This Jogo Suggestion Looks FUN! - Jujutsu Shenanigans

Published 2024-06-25
The guy I reviewed last time made 4 suggestions total, and his second suggestion was about Jogo. His Jogo suggestion turned out to be pretty cool, and in this video, I’ll be reviewing it, since it is a big step up from last time.

0:00 Introduction
1:08 Base R Special
2:10 Base Move 1
2:42 Base Move 2
3:17 Base Move 3
3:52 Base Move 4
4:41 Awakening R Special
5:14 Awakening Move 1
5:40 Awakening Move 2
6:23 Awakening Move 3
6:54 Awakening Move 4
8:19 Jogo Passive
8:54 Closing Thoughts
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All Comments (21)
  • I think Jogo’s base kit should be the most environmentally destructive. Let Jogo play off the fact the world is destructible for fun.
  • @HayvenMercer
    Im back and I will be giving you the concept for my hanami moveset in 30 minutes. See you too then.
  • well my jobs been done, i will continue to create movesets tho because discord keeps deleting my suggestions in tzes server
  • So basically, Jogo is just supposed to zone, and say "nuh uh" a bunch. "You wanna hit me? nuh uh, lava pillar."
  • @HayvenMercer
    Jujitsu shenanigans concept 2 Hanami - name mother nature The changes to the player will it be a giant white cloth around the players left arm. (movement or combo extender) R move - tree bark ride/ vine grab: if the player uses the special, it will cause the player to ride on a big spike like piece of tree bark, but if the player hits the opponent with a m1 they will be marked whenever the opponent is 5-8 blocks away they will be able to be pulled to the player using a vine. (Combo starter or extender) First move - rose whip: the move will cause the player to make a whip out of rose bush. Spikes in the player will be able to do 4 medium range m1 on an opponent it will finish with a fifth m1 of a rose blooming and stunning anyone with a perfume type a Roma. (Muti hit move) Second Move - natures sense: It will make the player pitch their hands in the ground, stunning the player, but we're doing this cannot be hit as they will be able to dodge any attack for 5 seconds and if pressed again will send roots through the ground attacking up to 4 players in a in it, pulling the opponents, to the ground but the but the player can now be hit. (a sort of counter type move) Third move - spore infection This move whenever the player uses, it will make the player get into a fighting stance whenever hit the opponent will be sent back and spores will grow on the player making them take damage overtime for 8 seconds. (Combo ender) Fourth move - the true fly trap This move or summon a giant Venus fly trap that will grab the opponent and launch them in the air before opening its mouth and closing on the player, pulling them back to the ground. Awakening - name photosynthesis: The move will have the player take off the giant cloth, revealing a rose type of bulb on their arm. Their arm will be black and text Will pop-up saying, it would seem that I will have to take you some what seriously. First awakened move - the true ancient roots: this move will summon a giant wood tree type structure behind the player and will send out 4 giant roots that will grab anybody and slammed him to the ground. It will last for. 10 seconds. Second awakened move - piranha bulb: this will make a giant flower, appear behind the player and summon a army of Pirates type plants that will charge at anybody with in a eight block radius. Third awakened move - splintering fever: this move will turn the players hands into a type of projectile gone. Sure that can be used up to 5 times if a player is hit the only way to get rid of the splinter is by another player punching it as if they pulling it out if not, the splinter will cause the player team lose up to 25% of the HP. Forth awakened move - maximum overgrowth: is a domain expansion type of move which will make a eye appear on the players rose after that a field of grass will appear around a 10 block radius around the player and anyone that isn't stuck inside the domain for 20 seconds, will be pulled into the grass. The only way to escape is by attacking the player them self where every move of the players is a guaranteed hit and will be stronger and bigger. Sorry for the way I was just trying to think of everything. Thank you guys for waiting, I hope you guys can help me get noob to review these. If you can’t it’s fine just thank you guys for the support.
  • @TheManDude
    For the domain, maybe it could constantly summon volcanos underneath you which could endlessly juggle you unless if you have a ragdoll cancel. This could easily be countered by just running away, but if you’re stunned/ragdolled, you’re done for.
