How Palpatine Was Elected Chancellor | The Politics of Star Wars

Published 2022-04-22
We know that Palpatine won the election to become Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic before the Clone Wars in 32 BBY during the Phantom Menace, but who did he run against, and how did he win? What were the big issues of the day? In this video, we break down Palpatine's appeal, opponents, and how he and Darth Plagueis manipulated events to put him in power.

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All Comments (21)
  • Valorum born in coruscant and represent spira a core world he only have a company in eriadu
  • Can’t believe everyone missed the part in Phantom Menace when a reporter asked Palpatine what his position on renewable energy was and he responded “UNLIMITED POWER”. That won him a lot of swing voters
  • Palpatine was by far the most suspicious man when it was his Queen who made a vote of no confidence, and anyone with a modicum or political minded leader should have pointed out that Palpatine used his world crisis to his advantage.
  • @cmason105
    To be honest, I think the phantom menace is really missing a solid hour and half of them going over campaign finance. It's just empty without it
  • @Corcook
    When I always heard Bail in episode 1, I just always assumed it was Bail Organa. Dang Antilles, such a common galactic name that it just fades into the background
  • @DIEGhostfish
    Minor correction Naboo is mid rim but on the outer edge of it IIRC My favorite bit was they gave Bail Antilles info to sink either Teem or a third person in the race which combined with his earlier reveal of Valorum's apparent corruption made him a chronic busybody which nobody in the Senate would actually want.
  • @heavyarms55
    I always wondered if, at any point, the general public ever learned about all this. If, decades later people finally learned about what happened. I mean we are talking about the events that led to the fall of a 25k year old government. Seems like a pretty major event.
  • @ghoultube666
    I think the politics of Star Wars is pretty fascinating and it's always annoyed me a bit when fans go "oh but the politics is so boring" cause really the politics drives heaps of the action. The Rebellion is political. The Clone Wars is political. The struggle between the Jedi and the Sith a political struggle of ideologies. Even George Lucas acknowledges that his story is immensely political, both in mirroring the rise of dictators, and in the anti-imperial struggles of the past, specifically Vietnam. I've been involved in some Star Wars Roleplaying servers before and one of the things that annoys me about them is the lack of acknowledgement of that political factor. As such, I have created my own Star Wars Model Senate, which is a Star Wars political simulation based on reddit that is attempting to provide a more serious and authentic look at the development of politics in Star Wars and the key political questions that arose, as we move towards the Separatist crisis and the breakdown of the Republic as a political entity. You can find that subreddit here: and you can find a link to our discord here:
  • @DrifterG36
    For some reason I definitely thought it was Bail Organa not Antilles that was in the running....
  • @kanalkucker14
    Great video! I would love more videos on star wars politics!
  • @appalachandler
which was not, in fact, a surprise to him regardless what he may welcome, claim, or otherwise
” Those little nuggets are the best XD
  • @Willsedai
    I for one, am all for Star Wars Political Science videos.
  • @Brian6587
    One of the most interesting characters in fictional history. I remember loving the political scenes of Episode I so much even as a child. I hope they one day make a Palpatine prequel. "I WILL BE Chancellor"
  • @user-otzlixr
    Low energy Bail Antilles and crooked Ainlee Teem never had a chance.
  • If Palpatine wasn’t in the election, I would probably go with Antilles out of fear the corporations were getting out of control and becoming modern warlords in the Outer Rim. Heck, even if I lived in the Outer Rim and wasn’t human I would vote for Antilles so long as he hurt the corporations in anyway.
  • @r3-d2
    Hi Corey (Me again) I have another modding question: how would I apply a new texture to an alo model in blender with the alo/ala plugin?
  • So, anyone actually use Palpatine's political methods and wiles as a springboard for learning how such secretly corrupt powers that be succeed in real life politics these days and back then?