13 Things That are Actually Overpowered in Baldur’s Gate 3

Published 2023-09-06
In this Baldur’s Gate 3 video we’re going to talk about the most underrated things that are deceptively better than you might think with a ton more functionality and applications than you might suspect, or just way stronger than you might estimate at first glance.

00:00 Intro
00:13 Backpack
00:54 Light
01:37 Find Familiar
02:31 Send to Camp
03:40 Mage Hand
04:22 Silence
05:01 Healing Potion
06:07 Wooden Crate
06:42 Dip
07:21 Candle
07:43 Shove
08:22 Iron Hinge
08:51 Featherfall


The backpack might seem like just an item to store and organize items, but you can also throw your backpack which deals light damage, but more importantly if you throw it far enough it breaks open and drops everything that was inside where you threw it. When you throw a backpack filled with explosive items like Alchemist's Fire, Smokepowder Bombs, Caustic Bulbs, and Spiked Bulbs and so on, you can create a massive bomb that you can set off with an arrow of fire, or other flame source. This backpack bomb might just be the highest amount of damage you can do in a single turn in Baldur’s Gate 3.

You can use the spell Light on an item to make it glow and emit light. You can then throw that item to a dark place to create a light source. This can be done on low value items to create light sources cheaply. This can be particularly helpful in dark places like the underdark to assist a ranged character that might not have darkvision, to help those ranged attacks connect with their target.
Find Familiar

Cats can jump through bars, and go through some small places, so you can get your familiar to reach places you might not be able to otherwise. Also if you’re a druid and shapeshift into a cat, you can also take advantage of jumping through bars. Not only that, but if you summon a Spider familiar, you can use it to scare Goblins and Trolls, which are both terrified of them. The Cat familiar is great for distracting enemies to get them out of position, or to gather them in a group for an AOE spell, similar to minor illusion. What’s also great about familiars is that they persist through a long rest, so if you summon them before a long rest, you’ll get your spell slot back, and keep your familiar.
Send to Camp

Send Chests to Camp after looting to crack them later if you can’t figure it out now - maybe your skill is too low. You can also do the same thing with camp supplies - send it to camp so that you have more room in your inventory, and it goes to the travelers chest. As a bonus, if you put a camp supplies backpack into the traveler's chest, the supplies you send to camp will automatically go into that bag. This will save a lot of room and weight in your bags for more important items while you’re out in the world.
Mage Hand

This spell should have my top underrated spells list, but since I didn’t add it, it’s going in this list. This spell has a ton of amazing uses. You can cast it before a fight and drop some bombs next to it, and when the fight starts, it can rain explosives down on your enemies each turn. Or you can summon a Mage Hand next to a ranged attacker standing on a cliff and shove him to his death.

Another underrated spell - this spell is most commonly used to stop enemy spellcasting, however, it can also be used to mute any sounds in the environment that might wake up or alert nearby enemies. For example, using Silence on an area you’re about to cause an explosion on, will not wake up any sleeping enemies - because it didn’t make any sound. Not only that but everything within the silence radius is also immune to thunder damage. So there are a lot of cool uses for Silence.
Healing Potion

Most players use healing potions individually, but if you throw your potion, it can heal in an area of effect. This can be extremely useful if your party is grouped up, you can essentially multiply the value of your healing potion by throwing it between them. Make sure not to throw it directly at a teammate though, as that will damage them instead. Also, if you’re a Life Cleric, you’ll grant bonus healing on the potion, so you’ll be able to get a massive AOE heal off on your party if you use this tactic, which is basically the same as a short rest in terms of healing your whole group. And what’s amazing about this is that you can also do this with other potions, such as a potion of speed, but I’ve noticed it doesn’t work for every single potion, so be careful to quicksave before you throw your potion just in case you’re not sure if a certain potion will work. Knowing this can be very helpful to buff up your team right before a difficult fight.

If you stack 3 crates on top of each other, you can give your character the high ground advantage. It might take a few seconds of preparation to stack the crates, but once set up, you’ve given yourself a nice advantage, and as a way to protect that same character from ranged attacks by giving the enemy disadvantage...