  • Megumi - Domain Invasion : Megumi when invade someone domain, depends on which sure hit effect the domain provides to the user, it’ll get minimize while the megumi’s user domain is still active.(like from the fight with Da-gone) Gojo’s : The people inside (include the megumi user) will be able to move, gets decrease speed, increase start-up time for moves, etc,etc,… bassically giving mobility option to escape. Sukuna’s : The people inside will get reduced damage from the slash. Hakari’s : The Hakari user now have to do 3 visual moves instead of 2, both of the scenarios will be come one star less valued.If the megumi user did not get interrupt throughout the whole time that the Hakari’s domain are active, the Hakari will always have 50s of ult, instead of 1m40s regardless of which roll it is. Mahito’s: The purple bar will now drains 1,5x as slow per usual. ❗️YOU NEED TO RAGDOLL THE MEGUMI TO CANCEL THEIR DOMAIN❗️
  • @Joemal782
    Kashimo-Thunder god Special- A parry similar to yuji or hakari your character coats themself with lightning to counter attack doing damage on contact and damage overtime Move one- static beat down: your character does short windup before rushing at your opponent with thundering punches which can chain thunder to others (screw teamers)similar to cursed strikes it can pickup off the ground if timed properly Move two- staff toss: throw your nyoi staff at your opponent to stun them doing decent damage with a 10% chance to paralyze but can be blocked(like a better version of reserve balls) but if you miss the staff will be stuck in the ground if used twice it can be used to relay thunder back to your opponent but if you miss you get shocked (kinda like red black flash) Move 3- Thunder’s roar: a dash move (similar to rush or hakari’s rushes) dash towards with a unblockable kick (good for combo ending) Move 4- taunt: mock your opponent by wiping blood from your nose (have to take damage) buffing your character with decently reduced cooldown times can only be used once until you die and cooldown reduction turns off after all of your moves come back Ultimate-Mythic beast amber: Tell your opponent to turn up the volume as this is a funeral for the living your thunderous energy surges send out a aoe attack to push back your opponent instead of a ult bar timer your health slowly goes down until you eventually die Special- be able to see your opponents moves and ultimate bar to see if they are on cooldown to be the ultimate menace 7 sec cooldown Move 1- mystic eraser: use electric magnetic to send back projectiles open and red for examples Move 2- surging armor: use your electricity to make armor when you block stop those too aggressive opponents from hitting your disappears after a time gauge similar to mahito domains Move 3- Lightning ashes: charge up a thunder dash similar to thunderclap flash the tell tale sign being your character gets low to the ground on all fours before dashing with incredible speed before backhanding the opponent Move 4- demonic form: surrender yourself to your lighting increases your health decay rate but increases the damage you do by two times Really only did this because kashimo is my favorite character in the manga and gege did him dirty hope he’s the next character in jjs
  • @mcopium9443
    For Jogo's Domain, i suggest that i instead of debris hitting enemies, it should act like Harbor's ult in valorant, where every 2-3 seconds an circle indicator appears below the enemy, then lava erupts after a short period of time, with dashing/side dashing or using any mobility moves it would be undodgable, ragdolling the enemy upwards for each hit. This gives it the "guaranteed hit effect" that every other domain has but also being a bit survivable.
