@hardwell extremely angry at SAGA festival, Bucharest, 5.07.2024

Published 2024-07-05

All Comments (21)
  • Dios mío de mi vida lo que ocurrió en todo el video. No me lo puedo creer, en serio. Neta... Antes de cualquier cosa, los que crearon SAGA son los mismos de ALDA que tienen a AMF, Armin Only, y varios más. NO DEBERÍAN TENER ESTE TIPO DE PROBLEMAS, SE SUPONE QUE SON "PROFESIONALES". Se me hace demasiado extraño que pasen este tipo de problemas técnicos. Al menos en Tomorrowland lo arreglaban en 2 minutos, como pasó con James Hype. Por cierto, no recordaba ver a Hardwell muy molesto, desde lo ocurrido en la F1 en México 2017, o desde que mandó a freír espárragos a la DJMAG por su ninguneo al Dj-Productor Atmozfears en el ADE 2016. Y cuando Hardwell se enoja, sabes que hay algo muy muy horrible.
  • @mucha11211
    You can tell the production is bad becaus they couldn't even turn his mic off 😂
  • @bryanyap6233
    WOW as a Hardwell fans for so many years, this is the very moment reminds me again why I salute this legend
  • @wubbuh
    He is calling that stagemanager since beginning of the set, and the organisation said: if you just called for help, we could fix it😂😂😂
  • @BiggusNickus
    Lost it at the guy trying to get Hardwell off the stage and failing miserably 😂
  • I wanted to thank you for what you did at Saga Festival, last year I won a Dj contest and they promised me to play the evening on a big stage to give me good visibility, in the end I ended up in a tent in the middle of a heat wave playing at 4pm when the festival opened at 5pm ... thanks again 💪🔥
  • @paddesan
    The moment he multi-pressed the Cue/Play that was probably glitching, and gave up.
  • @Szwedo730
    This is why I always respect him. He will always try his very best to play for the people. As he even said, he wasn’t paid to play but he still came. But then the festival let him down by putting out all the broken equipment on stage.
  • @WilllMendez
    I’m going to be honest… but Fuck Saga festival for the disrespect to Hardwell…the crowd was amazing but that was a horrible response to him on twitter from the promoters. The man works super hard and it should have been a massive red flag when they didn’t pay him. All artist including Hardwell deserve respect.
  • Here is the chain of events: 1. Hardwell starts experiencing problems almost immediately 2. He gives the technical team 5 minutes to fix his gear 3. 30 seconds later (not even), he slams his headphones 4. He proceeds to walk out and deliver an anti-Saga speech to the fans, cancelling his show 5. After his departure, Will Sparks performs with no problems 6. The next day, James Hype opens his set with a remix of his rant. 7. Nicki Minaj cancels her performance for unrelated reasons (Bucharest became a protest zone against economic policies in Romania) 8. After Hype’s performance goes viral, Hardwell was not amused, unfollowing Hype on his Instagram profile
  • @Kini_the_Fox
    “BRING OUT THE LASERS!” (one laser is on and it looks like it’s actually malfunctioning)
  • No puede un festival tener a uno de los mejores DJS del mundo sin equipos o producción a su nivel, imposible.
  • @IcemanTheDj
    They should have backup for everything, mixer, players, cables... in 3 minute everything can be replaced with proper planed backup! At the big festivals there is a whole setup next to the main setup ready to mix on it if needed! Just switch the setup!
  • Been there, part of limited and select group of Hardwell fans witnessing the shortest set in the history of festivals. 😂😂😂 Kudos to Hardwell for respecting his fans and his work!
  • @Arielrosemusic
    Wow - that was terrible. I’m a musician and have been n situations like that where you’re not well paid but you go because you love your crowd - and then if the sound equipment and set up is bad or faulty, it can really put you over the top. I’m glad he got to say his piece about what was happening and can’t believe that staff guy trying to grab him to make him move. Hardwell is a big draw and headliner - how do you NOT pay him AND have a crappy setup?! Not cool.
  • @iambrynx
    Been following Hardwell for a LONGGG time. Never seen him act this way, very out of character.
  • @genmckane3232
    Am interacționat cu multi nemți, austrieci, olandezi, etc... și garantez ca e o reacție normala atunci când ei simt ca cineva își bate joc de munca lor.