US circles the Arctic against Russian ambitions

Published 2024-07-18

All Comments (21)
  • @mikejohn2999
    Circle what 😂😂😂😂 Russia is the only artic power in the region
  • "To further isolate Russia as it reels from crippling sanctions" 5:22 Russia is not isolated and is not reeling from crippling sanctions. Europe is reeling from crippling sanctions and the United States is becoming more and more isolated.
  • How can the USA circle the Arctic Region against Russia? ? The only part of the Arctic that the USA Empire can claim is that area adjacent to the Alaska shoreline.
  • 1:30 that’s not true. That sea route is legally part of Russian territory. If the other countries are going to forcefully and illegally use that territory, then that is their problem.
  • @kushking949
    We would have cities on mars by now if we didn't spend TRILLIONS on wars.
  • @ZgO_o
    Those putting crippling sanctions are in much worse condition than Russia. Their economy booming and salaries rising while U.S U.K etc more and more people living under poverty. U.S along over 12% population homeless
  • @duotronic6451
    USA has 2 ice breaker ships. One designed for the great lakes. The other which had a recent expensive refit is primarily used as a science vessel. Russia has multiple recently built nuclear powered ice breakers capable of supporting commercial and naval shipping.
  • @businessclaud
    TRT World, don't you have a story to cover in the middle east apart from promoting the US? We want to learn more about the middle east culture including in Turkey and not just NATO.
  • If no one understands that the United Nations does not have the power to do anything except to condemn, the people of Bangladesh will be dumbfounded.
  • @Nauda999
    In 1960s US was talking about Soviet Union, now when talking about 1960s US talks about Russia.
  • Russia heavily investing in arctic from USSR time, Russia have biggest military on arctic.
  • @3LEV888
    US does not Circle the arctic at all. They have a weak presence at best .
  • @zpqm693
    Молодец Россия! Молодец Россия! Молодец Россия!
  • @KratosUmar
    US doesn't have any ice breakers like Russia has...and they want to circle...lmao
  • @kirikoo9981
    How do they get this statistics if the area was not open to exploration?
  • Hello russians already got a base there called Borneo,hello deluionals
  • Other than click baiting, I don't see any practical circling. If you've got no news to cover how about you research more about the prospect of brics parliament than wasting our data