  • Uraume suggestion: by me I really hope you see this im quite the fan!!! This is my first suggestion, i tried to make it fun, I really hope you all like it (EDIT, MADE IT BETTER) Uraume: Frost witch R- Frost breath: Blows a short range snow breath at the target, freezing them for 1.5 seconds (pretty cool combo starter, blockable), anyone frozen can be broken out if you hit them with any attack. 1- Sheer cold: Puts hand out, freezing anything within a small fan shaped area (including the floor and buildings), if someone steps on said ice they slip/ragdoll or slowly them down (blockable). If combined with R, you fire a fan shaped spiky wall of ice that freezes anyone caught for 1.5 sec (shortened range and longer charge time), if you miss it stays as a wall for 5 sec, can be broken. (Variant is unblockable) 2- Icicles: Fires short ranged icicles at the target, giving them frostbite for 1.5 seconds (slows their movement and dmagaes them, through damage tics). Is blockable and does (mediocre damage similar to reserve balls) 3- Hollow frost: Summons a blue block of ice that you throw at your opponent, if it hits it breaks into snow particles (wich will be used later). If you miss the block stays on the ground as a throwable, (can freeze people except the uraume user) or platform (can be broken into snow). (Unblockable but has a long startup time). Variant; if you downslam an opponet you slam the ice block down at them, uppercut them then you blast them with the block of ice launching them pretty far. (LoL) 4- Avalanche: Using the snow from your third move, you either push or pull your target closer depending on if they stand in front or behind the blob of snow left from your block of ice. (Unblockable) AWAKENING: SORROWFUL WINTER; Summons a strong breeze that creates a blanket of snow over the map, (covers the entire map in some snow and ice, both the ice and snow can be thrown, the snow has two variants, being the small snowball that deals nothing and the big snowball made with five snowballs that you can compact that deals 10% damage, and snow constantly falls during the duration of the ult, has I frames). (very fun :D) 1- Frosty wind: Summons a strong breeze of cold wind that slows down the enemy and gives them frostbite and slightly freezes them for .3 seconds, (slightly freeze means they're only slowed but have a slightly blue hue around their character). (Blockable) 2- Ice Berg: Drops a huge iceberg down onto your opponent, (similar to that of tatsumaki's meteor). Stays on the ground for 3.5 seconds, can be used as a platform and can be broken into more snow. Any target hit is inflicted with frostbite and is slowed for 1.5 seconds. 3- Frost Barrage: Dashes towards your opponent, (similar to rush) grabbing them and punching them 5 times before slamming them onto the ground and hitting them with 10 ice shards. (Does 65% damage) 4- Eternal Frostbite: Freezes the closest target and turns them into a throwable ice satute that can be broken into more snow (the statue will stay indefinitely even if the player respawns, unless it's broken). (One hit move. Has a really long wind up time like mahoraga and is unlockable) PASSIVE- Cold Heart: Increases damage by .5×, (can stack up 3 times) if hit by your own attack, you also cannot be frozen. I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE THIS STUPID SUGGESTION!!
  • @HayvenMercer
    Jujitsu shenanigans concept 3 Kashimo - name lightning god The changes to the players m1s to a staff. Passives electrified punch/ lightning quick Dash: when ever in opponent is blocking, whenever the player punches them, it will cause the opponent to be stunned for 2 seconds unless they are in their ultimate, which will be unaffected, the second passive will make the players dashes quicker and turn them into a bolt of lightning, which will go instead of 1 space to 2. (movement or combo extender) R move - thunder strike: it will cause the player to be able strike the opponent with a thunderbolt if they are on the ground stunning the opponent for three seconds and doing 5% of the health. (by the way, the players m1s are now a staff) (combo starter/extender) First move - electric combo: the player will kick the opponent in the head before hitting them with a left, hook a punch to the stomach, followed by multiple punches to the stomach, an upper cut, and then ended with a slapping the players hands against the opponents head before hitting them with her knee doing 10% of their health. (long range move) Second Move - thunderbolt shot: The player will clap their hands, causing the ice to glow before sending a shot of lightning towards the opponent Stunning them for two seconds and doing 3% of their health. (A rush move) Third move - thunder clap dash: The player run and be able to pick up at least three people. Wow the player is winning. They will be able to punch the opponents if the player punches the opponents since the start of the move they will do 15% HP, and if they punch at the end of the move, they were only do 5. (Combo ender)(custom idea) Fourth move - false black flash: This move will automatically no matter what make a black flash, but it wouldn't be a normal black flash instead of a black and red. It would be a purple and blue as it would a false one it will do 6% of the opponents health. Awakening - name turn up the volume: The move will have the player pitch their arms in between their legs well to speech 2 bubbles will appear saying this is a funeral of the living, turn up the volume!!, which will have lightning explode out of the player while in the ultimate mode lightning will strike down a wound with the player is standing randomly