to getting things done.
  • @JennJenn1265
    It had been awhile since I got a new iPad. I ended up getting the 11 inch pro and very pleased with it. I use mine for leisure. My hubby has a MacBook so I use his if I need too
  • @jpmartinez961
    My 2017 iPad Pro just crapped out and about to get a new one. I mostly use it for watching videos, emails, web, and light excel work.
  • I’m loving my new m4 iPad Pro 13”. Fun to use in the hand and the display is fantastic to use outside in daylight. My work apps are web based so taking it on the go without my MacBook Pro works out just fine. Excellent second screen for the MacBook Pro too.
  • @kevinnnoz
    Outstanding observations Sam. You nailed the issues. Totally. Tablet sales for Apple have been fading as the years go by, not because people are simply hanging on to them longer… but because nothing much has changed over the journey. Ipad gets some new words to the music from time to time… but the song remains the same. I bought my iPad Pro in 2017. Since then I’ve updated my iMac to a kick-arse Mac Studio with a pair of studio displays, I’ve updated my iPods 3 times to now having a pair of 2nd gen pros, I’ve bought a pair of home pods and HomePod minis… and I’ve changed the phone up a few time as well. Why? Because they all help me do more and enjoy more… they’ve evolved. But the iPad has just gotten older. The end.
    Yeah, im an artist and thats my primary use for it. I have no idea why non creatives would want an iPad besides media consumption. Perhaps maybe this WWDC we will get answers .
  • @michaelcobbin
    I use a laptop for work. Outside of work, I don’t want to use the laptop. If I need to do more/significant typing on the iPad, I grab my Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, I have the perfect stand setup in my home office for the iPad. I use the iPad for content, but I also use DaVinci Resolve on my iPad to create videos. I would use the iPad in pure tablet form about 70% of the time and the remaining 30% with the keyboard and mouse. The iPad is the perfect device to use at home because I’m tempted to carry on doing work. Yes, the file management system could be better, but 90% of files are stored in the cloud, so it is not a big issue. Most people probably store their files in the cloud in case a device crashes. There is one big flaw in your argument, I use multiple devices to connect to files. I use either One Drive or Google Drive to move my files around. I didn’t need to worry about only having 256 Gb on my device because I have 12 TB in the cloud. Yes, Stage Manager needs to be enhanced/improved. I expecting for this occur. Every single Windows 2-in-1 device sucks at the tablet format, which is my preference at home. The iPad is the best tablet device available; it now has the hardware to support it. The software side now needs to catch up, which is happening. There is a strong case not to merge the iPad and laptop because they appeal to different types of users. Only 10% of users want the iPad to behave like a laptop. Why would you destroy a device to satisfy of your users 10% want? Why? If you want a device to behave like a laptop, buy a laptop in the first place.
  • You missed something vital to the importance of the iPad and that’s its platform for digital artwork. It is in a class by itself because of the Apple Pencil and keyboard. As a graphic designer/illustrator/ surface designer and self-published children’s book writer, the iPad Pro is my primary device. I want it to do everything. I don’t want to sit at my desk anymore, I just want the iPad to run all the programs I use. This includes adobe illustrator and photoshop which adobe has failed in my opinion in making a full version for the iPad. Consequently, affinity has taken up the slack by creating a full featured option with photo, designer and publisher. I also want to create animations on the iPad with adobe character animator which roundtrips with illustrator and photoshop. This is where I think you are wrong. Adding a docked version of macOS on the iPad Pro 1 and 2 TB versions is the best idea I’ve heard so far. It’s time for apple to move forward instead of being locked in an old paradigm it’s created by categorizing its various offerings.
  • @thirtyfive3d542
    The anti-iPad Pro people are hilarious. “I don’t like this new fountain pen because it’s not enough like a socket wrench.”