Amazon is So Lame

Published 2024-05-15

All Comments (21)
  • @FreakGeSt
    Amazon is slowly become Aliexpress, but with Aliexpress you know is gonna be a bootleg.
  • I won’t buy any games on eBay unless I see an actual picture of the game I’m purchasing. lol
  • If you think Amazon is bad, remember how GameStop would unwrap a game, put an unremovable sticker on the case, remove the game so an employee can "test" it... Then sell the game to you full price as "new"... Which tbh still feels better than car dealers who feel entitled to turn the bumper of your brand new, factory ordered car into a billboard.
  • @ahmadarefin
    I like to think there is an alternate universe where Scott lives in Europe and is annoyed when the game he ordered on Amazon is a US copy and has the ESRB logo on it
  • @themailman3331
    At least twice they’ve put a collectors edition of something in a bubble mailer bag and it arrived completely mangled. I’ll never order a collectors edition of anything from Amazon ever again.
  • @tecpaocelotl
    Amazon has become a dumpster fire. It's why I still shop at stores.
  • @aortaplatinum
    I've been boycotting Amazon for their treatment of their employees for years, but had to use their site to get a very specific tool for work. I was SHOCKED just how disorganized and confusing and messy the site was, especially with the duplicate listings and the multiple similar endings. Like holy shit, eBay makes more sense and is better organized. Amazon is a MASSIVE AND PROFESSIONAL RETAIL SUPERGIANT, and they still suck this much. It's absolutely insane that it's just... like this and they'll just send you fuckin whatever so long as it's got the same name. Like how is there not just one listing for each game and then you click on it and you select your console, region, and edition?! Region locking has existed for longer than region free stuff, VHS WAS REGION LOCKED WHAT ARE YOU DOING JEFF BEZOS
  • @Venom-9a29
    As someone who works at the UPS Store and deals with Amazon returns everyday, this is so common. Amazon has been shipping so many things to people that people haven’t even bought or requested and makes their customers end up returning the item. Leaving everyone frustrated. I won’t be surprised if Amazon falls down and another company takes its place someday.
  • @baLANDor
    Regarding the bootleg sd card: Most bootlegs operate in a way that the card has a much smaller capacity like 16 or 32 GBs, but it's programmed to show up as a genuine 1 TB one. That way, there aren't any suspicions instantly, and the first few files that are created will work fine (as they fall within those 16-32 GBs), but when your data exceeds this actual capacity, it's just corrupted. So yeah. I'm sorry that happened, hopefully this can make you be aware of it more in the future.
  • I had an issue with Amazon sending me a $150 collector's edition game to my house...without an outer box. They just slapped a shipping label on the game box itself, the corners got completely crushed in and there were scuff marks all over it from getting jostled around in the FedEx truck. Customer service's response when I brought all this up to them? "Why didn't you select the option to have it ship in an Amazon box then?" This was a pre-order from a year prior to them implementing their "You can opt-out of a box for whatever reason!" shipping option, and trying to explain that to customer service was like trying to pull teeth. Needless to say, I just pick them up from Best Buy/GameStop from now on.
  • @SpiritumTimoris
    Amazon went downhill when more people were using it as a "get rich quick" thing that social media has been showing. I try to stray from there and buy through a first party seller or go to a brick and mortar store. If it's retro, I'm SOL cause Ebay has insane prices and Amazon has terrible products
  • @josephfox1710
    Amazon priorities speed over quality packing, people genuinely just toss packages around even if they clearly say fragile and it's encouraged
  • @Marc_Araujo
    If that happens (and it does), I'll send that shit right back and tell Amazon that the item was not as described by seller.
  • @Nerdtendo6366
    I bought a copy of Personal Trainer Walking on Amazon. It showed the box for the American copy, they sent me the Pal copy. “Walk with Me” is officially my first import game, so thank you Amazon
  • @lemoncat9329
    One thing to add about Amazon, they aim to monopolize pretty much everything. I'd rather not allow many stores to shut down and people lose their jobs which is why I don't support them. There are other online stores that can be supported.
  • I ordered 3D World + Bowser’s Fury on Amazon and it came WITHOUT THE CARTRIDGE. I was so excited to open the box and then broke into laughter seeing an empty cart slot. At least they sent me another copy of the game so I have a spare Switch case for a custom print box art.
  • @MrCed122
    The problem with Amazon is that all their stock is mixed together. If 10 sellers are selling the same SD card, they'll just put all of them together in the warehouse and take one at random if one is sold by any of those sellers. If a single one is selling fake SD cards, then any of those 9 other sellers can unwillingly sell you a bootleg, so it's extremely difficult to know exactly who are actually selling fakes and who are just victims. Of course, Amazon being Amazon, they won't just make a better inventory of their stock to make it easier to recognize where everything is coming from, so they just ignore the problem, hoping it'll just go away (or more likely, not caring because it's cheaper to pay back a few hundreds people every day than actually solving the problem).
  • @AstiLoyce
    You should try to buy things that are “fulfilled, sold and shipped by Amazon” cuz third party sellers always try to pull some sort of bs
  • @TheM0T
    I sell on Amazon, and I HATE the people who do stuff like that. I know, even as a seller, getting Amazon to actually do something is harder than pulling teeth, from a crocodile, with your bare hands, but I still usually at least try. I know you probably don't have the time, and don't want to mess with it, but if you report sellers and/or leave negative feedback (on the seller's page, not the product), it can help sometimes. Selling a game that doesn't match the region the page shows is against the TOS. In the case of the bootleg, use the word "fake" in the reason for the return. That will automatically put a black mark on their account and prevent them from ever selling through that listing again unless they prove to Amazon that their stuff is real. Granted, for every scammer or listing that gets taken down, two new listings and scammer accounts get made, but... Still. For buying, my rule of thumb is to make sure it is either sold by Amazon or at least shipped by Amazon via the "Fulfilled by Amazon" program. That may be ironic since, as a seller, I do fulfilled by merchant (myself). If you have to go with a third party doing fulfilled by merchant, make sure to look at the seller's profile for feedback first.
  • @Robospy1
    You'd be surprised how many people don't realize that lots of stuff on Amazon comes from 3rd parties and not Amazon. They don't make it very clear, so people just assume "Oh, this is the official product" When it's actually coming from some random 3rd party that's bootlegging because the page is the same as the official one.