Don't Settle If You Hate Your Job

Hey, guys! Fulfillment in your work might seem like a fantasy, but it’s possible for all of us!

What keeps you in your career? Do you love it? Are you sticking to a specific zip code? Are you scared of the unknown?

Are you in your current job because of fear or love? If you're doing it based on fear, then you’re working around 5 days/week, 40-60 hours/week minimum (many of us spend more time with co-workers than family and friends), because of money concerns and a lack of self-confidence.

Work isn’t always fun. Like anything, there are good and bad days. But we’ll never be happy without fulfillment.

I live my life looking forward. I’m enthusiastic and curious for the adventures ahead. I want you to have this same excitement!

Extreme changes aren’t necessary. Like your employer, but work is boring? Seek advancement within the organization. Always wanted to be a pro in another field? Pursue training opportunities. Want out of your dead-end position? Apply for new jobs.

Don’t give up if it doesn’t happen immediately.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not saying quit your job. Explore, learn, but never settle.

ACTION: Believe in yourself. Fulfillment in work can happen. Decide what you want and how to do it. Envision the next phase of your career NOW. Not tomorrow.

I know you can do it – I have confidence in you. Now it’s time for you to believe in yourself, too!

Thanks for watching! See you next time.

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And become 1% happier each day


~ Flow Training is a total body and mind workout to help you develop calmness and inner peace in your mind while building muscle, flexibility, and endurance in your body. It does this by combining Qi Gong, Fitness training, Yoga, Breathing Exercises, and Meditation into one total body and mind workout.
Mike Chang:
Fitness Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Entrepreneur. I developed a training method that has helped thousands of people create more happiness, inner peace, and flow in their lives while increasing their strength, endurance and flexibility. This method called Flow Training will release trapped emotions inside your body, expand your awareness, and shift you into a new state of being.

コメント (21)
  • Fear will keep you stuck and looking back after wasting years. I’m in the process of leaving a job I hate right now. It has sucked the life out of me and I am done!! I deserve better.
  • I just graduated from college, it took me 1 month to get a job, now I hate it, just wanna cry. I can quit it, but I’m scared that I won’t have another one soon. This job really causes pain. I hate me life so bad!
  • @ceeIoc
    The problem is, many of the things we enjoy are not financially rewarding.
  • Most companies I have worked at go out of their way to make things complicated and anal about dumb shit. Which is why my resume is all jacked up. The older I get the less I tolerate bullshit so I don't stay at jobs for long.
  • Mike preaches the truth! You should never spend your life working at a job that sucks.
  • Working a job you hate just isn't worth it. I've seen my very own family members work jobs that they hate for years on in. All they have to show for it is a ton of health problems.
  • I think the most crucial point is, that most people don't what to do with their lives, because they don't know themselves well enough. In most cases "institutions" like the own familiy, schools and/ or colleges are the ones, that hinder us from getting to know us better and explore how we want to live and who we want to be and who we can be. If you are a child or a teenager no adult is really interested in what you think or feel or what you have to say - you are only allowed to follow the rules and to do what you are told to do. That's it. And this can't be the right preperation for a life as a grwon up.
  • @trilfy
    The best job is no job. I'm trying my best to come up with a plan to retire at age 30 and just walk out of an office one day and say "fuck all of you", leave and never come back.
  • @BijuuMike
    great video mike. I was one of those people just settling for a job and working day after day for something that didn't make me happy and when I would feel that way I would also wonder am I ungrateful? that's what I would tell myself but it all boiled down to taking action and not settling for something that Made me miserable. now I am doing youtube full time making so much more and I get to do what I love on my own terms. it takes alot of hard work but it's worth it.
  • @r56mini
    My college degree is so specifically focused in one professional field that I can only do this for a living. I cannot quit. I cannot do anything else that will bring me the same level of income. This is the only trade I know.
  • I hate my job and my first step was to figure my bare minimum expenses and figure out to reduce it to the point where I can work at a guitar shop or something like that which would be just fun for me. Granted I don't have a family or debt but my job creates a hopeless mindset that takes a while to get out of, wasting my time.
  • I almost got depression from having to wake up and go to a job I hate ( bus boy / dishwasher ) ... then I got fired ... BEST DAY OF MY LIFE
  • I think that feeling of being trapped is what holds most people back. You don´t actually get out until you start challenging those thoughts. Great share. :-)
  • @homixxide
    Thanks Mike I needed this, I'm in a tough spot. I feel currently stuck at my job and every night or day before work, I dread it and get really anxious. It feels like it's honestly gotten worse.
  • 'You work there because some type of fear' on..fear of not having money to pay the bills...there must be a way other than stuck in the job u are not happy at all..
  • Agreed. I was making a lot of money to teach in NJ, but i wasn't happy. I spent a lot of time breaking up fights to actually teach. I had a guaranteed raise on one end, and a pay cut moving out of state. I chose the paycut b/c i prefer to teach over referee kids.
  • Thank God my job made me disabled and I don't have to have a job lol Allows me to pursue my music & singing, & flow literally gets rid of my pain. TY!
  • @rabmc
    I’m in a well paid job now after changing career and hate it, dread every time. Great pension and shift work and lots of time off, but I hate it, feel like a zombie. Can go back to my old career as a security systems technician tomorrow as there is a job open for me, but financially it’s a 8/10 grand pay hit. Basically losing my shift allowance as it’s Monday to Friday work again which I prefer. I’m in a money trap, and it’s doing my head in.
  • You can be happy BOTH in day job and side hustle, many people use a day job for money to fuel their hobbies but you can have fulfilment in all areas. Amazing video.