Top 5 Ways To Become A Better SMITE Player!

Published 2015-12-01
5 Simple and effective ways you can become a better SMITE player, and increase your performance and level of enjoyment of the game featuring Bass Drop Janus, Father Time Chronos, Ares, Serqet, Sun Wukong, Bellona and Geb gameplay! This has been my favorite game for 3 years, and these are tips I have compiled over the years to help anyone improve their play and overall experience in the game. I hope you enjoy it, can glean some valuable information and apply it to your own play and most of all I look forward to seeing all of YOUR tips to be a better SMITE player in the comments section below.

Also, check out a quick glimpse of Father Time Chronos gameplay within the video!

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The comments section will serve as a place for people to ask questions and engage in discussion about the God being played. Ideally, this section will provide as much or more usefulness to players than the actual gameplay video. There are so many qualified and intelligent Smite players in this gaming community, and many newcomers and developing players can benefit from constructive dialogue and conversation that relates to maximizing their performance. If you notice an opportunity to give constructive feedback, post your own item build that you have found to work well or answer someone's question (with an actual thoughtful answer), please do! It will help our community grow stronger and assist in engaging new players and viewers.

Never give up, never stop gaming....

See you next time,


All Comments (21)
  • @eliezer5998
    1. Keep track of your deaths and why you died 2. Build to counter your opponents 3. Never surrender 4. Master one god in each class 5. Stay positive
  • true. people keep saying i suck when i die, when its THEIR fault. Im a support type and they just leave me there to die, then blame me for dying!
  • @KendonChase
    Something I heard someone tell me once was "Blaming someone else for your death is the fastest way to never improve... If you died it's almost ALWAYS your own fault."
  • Never surrender My team lost all towers and phoenixes, we chose to not give up and go down fighting Miraculously we ended up winning the match XD
  • @angelvega2937
    the #5 way is the key to all our gamer objetives: have fun. Great video raynday
  • Really appreciate that last tip. I've had more than a few games fall apart when teammates start attacking each other and trash talking each other when we could have banded together to stand a chance.
  • @regalpanda4224
    The never surrender rule is a good rule but it's also rule that I don't follow. I'll surrender if I have trolls on my team or if I have someone that's like 1/12 on my team who clearly has no clue what he's doing. Because then the match has nothing to do with you. It has to do with this asshat who's fucking up. Either on purpose or unintentionally.
  • @Spark9819
    great content! I came here because of Super Regionals I really like your analysis on the game.
  • @CptKrozond
    i love what you say about bettering the community, i have been away from smite for a long time, but it's nice to see there exist people that wants to build a better community
  • The role learning tip helped me so much,thank you ! I now play Vulcan,Vamana,Bacchus,Mercury and Ah Muzen Cab as mains and occasionally other gods ;D
  • @Zeusbayk
    Just a not-so-small note to thank you on this video. Although several of your advice come naturally to me, such as building to counter-act opponents, knowing your role and mastering as many gods in order to know their skill sets and anticipate their moves, the idea of becoming aware of your deaths and reflecting on what went wrong has truly been an eye opener. I used to just throw myself in team fights thinking the more damage or cc I do, the more effective the fight would be. I die, I repeat. While I’m perceived by many as a good, fairly aggressive player, this play style greatly compromised my K/D results and overall effectiveness in many matches. Since I recently started applying this technique, I am now more capable to control my engagement and that of my teammates. Less feeding means more leveling and ability to hold lane. Less focus on kills (and of course the overrated quadra- and penta-kills) means more focus on seizing opportunities and achieving objectives, which is ultimately the key resource for victory. Surprisingly my K/D has soared and when I lose, I’m usually at a great edge and competitive level to opponents which makes me sleep better at night :) Keep those great videos coming bro. This channel is by far the most thorough and enjoyable authority on Smite tips, tricks and game play. Looking forward for many, many more <3
  • I follow most of your advice Raynday but the never surrender tip is kinda circumstantial with me. If I feel the team has a chance to make a comeback I won't surrender. But if my teammates are feeding and they just aren't competent enough players then I just don't feel its worth the time and energy to continue.
  • @MoonKitsune9773
    Was just browsing smite videos in my downtime between games and came upon your channel. After watching this vid and listening to your take on "Never Surrender" I decided to sub right away! :) I can't tell you how many times I have begged teams not to surrender, or how many times I have debated until my fingers were sore from typing the multitude of reasons not to surrender a game...There is perhaps no greater feeling in SMITE than that of a hard won victory! To push the enemy team out of your titan room multiple times, to get your team to band together and in sync with one another, and to take home the win... It is EPIC! Until seeing this video, I felt like I was the only one who got it... Thank you! ~ F7 ~
  • @noanope7466
    I just started playing Smite and I'm really glad my friend sent me a link to this. These are all good points, and I'm actually looking forward to following these points and being a better player.
  • @StarboyXL9
    I can testify to 6:58. I was playing a 3v3 once, and our team spent the first 10 minutes just barely holding on. We finally managed to pull an upset and had just taken down their pheonix when suddenly they retaliated and wiped the floor with us. It was a team wipe. They pushed all the way past our tower. At that point one of the team members wanted to F6, but I said "Not yet, lets just try one more thing. I have an idea..." I was playing anubis told my teammates I was going for a hail mary and dived into the jungle before the enemy team noticed I had vanished. My team members held the line while I met up with one of our waves that had somehow gotten past the battle that was happening at our pheonix. I pushed this rag-tag wave all the way to the titan, where I used the wave to buy me a few seconds to unload damage on the titan getting it to 50% At that point 1 of my teamamtes died and the enemy began attacking our titan. I Ulted their titan while it began attacking me, and thanks to my insane lifesteal and magic damage I killed it to win the game. I couldn't have done it without my teammates holding the line as long as they did, and I certainly couldn't have done that if I had F6'd.
  • @mrlawton75
    Dude, this has helped so much. I had 2 arena games after I watched this where I would have very quickly surrendered because it seemed unwinnable and we came back and won handily. Also, I've been following your Chrono 'build', swapping Warlock for Thoth and keeping the last slot as situational rather than just building my progression. Chronos is on my list of gods I wish I could play well and a main reason i came to the game. I've gone 4 to 1 k/d ratio the last few games and just kicking it. Thanks so much.
  • @FlashPhantom90
    Raynday! I listened to your video today while doing some dishes, and really enjoyed your never surrender attitude. A few hours later, when I had time to game, my team on Assault was behind in kills, gold, and our phoenix was vulnerable. We got wiped fighting on their last turret after barely taking it down. A few people started saying, "Well, gg" or "ANNNNDDD its over.". I remembered your core value and said come on guys, "Keep calm and game on!" With our titan half dead, we all spawned, wiped their team, rushed the Phoenix, and took that down. Then wiped their team again, and laid their titan to rest. A few people messaged me saying how nice to was to have a positive player, and that they wished more were out there. Thank you for one of the most positive gaming experiences I have had in any game. NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER.