Appeals court reinstates death penalty for six ex-UPNM students in fatal bullying case

Published 2024-07-23
The Court of Appeal has sent six former National Defence University of Malaysia (UPNM) cadets to the gallows for the murder of fellow cadet Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain seven years ago.

This was following a reinstatement of Section 302 of the Penal Code against the six - Muhammad Akmal Zuhairi Azmal, Muhammad Azamuddin Mad Sofi, Muhammad Najib Mohd Razi, Muhammad Afif Najmudin Azahat, Mohamad Shobirin Sabri, and Abdoul Hakeem Mohd Ali.



All Comments (21)
  • "Dissapointed with the judgement"said the defense team-unbelievable. What your clients did was too cruel.
  • @chrissaw9484
    My heartfelt condolences to the victim Zulfarhan's family. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™
  • @MDin5001
    Sebagai bekas tentera, saya amat setuju hukuman mati terhadap 6 bekas pelajar UPNM. Mereka tidak layak sama sekali untok jadi pegawai tentera atas apa yang mereka telah buat. Nasi sudah jadi bubur, Zulfarhan pun tidak boleh di hidup semula. Dia mati di sebabkan buli dan dera yang amat kejam and ketelaluan. Institusi pengajian tinggi adalah untok memperolehi ilmu bukan lah buli. Mereka 6 orang ini telah memalukan ATM dan UPNM. Pesanan kepada Jenderal jenderal yang ada, tempat latihan tentera dan jugak tempat pengajian UPNM bagi bakal pegawai tentera sepatut nya bermutu tinggi dan bertahap yang paling baik. Kejadian pembunuhan Zulfarhan tidak sepatutnya terjadi di UPNM. Pegawai pemerintah UPNM sepatutnya disingkirkan dari jawatannya dan diberi dishonorable discharge (section 49J) Akta ATM 1972.
  • For those who are angry at the defense councils for defending those convicted criminals, don't be, they are just doing their job whether the person is guilty or not, its their job to defend people.
  • @speedking1353
    The Court didnt "reinstate the death penalty"... it considered the charge under Sec 302 and sentenced them to death.
  • @sathi6395
    God bless the Court of Appeal of this country . May God, life and the force of tge universe look after and protect and comfort the parents of the dead boy and allow their other children in the best ways life and love can give. God bless the Judges of the Court of Appeal.
  • @Bony598
    My question is. What was the authorities doing when this young man was bullied. Did no one saw and complained. Very strange. I feel the institute should be accountable for such incidents not only the offenders.
  • @HONG38
    finally justice has been after 7 years
  • How were they selected for Navy can kill a person.Bully one person so many of them.Very sad.
  • @akmaakma3513
    How you ever watched 1990 film Lord of the Flies? When a bunch of school kids being left on their own for a very long time without an adult supervision, the place quickly turned into animal kingdom
  • @YamatoNaoe
    Even my cyberbullying and robbery case , the police and my lawyer doesn't seem to care about it at all. Its really pissed me off. Do i have to kill myself so that my family and the police and even my lawyer will take action?
  • @zoickn
    Peguam Hisyam .....why you always represent the wrong side??
  • kepada yg suka membuli...memukul orang sampai lah hukumannya...biar jadi pengajaran kepada semua...