Debate on Mind-Brain Relation: Searle vs Eccles (1984)

John Searle and Sir John Eccles discuss the relationship between the mind and the brain. This is from a 1984 program called Voices. The host was Ted Honderich.

#Philosophy #Mind #Searle

コメント (21)
  • Interesting that the Philosopher who spends all his time in his conscious mind (and by his words is an amateur neuroscientist) is a Realist whereas the Neuroscientist who is rooted in brain matter, is a dualist! Life is beautiful.
  • As a medical Dr. & Philosopher it has precisely been that question of the mind-brain problem that has haunted me almost my lifelong. I believe that if one added the philosophy of Raymond Moody, E. Kübler Ross, Anil Seth & many others we might get closer to truth. Anyway thank you for this excellent discussion held by those 2 giants of philosophy & science. Medizinalrat Mag. Dr. Issam Elias/ Austria 🇦🇹
  • What a thrill it is to watch three giants at the peak of their intellectual powers having a debate of profundity at this level! Thank you so much!
  • Thank you very much for an excellent discussion on Science; Religion, Conscience. "Making the mind as clear as glass." John Eccles and John Searle very stimulating.
  • @meshzzizk
    This was such a pleasure to listen to—more high level, direct debates like this, please! So much of what passes for contemporary public debate is either shrill soundbyte-driven (social) media “content” or else stiflingly over-moderated/over-curated kid glove exchanges between academics on bland university-organized panels. If anyone can point me toward other video/audio debate recordings of a comparable intellectual caliber please do 🙏
  • @Shotox122
    Searle is majestic, simplicity at best!
  • Searle is admirably generous and merciful in the presence of this dogmatist.
  • Another great debate! Searle was a model of clarity. Please upload more debates from this program, if you have any more. Thank you.
  • I like John Searle’s very clear explanations. Made me laugh at the end when the host said the next discussion would be about Artificial Intelligence and Searle would be on hand to apply a little pressure on its claims and camera then captures him smiling
  • Searle's clarity is a good example of a brain producing a sharp mind. Sharp as an Occam's Razor.
  • Love this, a good recent book I liked on this subject The Master and His Emissary
  • This is the best debate I’ve ever heard on the mind/brain topic. It seems like every debate since 1984 has been recycling the ideas presented here, but usually in inferior ways.
  • John is very kind the dude has questioned his integrity his sincerity so much I must contend his brain is mendacious.
  • Great debate. Schrödinger said that we should look for a synthesis or compromise between the opinions of great minds. Think of the blind sages passing opinions on the elephant.
  • I'd like to see that next episode with Searle - his Chinese Room is nicely relevant now with ChatGPT
  • I would have loved to hear Searle's explanation of arbitrary action as a manifestation of will. Because water changing phase is just a response to temperature, and is not a manifestation of will. But presumably, him raising his hand is something he could have not done. So that would have been interesting.