Another day in the life of Rodenstein.

Published 2013-07-26
Update on progress as we get ready to make our maiden voyage among the rest of the motoring public!
Working out some of the bugs.

All Comments (21)
  • @ncautoman57
    Looking good Dan. Thanks for sharing your build.
  • Looking good Dan. Almost time for ice cream like you said. Have an extra one for me.
  • @cutworm59
    DD, I still like the headlights. Aint it FUN making these rigs! And making folks worry! HA.
  • @Ajen1959
    Man you got a lot done since last time! nice work!
  • @dedeye1
    Thanks guys . She's come a long ways since I dragged that old cab home and chopped the S-10 frame up to make it fit. I can look at this thing and say "yup, cut myself on that S.O.B ing P.O.S. right there in at least a hundred places! I'd do it all again in a heart beat!
  • @dedeye1
    It's a labor of love for sure. I have to confess to ya Iv'e been scanning Craigslist in our area for a Crosley! Guess I gotta get the old Hillman going.
  • @tertessa
    Love it!! Swan makes a good site. Ready Aim Fire....
  • @dedeye1
    Thank you. I can't wait to jump in it and just GO!
  • @Yaheuben66
    Looks safe to me! Love the 6-banger (of course)
  • @dedeye1
    1:16 am Just came into the house from the garage. Later today Rodenstein, me and a bunch of my friends are making a road trip to Rpeeks place for a cookout,ice cream and a car show at the speedway! Maiden voyage! I hope somebody brings a tow strap!
  • @harryfaber
    I regret that owing to the Meteor engine missing on all 12 cylinders, I won't be able to join you for ice cream. In fact, all 48 valves need replacing, and the crankcase hasn't turned up, but you guys have fun! Be careful that you don't scratch any paint off any shiny Hondas!