and in different locations but if the player land, a upper cut or a down slam, it will hit the opponent, no matter what, First awakened move - Dropkick pummel: this move will make me player run and drop kick an opponent. This can be controlled after the opponent will be sent back. The player will do a back handspring one at the opponent before hitting them with a barrage of punches before blasting them back with the last one. Second awakened move - Lightning quick disarming: this move will make the player shoot a bolt of lightning at in anyone this boat we will move an arm from the player which will make the M1's do less damage and win dashing will not be able to punch Acient as their normal punching him would be gone and would do 10% of the opponent HP. Third awakened move - True lightning strike smash: the player, Will Dash seven times in a lightning bolt and anyone that is hit at the end will be sent in the air. In the air smashed into the ground can hit grounded, if the player uses the r move white before the opponent is hit to the ground A lightning bolt will hit the players hands doing 5% more damage the attack does 10% damage and 15 well using the special. Forth awakened move - funeral of the living: the player will switch from their staff to their bare hands, which would change the other three ultimate moves but can only be used once in the ultimate, and anyone around the player win the move is activated will be hit with knock back three seconds of stun in 15% of the HP will be gone. (after using funeral of the living, aoe) New awakened move - electrified floor - sticks their hands in the ground in makes every block in a five block radius around the player turn electric and sterling anyone caught in it for three seconds and doing 10% of there health. (after using funeral of the living, Thunderbolt slam) New awakened move - the player makes two lightning boats go around the opponent and uses them to slam them into the ground three times before throwing them to blocks back stunning them for 1 second and doing 8% of their HP. (after using funeral of the living, combo ender) New awakened move - shockwave canon: makes a mask around the players face you charge up for 2 to 3 seconds and release a massive shockwave of purple energy trapping anyone that is hit by it and doing 15% of their HP. (after using funeral of the living,aoe) New awakened move - thunderbolt nuke: after using shockwave Cannon sea player will unlock a new force move, titled thunderbolt and nuke the playable charge up a big bowl of purple energy before pointing at the ground releasing a massive beam before explode before the beam explodes causing eight blocks of explosive AOE damage and doing 25% HP to anyone hit by it can only be used once.
  • @randomguy4157
    1 Moveset a Day, (1, Naoya Zenin), please offer some criticism if you come across this comment: Naoya: Accelerated Animator R (Deliberate Dash): Dash forward in whatever direction your camera is in. 1 (24-Step Strike): Quickly dash at the person whom your cursor is over, making 24 steps. Upon reaching your target, you unleash a quick punch. 2 (24-Strike Storm): A flurry of 24 punches. Last punch has high knockback. Hits ragdolled 3 (Projected Momentum): You quickly dash towards your cursor in 24 planned steps, gaining I-frames for the duration. People you run past are struck with an open palm hit, stunning them for a second in a Freeze-Frame. Hitting a person in a Freeze-Frame causes the frame to shatter, dealing increased damage (1.25x). 4 (Predetermined Blitz): Enter a counter state. When attacked during this state, counter with a dash (like Manji Kick) followed by an open palm hit that applies Freeze-Frame. Block breaks Awakening: Cursed Acceleration Accursed Animation (Passive): When you land an M1, there’s a 10% chance to apply a Freeze-Frame on your target for 1 second. 20% with Down Slams/Uppercuts. Freeze-Frame’s extra damage is now 1.5x. R (Cursed Momentum): Accelerate movement speed, attack speed, and cooldown reduction for reduced awakening time. Stacks up to 5 times. (+20% movement speed, +5% attack speed, +2.5% cooldown reduction, -5 seconds of Awakening duration per stack) R Variant (Mach 3): [Upon having 5 stacks of Cursed Momentum.] Dash incredibly fast in whatever direction your camera is in. 3 uses before cooldown. 1 (Freeze-Frame): Speed towards the person whom your cursor is over, unleashing an open palm strike that inflicts Freeze-Frame for a second. 1 Variant (Black Flash): Speed towards the person whom your cursor is over, unleashing an open palm Black Flash that sends the target flying. Upon the target landing, they're stuck in a Freeze-Frame for a second. Block breaks Ragdolls 2 (Speedblitz): Enter a counter state. When attacked during this state, counter by unleashing a powerful roundhouse kick that sends the target flying. You then dash behind your target, following with a punch to their back. Block breaks Ragdolls 3 (Accelerated Assault): Dash forward, unleashing a relentless barrage of punches and kicks (similar to Vessel's Cursed Strikes), the last of the attacks being a Freeze-Frame inducing open palm strike. 3 Aerial (Air Propulsion): Quickly move forward in the direction of your camera for 5 seconds (similar to Ten Shadow’s Great Serpent). People in the way are damaged. Ragdolls 4 (Time Cell Moon Palace): Open up your Domain Expansion. Caught targets take damage every accumulated second they’re moving/in an attack animation during the domain. Additionally, it doubles the chance of Freeze-Frames. Finally, your movement speed, attack speed, and cooldown reduction are all doubled, if you have 5 stacks of Cursed Momentum.
