Afghanistan: CBCMP, A Huge Difference

Published 2023-11-03

This is the story of how the Afghan Ministry of Agriculture improves how it does business, which helps farmers, spurs the economy, and contributes to stability. This is a USDA program named CBCMP (Capacity Building and Change Management) that is uniquely effective. Since 1964, IESC has worked in 130 countries and helped to create or save over 1.5 million jobs.

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****************************** TRANSCRIPT ******************************

Saleem Khan Kunduzi, Deputy Minister for Administration and Finance, Afghanitsan Ministry of Agriculture: Those insurgents, the enemies of Afghanitsan, they don’t have job. If we better our services, that will not only help in the economy of the country, but it will bring stability to this country.

Text: Following the war, Afghanistan's Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock was in disarray, reaching less than 2% of Afghan’s millions of farmers.

Text: It was only translating about 25% of donor funds into actual agricultural services and projects.

Noor Seddiq, Deputy Chief of Party, CBCMP (Capacity Building & Change Management Program): When we started the project, we looked at the Ministry structure. After a month or so. We decided to hire qualified Afghans and fully embed within the ministry.

Saleem Khan Kunduzi CBCMP, our change management program with USDA is a different other programs that we had in the past. In the past, most of the capacity building program, they were coming sometime on weekly basis, and they were saying they were building the capacity of the ministry.

Text: CBCMP: “A Huge Difference”

Dr. Mohammad Jaqob Hotak, Director of HR & Capacity Building, Afghanistan Ministry of Agriculture: They introduced the change agent idea. The change agent worked as catalyst, as a coach, as a mentors with the civil servants to build their capacity.

Text: More than 200 highly skilled Afghan “Change Management Specialists” work side-by-side training and mentoring government workers.

Herschel Weeks, Chief of Party, CBCMP (Capacity Building & Change Management Program): The change management specialist, the role is to bring their colleagues, bring their civil servant colleagues up within the skill level to not only do their job but to act as a catalyst with others within the department. And so there is absolutely a multiplier effect between our change management specialists and those people they work with but also with the others that work around them.

Dr. Mohammad Jaqob Hotak: A good connection has been built between Ministry of Agriculture and farmers, extension workers and farmers. With that, now we see a significant change in the service delivery to our farmers, to our employees.

Zekira, farmer: Planting, agricultural activities, and everything is going very well. The Ministry of Agriculture and foreign organizations are helping us.

Anjila Azimi: The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock provided us with improved seeds that we planted. Now with the help of plastic tubes and greenhouses, our harvest increased and we are making progress.

Konduzi: So I can say that with the support of change management program, there is a huge difference, there is a huge difference of knowledge, there is a huge difference of capacity, there is a huge difference of understanding, and coordination with the donors, all these things happened with the timely support of the change management program.

Text: Since 2010, we have had over 200 full-time Afghan staff working side-by-side with Ministry employees, helping build capacity, improve processes, and ultimately serve farmers better.

Logo: USDA

Logo: IESC, Celebrating 50 years of promoting prosperity & stability through private enterprise.

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