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All Comments (21)
  • One run while playing as a moon druid, I was shifted into owlbear form and was using a colossus potion. I weighed 5,005kg. Friend grabbed me with telekinesis and chucked me at monster and it missed the saving throw. I hit it for 213 damage. Since then many things have died to a flying owlbear. Many people would also be surprised at how few creatures in the game are concerned about a cat running around placing explosives everywhere. Currently doing a Dark Urge run as a Half Drow druid mad bomber cat.
  • @joonyah8904
    For Light, take your armor off, drop it on the ground, illuminate it, and put the armor back on. Boom, you’re a light source, and you don’t have to worry about putting your weapon away and dispelling your light
  • @hedition9346
    Longstrider is the most OP spell in the game. Its a ritual so it costs nothing, does not require concentration and last until long rest. So its essentially free buff.
  • @automatics1im
    40 years after my first D&D game and I'm just finding out about hurling backpacks and firebombs?
  • @IlaMedlin
    If you cast light on a bottle and throw it, when it breaks, the area of light is much larger than an object of the same size.
  • @Haetheii
    Some more specifics on mage hand: They can punch enemies to break concentration, and I believe shove also can break it. They can use Fly, Shove AND attack all in the same turn. Additionally, enemies have a habit of attacking the mage hand when it's nearby, which is a wasted Action for them (or even wasting a spell). Now they just need to buff it so we can pickpocket people with it
  • @Torbero47
    Forget game of the year. BG3 is game of our life...
  • @ChromaticJester
    A list that's actually useful and actually listing sleeper picks.... nice
  • @7Feather
    if you jump onto a web surface it negates all falling damage, and create water will reveal invisible enemies when they become wet :) oh and dancing lights can be put over a trap vent/gas pit to block the substance while you concentrate
  • @__dane__
    I only recently discovered that familiars can use potions. I dropped a Hill Giant Strength potion and then clicked on it as my raven. Thus my 21 strength raven was able to move around explosive barrels without anyone caring whether I was in a restricted area.
  • @davemurphy7575
    Shoving enemies off high places has definitely changed combat outcomes in my favor a number of times.
  • @LordShrub
    I used the cat shapeshift to rob the treasure from underneath the temple of Umberlee. Normally the priestesses would throw me out or detect my invisibility, but they don't mind the cat.
  • @cameronq623
    I love how a lot of these are applicable to tabletop D&D play, especially the silence spell one. Thanks a bunch!
  • @skachkoveugene
    Sussur Bloom. If you plan a fight with powerful spell caster like Lorroakan, you can sneek and place sussur bloom in his inventory. I bet trading works as well 😁
  • @meursault.1984
    you can pick up the small phase spiders from the phase spider matriarch, you can use them as a dip to add poison to your weapons
  • Re: #5 discussed at 5:00 --> If you're not in a combat situation and can prepare you should AVOID THROWING the potion in favor of placing it on the ground, gathering your party around it, and then attacking it since this results in a LARGER AOE/SPLASH radius. Additionally, when throwing a potion it's possible to aim poorly, hit your ally resulting in dealing throw damage prior to the potion's effect. I found this hint out the other day while watching another video.
  • @onagda
    With Light you can just cast it on a melee person and it puts it on the weapon they are holding, which would work pretty much the same for a ranged character to see in the dark. Find Familiar is a ritual spell, so it should not be using a spell slot to cast in the first place. You can also use "Dip" on Flaming Sphere, and I think that's hilarious. For Featherfall, there are boots in Act 1 that let you cast AoE Featherfall as well and it doesnt have a long/short rest limitation so you can always swap to the boots and then use the spell and swap back. One of the best items in the game lol.
  • @kayn9651
    Here's my tip: Feather Fall and Enhance Leap especially, but any other low level rituals like that, have them on Astarion as an Arcane Trickster rogue. Because you'll be primarily casting them outside of combat and they won't take up a spell slot. - That way you can keep your dedicated spellcasters damage oriented or give them the higher level utility spells. - Alternatively use Astarion for setups, like casting Grease before you throw a fire spell with a different character. Also remember you can have Aid and Longstrider cast on your party by hirelings that you leave at camp, and the benefits will persist. - Keep some buff bots in camp like that to keep those spells on your crowd. - And cycle your party members, folks. - If Karlach took a beating and is down to 3 HP, don't rest for just her sake, send her to camp and bring Lae'Zel for a fight, use her superiority dice. - Gale used up his spell slots? Swap him out for Shadowheart or Wyll. Lastly, "Retreat" is OP AF. Devil you can fight in act 2 for example? Sneak up to him, lay down some barrels of smoke powder and some explosive bombs, send ALL your party members to camp. - ungroup, bring only Astarion back with Haste to shoot a fire arrow to ignite the thing, then using the surprise round have him cunning action dash, normal action dash, run away to be way out of enemy range and retreat to camp. - That will reset the aggro and you can sneak back in to plant more barrels to deal with more enemies. - Also know what will and will not ignite, and try out some combos. - If you hit a smoke powder barrel in the middle of some firewine barrels, the force damage won't ignite the firewine barrel, but throwing a fire bolt on the firewine barrel in-between smoke powder barrels will, and it will deal more damage. - And exploding a firewine or oil barrel deals a portion of force damage when it explodes, too, but smashing it and setting the contents on fire won't, so remember that as well when stacking explosions like that.
  • you can put a torch in a smokepowder barrel and throw the barrel. it'll explode instead of scatter.