Canal Istanbul: Erdogan's megaproject raises global concerns | DW News

Published 2021-07-05
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is famously fond of megaprojects. He recently launched his biggest and boldest one to date: Canal Istanbul, a 45km waterway running parallel to the Bosporus strait, connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara - and thus, to the Mediterranean. It would provide a new route for tankers sailing between the two seas and, as the government hopes, boost Turkey's revenues.
But many say that the multi-billion dollar project is astronomically costly given Turkey's economic struggles - and might cause an environmental disaster.
Canal Istanbul is the largest infrastructure project Turkey has ever seen. It's long been a dream of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. But the controversial project pits Turkey's president against Istanbul's mayor, Ekrem Imamoglu.
According to polls, that's a view shared by a majority of the city's residents.
But why is the canal so unpopular? And why does Erdogan want to build it anyway? To understand why the Turkish government wants a new canal, you have to look at the one that's already there: The Bosporus.
It’s one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. More ships transit the Bosporus than the Suez and Panama Canal combined. Too many – according to the Turkish President. He says a second waterway is needed to prevent accidents - like these.
The 45 kilometer long canal has an official price tag of 15 billion dollars. Ships like these – the government argues – will no longer have to wait days to enter the Bosporus, and Turkey will collect fees on them.
But critics say President Erdogan’s dream is an environmental nightmare.
The canal will cut through agricultural land and forests – often referred to as one of the few remaining "green lungs" of Istanbul. It threatens marine ecosystems and crucial water reservoirs.
The president, however, hopes to boost the construction sector, create thousands of jobs, and turn the gears of an ailing economy. The louder the opposing voices grow, it seems, the more determined he is to proceed.


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All Comments (21)
  • @randomvid3061
    when a word "Global something..." pops up on western media remember they are just talking abt US and EU
  • @bmayden
    Your lack of coverage of the treaties that cover international commerical and military ships going through the Bosporus was a laughable footnote. That is one of the major reasons turkey is seekjng a secondary course of maritime traffic.
  • @ssamaddd
    Russia and france are the only concerned countries 🤣🤣
  • @donkalzone6671
    Why do I get the impression that the real issue for western governments is that this channel is financed by China and not by the IMF/WorldBank?
  • @badinhaq
    Not global concerns but western concerns.
  • The Western media should stop branding anything they don’t agree with “ controversial”
  • India, Australia, US interested in building china's dream kra canal. But lets not talk about that and focus on Turkey instead: DW
  • @raghunandan9290
    When West does, it becomes an engineering marvel . An example of Human capabilities , perseverance. When Developing nations do, its a crime. What about environment ? Why this ?? Why Not do something else ? West should stop showing condescending attitude to Non West Nations
  • @wasim3153
    When I prepare chicken biryani, my neighbour protest on that also, bcz they are vegetarian so shall I stopping eating chicken biryani 😂
  • @joshuanitta3604
    its not even global concerns its about Turkey’s financial concern
  • I think this Canal is almost half the length of Kiel canal. DW should present a comparison and tell how much Kiel canal has damaged the ecosystem of the surrounding areas and how it contributed to flooding.
  • @grappenkoning
    I am sure this plan has nothing to do with the controversial treaty…
  • @hansb.8
    Every big canal build has been questioned first and later, when it was completed, it has been applauded. It helps grow the Nation and the Population grows as well while more people will look for jobs.
  • @tvnostalgia7477
    Make sure it’s shallow enough to make submarines come to the surface.
  • @MonkeySpecs301
    if the funds are coming from the IMF it all makes sense.
  • We should encourage these developmental projects of different countries rather to criticise .
  • @wida123
    Turkey: i want to be part of EU. EU: nope Turkey: built canal
  • @Mr.Reality1994
    i am wondering why western media has SO MUCH interest in an internal canal project of Turkey.