  • @Zyskr..
    a good change to the domain could be does slow burning until the enemy is at 25% if they go above 25% it starts again also randomly throws debris at the enemy
  • Suggestion of kashmio- god of thunder R-eletric armour that stun any oppent that come in contact plus ur m1 would go through block and buff but it last for 5 sec 1.shocking punch- u dash at the oppent and strike their stomach but it would be extend fury- u barrage thm with ur staff knocking thm away strike - this move require to use 2x to actually work which the first time u would mark thm which this mark can last for 10 sec and once u press it agian u would shoot a undodgeble lighting attack which would ragdoll thm 4.electric surge- u explode with eletric which be mid aoe and stun Awaken u would create a purple aura around ur self R-eletric flash which js a longer more instant dash plus u can use 3x 1.thunderblow- u blitz the opponent and with overwhelming blow 2.sonic scream - u scream at the enmy mid range aoe which stun this move is blockable 3.elercto wave u would shoot a wave of energy 4.thunder storm- u summon a storm which stun thm Passive- more m1 or hitting the first move would buff thunder storm
  • @ItsAcidPlays
    In my opinion they should add Maki instead of Toji since all the other jjk games add Toji and it would be more original and unique
  • 2:50 i think he means like it will aim for you but it wont come back from going forward just to hit them
  • Since my first concept generally wasn’t good this time I’ll go for making a whole character Yuki tsukimo - astral sorcerer 1 - star: a base groundslam attack 2 - planet: a barrage attack 3 - asteroid: a aerial attack, starts by jumping up then come crashing down with a powerful strike 4 - imaginary mass: improves your M1 damage and front dash damage in exchange for some ult bar Ult - star rage Ult quote - what’s your type? Ult appearance - same as normal but with a snake thing (forgot its name) and a constellation aura around you Ult 1 - constellation: a dash into a strike that sends the opponent flying Ult 2 - starborn: throws the snake thing restricting someone’s movements then hitting them with a powerful strike Ult 3 - planet breaker: a powerful ground slam Ult 4 - asteroid belt: a barrage of powerful blows dealing intense dmg to a target Special - black hole, hitting 1 + r follow up with 2 + r follow up with 3 + r followed by 4 + r in quick succession then you sacrifice yourself but turn into a black hole killing anyone nearby Charecter R move: summons Garunda (I think that’s its name), this will slightly increase the range of some attacks and will increase your M1 dmg Charecter passive: after a kill you get more M1 dmg for 30 seconds
  • @grecil
    Posting my concept here again from the last video 🎉 MIWA CONCEPT M1: Miwa wields a katana, allowing her to have good M1 trading due to her slashing. R - New Shadow Style: Simple Domain Miwa generates a circular space around her of bluish hues. Any enemy that moves into the space or happens to be in it when the move activates will be susceptible to certain attacks. Moving when in this stance will cancel the Special. This Special needs to be held to prolong. R + M1 - Simple Counterattack When an enemy is within the Special’s domain, performing an M1 will cause her to spontaneously attack the enemy with a powerful slash, leading into an M1 combo extender. This slash is unblockable, and if the enemy dashes out after the M1 has already triggered, then they will be caught in the animation nonetheless. The enemy can still attack her in this state, so the player must react quick. This cannot be used twice in a combo, therefore Miwa will hesitate and miss her slash on the second attempt. 1 - Milky Seafood Cup Ramen Momo flies past Miwa far up in the sky and drops her a piping styrofoam container of cup ramen. This animation has a similar start-up length to Hakari’s Rough Energy. In this attack, Miwa attempts to grab the cup from the sky and spills it when catching it; causing the hot liquid to fly forward and deal DOT (damage over time) damage to the enemy. The initial spill is blockable, but the DOT isn’t. Unlike Rough Energy, the liquid spillage range extends further decently, so it’s decent in neutral. Attacking Miwa will be effective before she catches the cup, but after she does, Miwa gains invincible frames. Indoors, Miwa just sneezes and makes the enemy sick; dealing DOT damage. The initial sneeze is blockable but the DOT isn’t. But this attack also has a similar start-up time to the cup ramen attack, and she gains invincibility frames once her sneeze winds up. The sneeze has a shotgun spread of small particles. This attack can be used after an uppercut, mid-combo, or a downslam when the enemy has no ragdoll. 