A gift for Sonic the Hedgehog... :D

Published 2019-12-30

All Comments (21)
  • @some_cartoonist
    THE PLOT Tails decides that he wants to surprise Sonic with a present to celebrate his 30th anniversary, so he goes to Angel Island and grabs the first 1-up he sees. Tails then heads back to green hill to get Sonic his present, when he is attacked by a figure. The figure did serious damage to the left wing, and Tails was knocked out of the sky. He makes an emergency landing, and has to make the last of the journey on foot. 2 weeks ago, Eggman had just finished making his latest creation. While in a recent battle with Sonic, he managed to get a small strand of DNA on his Egg Mobile, which he then combined with Chaos energy to create a clone of Sonic, so that he could practice fighting Sonic in a controlled environment. The cloning process, however, did not go so smoothly, and it created an otherworldly creature. Eventually, Eggman decided he had to try and clone Sonic better, to create a better simulation, and discarded it into the scrap heap, forgetting it was not a robot. The clone’s brain was not well either, and this combined with being forced to obey Dr. Eggman’s every command for 2 weeks made him snap. He flew out (because Chaos energy) and attempted to murder the good doctor, but failed. Eggman activated his air lock, which then blasted the clone out off the Death Egg and onto Green Hill Zone. The clone wakes up in a field of lush green fields and plenty of animals. Some of them draw near, thinking the clone is Sonic. Others keep their distance, thinking something doesn’t look quite right about it. But trusting or not, they all taste the same to the clone. Tails immediately notices that Green Hill doesn’t look so green anymore. No, not because it’s looking a lot like Sand Hill, but because there is blood and animal carcasses everywhere. The grass has turned yellow, and the rivers have been replaced with blood. Tails considers turning around and forgetting about this, but decides that it’s not what Sonic would do, and flies into Gre— Hill. Just Hill Zone. Tails flies through Hill Zone, and is attacked by the figure again. But this time, Tails gets a better look at the creature. It looked like... Sonic? But it obviously isn’t! It had red pupils, but no eyes, blood leaking from its eye socket, and it’s colour was slightly... off. It was also covered in blood, and CUCKY’S head was laying on the floor next to it. Tails notices that the creature can teleport, for after it attacked him both times, it vanished. Tails had only survived that recent attack because, unlike Tails’s smaller animal pals, Tails can channel the power of the rings, which surround him with a protective aura until he gets hurt in a way that would severely injure him if he didn’t have rings. When that happens, the rings scatter, and vanish after a small time. Sonic taught him how to do this after he blew up the Death Egg for the first time. After surviving countless attacks by the creature, and an attack by one of Eggman’s ambush robots, Tails finally makes it to the end of Act 2 of G- Hill Zone. Suddenly, he hears a beeping sound, and turns around to see Eggman in the Death Egg Robot crashing down to the Earth. “You dim-witted Fox! I can’t believe you snuck into my Death Egg somehow, and then modified my cloning machine! Did you want to kill everyone?!” Apparently, Eggman assumed Tails modified the cloning machine, which caused the... thing to be created. “No, it wasn’t me! I haven’t been in the Death Egg for years! Chances are you just created the machine wrong because, if your crappy voice chips are any indication, you just can’t create machines good!” “Oh really?! You’re talking to the man in the enormous machine standing right in front of you! A machine specifically built for combat. Allow me to demonstrate!” Suddenly, a hand reaches forward from the robot and narrowly misses Tails and the gift. A short battle ensues, which ends in Eggman’s mech falling to the ground. “I’m not finished with you yet, Tails!—“ Eggman is cut off by a distorted laugh from behind the ruined robot. The rogue clone stands there, staring at Eggman and Tails, considering which one might be more tasty. The clone then decides that the fat man is the most delicious entree, and starts clawing his way through the robot’s ruins. “D’ah! Nooo! Tails! Save me!” Tails quickly springs into action, spin dashing at the clone, and knocking it off its feet and away from the robot. The clone decides that Tails needs to die first, but before he can do anything, missiles fire from the Death Egg Robot’s remains, and lock on to the clone. The clone is unsure whether the three cylindrical objects coming towards it are safe to eat or not, but before it can make a choice, the missiles blow up, sending the cloned limbs all across Hill Zone. The shockwaves from the explosions shake the ground, causing it to collapse under the robot’s remains. The robot falls into a massive pit, taking Eggman with it. Tails gets Sonic the present, and then tells him about the strange day he had. Also, Sonic found out how to make his own chilli dogs, so they all decide to make some and then go for a run. TL;DR: Sonic.EXE is a psychotic clone made by Eggman who terrorises Tails and is killed by Eggman’s Death Egg Robot. Teh enk
  • @JacobPlayz059
    I think i know what happens...: When sonic is in Normal mode, he is able to be picked up by tails, so when he is picked up by tails, he cant move, and if he is picked up by tails while in normal mode, then switches to debug mode, sonic turns into the monitor, while the game still thinks he is in normal mode, so tails can carry him around.
  • @tirian14
    That’s a really nice gift you got there!!!
  • Tails at his best brought a little gift. For sonic. Even through creepypasta land!
  • @jassmine1983
    Imagine if you could get debug mode then just do this in Sonic EXE
  • @harucreator7146
    Hola Motdizuki primera vez en ver tus videos son entretenidos :3
  • @MewMaster
  • @bunnygirl3675
    Sonic.exe come out from nowhere and start attacking tails while holding the gift
  • Looks like a hellish version of Tails' Skypatrol (except the bosses!)