Why Did Christ Have to Die?

Published 2021-06-09
Dr. Craig gives a virtual lecture on the necessity of Christ's atoning death.
Special thanks to Apologia Sweden.

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All Comments (21)
  • @ho8464
    Dr. Craig explains everything so sharply… it all makes even more sense than it did before
  • @edwardkhoury
    Dear Dr. Craig, We Thank the Holy Spirit for the good explanation that He puts in your mouth. We ask you kindly if we can use this video and post it in our YouTube channel with Arabic translation so the Arabic speaking people can benefit from this great study?
  • @imabeast7397
    Is it possible it was necessary to die unjustly bc Jesus was tempted in all ways but unjustly death, and beat all temptations so that we can also beat them? Therefore at judgement we are 'without excuse'
  • @nightoftheworld
    WLC should consider buzzing his head—it would be a powerful look I think
  • @jilesbo9175
    Great video and commentary by Dr. Craig. However the more I listen to ideas about God's Divine Counsel and the Sons Of God in the heavenly realm I have to stop and wonder if there is a cosmic drama taking place where we are not simply the only primary focus of interest. After listening to Dr. Michael Heiser's work on the Unseen Realm, Gods Divine Heavenly Council and Angels and Demons, I'm forced into thinking that we mortal humans seem to always think exclusively and narrowly about Gods relationship with us in a singular and one dimensional perspective. While it's true the Lord loves us eternally, it is also true that he has a heavenly family of, at the very least, his loyal and loving angels that he also loves, and that we will soon be a part of his wider heavenly family as well. Thus God's choosing to redeem his children and offer them a place in his heavenly abode and with him and his family might best be justified, accomplished and executed in one manner over another. Especially since the accuser stands ready to constantly sow chaos and destruction. Anyway as always Dr. Craig delivers sound commentary and analysis. Thanks!
  • @dotails
    I think Jesus represents God using our cultural language of sacrifice to communicate His love. It's not needed for God to forgive, its needed for us to believe his love and trust him enough for transformation to be possible. God loves us and forgives naturally all our sins instantly. Death isn't justice, rather undoing wrong effects is justice which will be done in the end.
  • @d.d.9472
    I dont understand how our salvation cost God anything. What did God lose by the death of His Son, that He did not have after Jesus's resurrection?
  • @pierretardy7544
    Very interesting 62b How did Satan Kill Jesus' Body ? - YouTube
  • Jesus knew he was one of the Father’s gift of salvation to the people - to the world - NOT - as the Jews supposed and taught down the centuries - salvation from the punishment meted out by the wrath of God - BUT - to save us from the daily repetition of the same mistakes in wrong thinking - wrong thinking which created our misfortunes, poverty, sickness and misery. ​But because Jesus Loved the human race so deeply, he was prepared to teach and heal in defiance of the Jewish Priests. Jesus was prepared to die on the cross for what he had truly "seen" in the desert, knew with all his heart, and wanted to share to the last drop of his ability to do so.  THIS IS THE TRUTH BEHIND JESUS' CRUCIFIXION AND ALL THE REST WE'VE HEARD IS MAN-MADE CONJECTURE ARISING OUT OF THE JEWISH PRACTICE OF BURNT OFFERINGS IN THE TEMPLE. Jesus was a gift from the Father to humankind to help us surmount our ignorance of the Laws of Existence, and find the true Path of Life leading to the joy, abundance and perfect wholeness of the Kingdom of Heaven. These were the perceptions, the desires, the intentions and goals and the thoughts which Jesus bore within his mind and heart. This was the earthly mental-emotional framework clothing Jesus' spiritual consciousness hidden within the head and figure of him. www.thechristletters.weebly.com
  • @rossd6809
    the non-neccesarian argument is a meaningless argument. the counterfactual never happened and it tries to determine the mind of God.
  • @danwood3000
    I gratefully accept the atonement by Jesus if it's true, but I have no "faith" that it's true because I think it's reckless to believe on faith anything so bizarre with minimal evidence. Also, the arbitrary substitution of 1 reversible death for 2 to billions of death sentences (Eve, Adam, Christians, some others) doesn't strike me as fair. Multiple lifetimes and atoning for one's own sins seems like what a perfectly just and benevolent Creator would design, along with environmental programming to eventually set everyone on the correct path.
  • I am a necessarian but also see one "unnecessary" reason that God the Father planned and allowed the death of Jesus, God the Son. God the Father also wanted to manifest the full extent of mankind's profound HATRED of Him. Beings like humans who are exclusively created in God's image have, within themselves, a deep but real desire to BE God. When God the Father condescended to become human in God the Son (Jesus), He made himself vulnerable to God's image-bearers, and these image-bearers took advantage of God's self-humbling, and horribly tortured and killed the God-Man. The APEX of mankind's deep hatred of God was clearly manifested at the Crucifixion of Jesus. The Crucifixion of Christ showed God's hatred of sin and evil, making it a necessary condition for human salvation, but it also revealed mankind's hatred of God. This wasn't necessary, but was very eye-opening if we are to more fully understand why Jesus allowed Himself to suffer at the hands of humans.
  • @johnelliott5859
    So, a god who created good and evil and caused the environment that sin began in, requires a blood sacrifice to satisfy divine justice. And not just any blood sacrifice but the death of his own son. You would think that a perfect god could come up with a better plan. Killing my own child would never be something I was willing to do. So, god creates the sin and the remedy. Something just isn't making sense.