2 - Simple Rushdown Miwa performs multiple slashes, flailing her mighty weapon. Eventually, she loses balance and trips. This makes her accidentally thrust her katana into the enemy’s gut to block her fall. She falls down with the enemy, pinning them into the ground when she lands; landing atop of her enemy in confusion. This move has the same properties as Gojo’s barrage attack, but after its executed, the enemy is left ragdolled and stunned on the ground. This can combo into her 1 move or R + M1 when used in time READ AFTER ULT: (Instead of the katana pinning the enemy down, the baseball bat does) R + 2 - Simple Spin-Top Miwa enters the domain stance, but instead of performing a slash, she spins around and slashes in 360 degrees. This can be an effective anti-teaming mechanic, allowing her to push away multiple foes and ragdoll them. This can also be used on one person for the same effect. 3 - All I Can Do Is Parry or Dodge! Miwa enters a counter stance, similar in functionality to her Special. Instead, she has her katana outwards. This move can be used three times before sent into a lengthy cooldown. All 3 uses can occur at any time (resets after death), but each use will not have a cooldown of its own. (Variant 1) - Parry! In this stance Miwa can parry any physical attack, leaving the enemy stunned in place afterwards. When the enemy is stunned, Miwa cannot combo extend, but she can deliver a knocking blow that’ll push the enemy away. (Variant 2) - They Threw It!? Any attacks that are projectiles will be deflected/parried with her katana. However, there is a 20% chance that her katana will break when she does this. When this happens, her Ultimate bar is filled up nearly to full (regardless of how much ult bar she has), and when it’s full, it will reduce her ult bar to the designated amount. When this happens, all her moves are locked (excluding Special and 4). When performing the Special, Miwa will attempt to slash the enemy, but will fail due to her limited range. However, doing that will fill up the rest of her Ultimate bar. In any other case, Miwa needs to perform 4 M1 upon an opponent to fill up her Ultimate bar. If she dies with her broken sword, she’ll respawn will the nearly filled bar, and the sword will be fixed. (Will not work on certain attacks like Gojo’s Max Blue) READ AFTER ULT: (Her baseball bat will not break) (Variant 3) - Dodge! This stance allows Miwa to dodge any attack that’s not an apparent projectile or a physical attack. This can include both of Gojo’s Blues, Sukuna’s Dismantle, Hakari’s Shuttering Doors, etc. Due to how specific the move needs to be for this to activate, it will grant her increased running and attacking speed temporarily to either flee or cover in the distance after the attack. 4 - Useless Miwa Here… Miwa will just ragdoll herself in utter defeat. When she’s ragdolled, Miwa is invincible to any attacks (excluding Domains). In this state, Miwa will have increased cooldown recovery, HP recovery and instantly regain her ragdoll cancel. However, this move lasts for 5 seconds. The cooldown duration lasts for 1 minute. When her katana is broken, Miwa will just die when this move is clicked. Her HP resets to 0 and she dies. R + 4 (when Katana is broken) - My Katana Was Taken Away From Me… Like in the show, Miwa will sing that her katana was taken away from her (broken in this case). She’s invincible in this animation and it provides no after-effects. ULTIMATE: R - New Shadow Style: Simple Domain Not very different from her base Special, but in her ult she can automatically counter any move with no manual inputs. 1 - Home Run! Miwa pulls out a baseball bat as a Mechamaru pitching machine appears. Mechamaru shoots a baseball in Miwa’s direction and Miwa swings it towards the enemy’s direction. If it lands, Miwa will gain invincible frames and consecutively hit multiple baseballs towards the enemy, shredding their HP and ragdolling them. This move is unblockable. Variant: One of the baseballs will appear enveloped in blue cursed energy. When Miwa strikes this ball, the player must immediately click R to perform a variant. Todo will use his Boogie Woogie to switch places with the baseball enveloped in cursed energy and land a Black Flash kick when he reaches the enemy. This leaves the enemy stunned and ragdolled. 