Pope Francis Sends Video Message to Kenneth Copeland Lets Unite

Published 2014-02-27
Blow the trumpet in Zion. Sound the alarm! History was made this month when Jesuit Pope Francis sent a heart-felt video message to a large audience of Protestant Charismatic leaders on forgiveness and reconciliation between Catholics and Protestants. You will be amazed as you watch the Roman power, apostate Protestantism, and spiritualists meet together in one room and in one accord fulfilling the prophecy of the formation of the threefold union. Protestant leaders, who represent tens of thousands of Protestant Christians, were elated with the Pope's message of unity, and responded by praising God Pentecostal-style and in tongues.

All Comments (14)
  • @LuisPrado90
    Catholic-Charismatic Renewal.....WOW!..I can't believe I'm seeing biblical prophecy unfolding right before my eyes.
  • @malachi551
    praise the most high. true unity in his church is being brought about by his grace.
  • @earlysda
    It is interesting to see prophecies God made thru his messenger - Ellen White, come true right before our eyes.  Apostate Protestants are stretching out their hands to the Roman Catholic Church, and to Spiritualism.  This unholy "trinity" will bring a reign of terror on the world that will only end with the return of Jesus Christ.
  • @esthermoran5462
    Matthew 24:4-5 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
  • @moonsting
    Revelation 13:3 is being fulfilled right before our eyes...I hope people will wake up and know the true nature of what's going on--most people are completely duped...I hope you'll have a chance to see the one with Pr Doug Batchelor commenting! I will paste the link: Pope's Video Fulfills Prophecy
  • Your wood is wet!? o_O What's wrong with these people!!! Thanks for the reassurance that Jesus is coming soon! How can they even swallow when saying Hallelujah!?? It must burn their throats. This is so sickening!!!
  • @dunamis333
    The Church today is no longer fit for purpose, and just in case you don't know, is about to be completely destroyed! For in the early Church, if you lied you died! "But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie...You have not lied to men but to God." "Then Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and breathed his last. So great fear came upon all those who heard these things." [Acts 5:3-5] Becoming a Christian in the early Church was serious business. People really had to count the cost! If you got drunk during the Lord's Supper you got sick and also died. "...he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgement to himself...for this reason...many sleep [die]." [1Cor.11:29,30] Sinning day in day out and assuming that just because you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross, you'll go to heaven, IS NOT THE GOSPEL OF THE EARLY CHURCH! So how did we get here? Pastors, in order to boost their Church numbers, stopped preaching repentance and the practice of righteous living. As Pastors started teaching that our deeds have nothing to do with our relationship with the Lord, the Holy Spirit began to slowly withdraw from mainstream Christianity. Demonic doctrines have since increased tremendously over the past 1,900+ Years Now we have fornicators, adulterers and homosexuals in the pulpit and no one bats and eye! The Apostate Church is made up of all those who believe in God, read the Word, listen to sermons, attend the Lord's Supper; but who also regard as permissible acts of adultery, homosexuality, stealing, lies, revenge and hatred. While claiming to believe in God, they give no thought to sinning against Him! I believe that this Year, 2014, the Lord is going to phase in His Millennium Church over a period of 1,260 Days, starting from Wednesday the 16th of April.  http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2457060/pg1 By October 2017 all those who believe, and therefore are living according to the false gospel I've described, will be no more!  I'm expecting billions to perish over the next 45 Months!!! World War III is about to begin! For those who really love the Lord and are keeping His commandments to indicate this, He is coming for them in the catching away of the saints.
  • @missionoc
    Jesuit Pope Francis becoming the head of a fallen church, now they ill be baptized in  another spirit! They will go from worse to the worse!