Classical and Quantum Information in DNA (Google Workshop on Quantum Biology)

Published 2010-10-28
Google Workshop on Quantum Biology
Classical and Quantum Information in DNA
Presented by Elisabeth Rieper
October 22, 2010


DNA stores and replicates information. Special sequences of different nucleic acids (adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine) encode life's blueprints. These nucleic acids can be divided into a classical part (massive core) and a quantum part (electron shell and single protons). The laws of quantum mechanics map the classical information (A,C,G,T) onto the configuration of electrons and position of single protons. Although DNA replication requires perfect copies of the classical information, the core that constitutes this information does not directly interact with the copying machine. Instead, only the quantum degrees of freedom are measured. Thus successful copying requires a correct translation of classical to quantum to classical information. It has been shown [1] that the electronic system is well shielded from thermal noise. This leads to entanglement inside the DNA helix. It is an open question if this entanglement influences the genetic information processing. In this talk I will discuss possible consequences of entanglement for the information flow and the similarities and differences between classical computing, quantum computing and DNA information processing.

[1] E. Rieper, J. Anders, V. Vedral: The relevance of continuous variable entanglement in DNA, arXiv:1006.4053

About the speaker: Elisabeth Rieper - 2007: Diploma thesis in entanglement theory under supervision of Reinhard Werner. Since 2008: PhD studies in 'Quantum Coherence in Biological Systems' at CQT Singapore under supervision of Vlatko Vedral. This includes both finite dimensional entanglement (spin-spin entanglement in the avian compass, arxiv: 0906.3725) as well as infinite dimensional entanglement (phonons in the electronic degrees of freedom in DNA, arxiv: 1006.4053), exploiting correlations for work extraction (The work value of information, arXiv:0908.0424) and complexity theory.
Currently investigating the possible influence of entanglement on the information flow in biological systems.

All Comments (21)
  • @angelalongo1
    As long term biochemist UCB graduate and Chinese Medical doctor, I find this brilliant...entanglement has been experienced in TCM treatments, dreams and life... great courage you have to propose the science!!
  • @DrRJT
    Correct, Quantum Prophecies, only the carrier is physical. In addition, information in Shannon's theory is not the H of the source as implied here, but the difference of the source H overall with that of a particular message received.
  • @Yuzukhane
    seriously, imo this presentation introduces a breakthrough, yet in a video watched by some 17,000. I zhink zee should write a paper on zhis.
  • @davidwilkie9551
    In-form-ation, formulae, active format, modules of resonances => Act-uality of Time Timing Spinfoam, QM-Time Totality => Phys-Chem connection of Recorded Feedback, DNA etc of the living systems. Good talk for 2010...
  • Very interesting approach. DNA is in deed a quantum system. The problem is to find its logic gates. Binary code has only 2 digits and 7 logic gates. For a 4 digits code will need way more than this... in the digital world. Assert this: The DNA helix has 2 SIDES: L(left), R (right) T = UP in L, DOWN in R A = LEFT in L, RIGHT in R C = DOWN in L, UP in R G = RIGHT in L, LEFT in R Assert an T A G A C G A string => T->A, A->T, G->C, A->T, C->G, G->C, A->T Result : UP-RIGHT LEFT-DOWN DOWN-UP LEFT-DOWN DOWN-LEFT RIGHT-UP LEFT-DOWN This is a very trivial simulation with comprehensive terms... As you can see will NEVER be UP-DOWN or LEFT-RIGHT situations that can cancel themselves off... What she said is sketchy because is a beginning... but is a very strong starting point for a new area of research. Good stuff!
  • Some one asked long ago... Q: what bosson participate in the interaction of molecules into cells, cells into tissues, tissues into organs etc? A) though bosons act as field catalysts and stimulus on quantum field level, field catalysts and stimilus on eather field level are different..enzymes..etc Unfortunately for the ether field unlike the quantum field, it converges through vibrational frequency and diverges through frequency resonation inform of vibration frequency resonation..eather not a medium but vibrational frequency resonation. Frequency resonation converts negentropy into entropy through classical landscape(which is quantum info in nature), and vibration frequency converts entropy into negentropy through quantum field(which is classical info in nature). And when. And the classical quantum reduction and production justifies the complex limits of vibration frequency resonation in polynomial time.
  • @richtourist
    Can't understand at 26:23 why does she say the classical channel is too small. Bit quick for me at that bit. Anybody understand?
  • @wulphstein
    It makes me wonder if quantum entanglements transmit the phase of polarization.
  • @FacesintheStone
    I just found an inch and say in North Carolina that is preserved in Rich red clay. They cover the artwork that they created in this clay and I need to get it carbonated or studied. I can see the eyes but others cannot because it takes a while to learn how to see the art please said correspondence if you can help
  • This means of course we'll never be able to copy a consciousness. That's a shame as I had hoped to be able to download mine before I died....
    The female version of Kripky from the Big Bang Theory. Good lecture!
  • @rmerkle1
    Please type "True Theory of Everything Quadrant Model of Reality 1" into YouTube for the theory of everything. Thank you.
  • @kidfrenzy2273
    Yes I finally found a something that gave me me a straight answer on whether or not nucleosides contains quantum information If I’m understanding that right
  • @lordsong7
    She's so beautiful. And SMART. :) Great presentation, vital information these days.
  • @biohoo22
    That should long as she...and anyone else...isn't forced to actually observe them.