2 - Momo Express Momo appears on her broom besides Miwa. Quickly, Miwa hops on the broom with Momo and they chase the enemy on the broom. If the broom connects with the enemy, Momo’s broom will ram into the enemy’s back, knocking them on to the ground face-first. Swiftly, Momo turns her broom around violently in the air, knocking Miwa off clumsily. Momo shoots down a Wind Scythe upon the grounded enemy. Miwa struggles to get up from the ground and trips in the process, stabbing her katana into the grounded enemy. This move is unblockable. 3 - Batto Sword Drawing There are two variants to this. Variant 1: The normal version is that it’s a basic horizontal slash that is blockable. The slash, if it connects, will deal heavy damage. It can hit multiple enemies and the slash’s range reaches further out. It will emit a blue glint momentarily before striking instantly. Variant 2: Even If I Can No Longer Wield a Katana, I Won’t Regret It! To initiate this variant, Miwa must be in her R stance. When in range, the automatic attack will release. As it connects, the player must press Dash immediately after the strike to appear behind the enemy. All of this is interruptible until the animation of her appearing behind the enemy plays. Then, the player must press 3. This will initiate an animation where Miwa swears she will never swing a katana again before her domain swirls around vigorously. High amounts of cursed energy is imbued into her katana due to the binding vow and then she strikes in the blink of an eye. Her enemy is left barely alive and Miwa depletes her Ultimate bar entirely. When returning to base, instead of swinging a katana, she swings a baseball bat to make up for her binding bow. 4 - Simple Domain Miwa creates a Simple Domain around her that automatically negates all Domain Expansion effects (can be pressed in Gojo’s Unlimited Void).
  • @pizzaboy2303
    ill repost my own jogo suggestion: what im trying to do with jogo here is a glass cannon because canonically thats what he is in the show the main gimmick for this character is that he exchanges survivability for large damage and mobility Jogo / Volcanic Spirit Health: 70 (youll see why later) R - be able to change or charge the move to increase its usefulness or change the move (press a move then hold R during their startup to charge it) but makes you more vurneable because of the high startup 1. Fireball - chuck a fireball in an arc that does AOE and large damage (uncharged version barely has any range) charging it increases the AOE and range using it in the air just uses the fully charged version and throw it below you (must be from a high height) 2. Eruption - punch your opponent while your hand is on fire, thats it also its a combo ender charging it will make you slam the ground instead and turn the terrain into lava in a line (area denial) 3. Ember Insects - summon ember insects that do hitscan damage (downslams at long range but knocks backs at close range) 4. Burner - blast yourself forward in the air while the initial blast does small damage (can be used to use the air variant of 1) charging it while make you surf on lava similar to plume on akainu from aba Awakening - NOT YET! 1. Great Flames - just a reskinned fire arrow thats faster and does less damage (its supposed to be the thing that jogo used when sukuna used fire arrow) 2. Volley - jump up in the air and rapidly fire ember insects charging it increases the duration and amount of ember insects you shoot 3. Greater Eruption - summon lava hands from the ground and squish anyone in it charging it increases the size of the hands and damage 4. Coffin of the Iron Mountain - this domain will rapidly throw lava meteors that is indicated by the shadow on the ground (they can dodge it but you have to have fast reflexes) and it you get hit by it you will take a BIG chunk of your health if you attack jogo during this domain you will risk getting hit by the lava meteors and if you hold block to avoid the jogo trying to stun you you will risk getting hit also Special- Maximum technique: press 2 to get in the air then press 1 and hold R for 8 seconds to summon a giant meteor, this will put all of your moves on cooldown (excluding 4)