The Biblical basis for unpaid ministry

Published 2016-09-25
In this video, I share some texts which help support the fact that christians are never to receive payment for the use of their spiritual gifts.

1 Tim 5:17-18 and paying Bible teachers/elders
   • Should elders/pastors/bible teachers ...  

1 Corinthians 9 and salaried pastors
   • 1 Corinthians 9 and salaried pastors  

In addition, here are some other videos I’ve done in connection to church finances and ministering for free:

Preaching for free
   • Preaching for free  

Church finances - What should churches spend their resources on?
   • Church finances - What should churche...  

Church finances - Are church buildings a waste of God's money?
   • Church finances - Are church building...  

Church finances - Mega churches, house churches and raising money for God's kingdom
   • Church finances - Mega churches, hous...  

All Comments (11)
  • @Maederxtest
    Ive wanted to say this since the 80’s when I was a volunteer missionary and worship leader,but God told me it wasn't my responsibility To say this.When I was saved I was so excited to serve God has a full time missionary,that it was such an honor.I would have never accepted money for doing this.
  • Amen bro. Thank God for you. This is why apostles,evangelists, elders etc is termed a "CALL."This means one is called by God to give up all worldly ambitions of wealth and self-interests. Going into ministry means never knowing where you next meal is coming from. You cannot neglect your ministry to attend to all your needs and you still cannot use your ministry to agrandize yourself. So a minister of the gospel lives on, in addition to his efforts, on the free gifts and charity of the church members(having food and clothes therewith be contented). He MUST never use the position to make himself better off than he was before he entered ministry. If you become rich after you entered ministry you can be sure you did not live according to christ, one way or the other. Not saying poverty is a goal but to the man who has the hope of heaven and service to Christ after salvation as his highest idea, worldly advancement is not his first priority. He would gladly give all he has to see one soul come to Christ in love. The spirit of the gospel goes 180degrees from that of the world.
  • @KeithGiles
    Good stuff! Thanks for sharing. Are you currently involved in an organic church?
  • @Bokescreek
    Really insightful teaching. What kind of church are you part of?
  • @jasongrasso9637
    I am so tired of churches twisting every sermon into a message that is designed to motivate people to tithe. The New Testament never tells people to tithe. It actually says: "2 Corinthians 9: 7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." The term "of necessity" in that verse would refer to giving money to the church leadership out of requirement. That is what most churches try to get you to believe. It is not even the pastors job to do all the work.The pastor should just be helping the sheep and training them to be better Christians so they can go out and do the work of witnessing. Most church leadership does not like it when the sheep start to help one another. They try to keep a vertical flow upward of finances and resources so it all goes up to the top before it would or could ever go back to the sheep and most of the time it never does go back to the sheep. Church leadership does not like it when there is a flow of resources from sheep to sheep. This just tells me that most churches are just businesses. i emailed a prominent church leader in my local area and asked him why he was not following what the Bible teaches, and neither he nor his assistant ever got back to me. I ended up leaving that church. I never turn my back on God or Christianity or the Bible, But i do leave a church if the leadership is not following what the bible says.
  • @andreobaty5445
    Thanks for this great teaching but I have a question in regards to musicians. Should musicians in the church and am referring to the choir directors, instrumentalist and singers be paid for their service or should also give freely since it was given to them by their heavenly father freely. I have worked in a church as a music director and got paid for my service, but to me my responsibility makes it justified for my wages. I have more so serve my mother church where they did not see my service of importance but a requirement. The church demanded a lot from me including the choir, I never got paid for my service but was constantly disrespected since am quit younger than everyone in the choir. I have then seize to be the music director for the past eight months because now I feel if am not honored, respected and honored as you said in your previous video, then I demand a pay. I hold a job but I don’t have more social life because I have dedicated my time and energy studying music to help the church. Please I will be delighted if anyone here can help me resolve this issue. Thanks 👂🏼👂🏼👂🏼👂🏼
  • It is very simple my brother. The concept of salary that we have today is not the same one that shows in the bible back then. How do I know? Because the bible doesn't even show one example of any of the disciples or even Jesus himself charging money to people for their ministries on a regular basis. It is all part of a religious system that started at least 250 years after the birth of the church with a new idea of a church-building or "temples". That's why I don't believe in church-buildings or temples. I believe in families and houses. The church was born within the context of a house and I am 99.9% sure that was God purpose to stay in there. Good job and God bless my friend!
  • @gerrylee4907
    oh yeah, you got the gift of teaching Jag, but john piper, john macarther, r c sproul, and the like would call you a misguided soul. i get the impression from paid, fulltime pastors that the church needs them working fulltime preparing sermons for ppl because laymen ppl cant possibly understand the revealed word of God. therefore, since they do such a great service for God and mankind, they justify their vocation by quoting "the worker deserves his wage". i think pastors/teachers are necessary and ordained by God as a help to ppl, at times, to understand His Word more clearly, but to sit and listen to 2, 3, and 4 sermons/wk i think a person will become saturated with the biases, and sometimes just plain wrong interpretations of a fultime pastor. am i wrong, or do i reasonably conclude that the Holy Spirit helps me to understand knowledge of the will of God? (colossians 1, 9) i also agree that a good understanding of greek, aramaic, and hebrew can be great help sometimes, but to think my bible studying is nothing more than a kindergarten understanding of Gods Word without a grasp of these languages seems ridiculous to me. keep teaching the understanding God has given you Jaguer. you dont need a big following of ppl to condone that what you teach is right. the rightness of something is not determined by counting heads that follow you. Jesus had a following, but i bet there were more ppl that didnt follow Him, and i think i could construct a pretty good argument that apostle Paul never had a big following compared to the amount of ppl he met on his journeys, so youre in good company, and besides, i understand that rewards arent always given in this life.
  • @gerrylee4907
    have you ever wondered that the apostle paul was writing letters to people in a completely different culture than ours, where mobs could actually plot to kill someone just because they didnt like something he said, no trial, just kill him. or a whole society where people would worship all kinds of gods, birds, reptiles, the sun, a rain god, you name it, i'll bet they had it. and paul was trying to get through to these types of people that what they were doing was wrong, and they should stop, and worship this one true, almighty God that created everything that is, from nothing, and everything continues to live, move, breath, and exist by His power. paul used some words , during that time, so long ago, and i have thought that the vocabulary used today, in our society is probably nothing like the vocabulary paul used. his vocabulary probably used word phrases we wouldnt understand, but were clear to people in his day, and visa, versa. but for the life of me i cant figure out why paul would describe himself in, romans 7, as a slave to the power of sin, so much so, that he does the sin he doesnt want to do, and that life is DOMINATED by sin, and then, in romans 6, he says, "dont give in to your sin urges", or dont sin. arent these 2 passages similar to throwing a person in water and telling them not to get wet?