Maulud Nabi 2020 | Milad un Nabi | Rabi ul Awwal | Maulid Nabi Muhammad Saw | Prophet's Birthday

Published 2020-10-26
Muslim followers of the Sufi or the Barelvi school of thought celebrate Eid Milad-un-Nabi or Eid-e-Milad to mark the birth anniversary of the last Prophet of Islam- Prophet Muhammad. Eid Milad-un-Nabi is also called Nabid and Mawlid in colloquial Arabic. The day is celebrated in the third month in the Islamic calendar. On this day, followers of Prophet Muhammad hots celebration. They offer public feats get together in the mosques to offer prayers. Mawlid or Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif is the observance of the birthday of Islamic prophet Muhammad which is commemorated in Rabi' al-awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar.

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My name is Raihan and I am from Singapore.
I mainly make videos about Islam, my daily vlog and about anything that I find interesting.

All Comments (17)
  • @mistyjabeen4114
    Masha'Allah sucha beautiful prayer. Jazak Allah brother for posting this. Allah huma barik. 🙏🏻
  • @foxii4691
    Celebrating the Birthday is a reprehensible bidaa ------------------------------------------------------ Praise be to Allaah the Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions.  The commands mentioned in the Qur’aan and Sunnah to follow the laws of Allaah and His Messenger, and the prohibitions on introducing innovations into the religion are quite clear. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):  “Say (O Muhammad to mankind): ‘If you (really) love Allaah, then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’aan and the Sunnah), Allaah will love you and forgive you your sins’” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:31] The people give up work during this period, and they do no work except  going around and watching the entertainment.  When there are two days to go until the Mawlid, they bring out a large number of camels, cows and sheep, more than can be described, and they accompany them with all the drums, songs and musical instruments that they have, until they bring them to the square… On the night of the Mawlid there are performances of nasheed after Maghrib in the citadel.”  This is the origin of this celebration on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday. More recently idle entertainment, extravagance, and wasting of money and time have become associated with an innovation for which Allaah has not sent down any authority.  What Muslims should do is to revive the Sunnah and put an end to bid’ah (innovation); they should not do any action until they know the ruling of Allaah concerning it.  Ruling on celebrating the Prophets (PBUH) birthday  Celebrating the occasion of the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is forbidden and is to be rejected for a number of reasons:  1 – it is not part of the Sunnah of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) or of the khaleefahs who succeeded him. Since this is the case, then it is a forbidden innovation, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I urge you to follow my Sunnah and the way of the rightly-guided khaleefahs after me; adhere to it and cling to it firmly. Beware of newly-invented things, for every newly-invented thing is an innovation (bid’ah) and every innovation is a going-astray.” (Narrated by Ahmad, 4/126; al-Tirmidhi no. 2676). 2 – Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is an imitation of the Christians, because they celebrate the birth of the Messiah (peace be upon him). Imitating them is extremely haraam. The hadeeth tells us that it is forbidden to imitate the kuffaar, and we are commanded to differ from them. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them” (narrated by Ahmad, 2/50; Abu Dawood, 4/314). And he said, “ Celebrating the Mawlid is an innovation introduced by the Shi’a Faatimids after the three best centuries in order to corrupt the religion of the Muslims.