Costco Japan vs Online Costco! Surprising! 🌟 ✨

Published 2024-08-03
In this video, we delve into the world of Costco’s summer offerings, exploring the hot items that surprise with their price differences between in-store and online. Among these treasures lies a Japanese item that has sparked a wave of curiosity among customers. Join me as we uncover the stories behind these fascinating finds. Check it out!このビデオでは、コストコの夏の魅力的な商品を探索し、店頭とオンラインでの価格差に驚くホットアイテムをご紹介します。これらの宝物の中には、お客様の好奇心を刺激する日本製のアイテムがあります。これらの魅力的な発見の背後にあるストーリーを一緒に見つけましょう。ぜひご覧ください!✨
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All Comments (2)
  • @UtanNewYork
    HI my friend, You travelled to Tokyo by Shinkansen...I travelled to Kyoto from New York last year...I need a neck fan...LOL. very interesting item. Green Toilet...that's so impressive!! Thank you for sharing the interesting stuff and have a great new week !!❤❤❤❤❤