Neos VR: The Untold Story of a Metaverse Tragedy

Published 2022-08-13
Hello. Today I have a full on documentary of probably the most tragic story within the entire VR industry. Developers shafted, a $500,000,000 market cap shriveled into nothing, and a community left torn.

But there is still hope.

Actually something interesting I came across, Neos had a Quest/ Quest 2 and Oculus go version in development as well. Interesting addition. Basically though, crypto tore Neos apart from the inside out, no matter how compelling the technology.

Thank you to everyone that participated in my dozens of interviews. This is one of the largest "journalistic" videos I have ever done and it took a lot of work, but I hope you enjoyed it.

Much Love, Thrill

My links:

Neos discord:

All Comments (21)
  • This took about 2 weeks of 24/7 work to get this together. Definitely one of the craziest projects I have taken on. If you want to join the Neos community and make a change:
  • Neos is what every VR user imagines as soon as they put on a headset for the first time This story is really sad, but also a valuable lesson going forward- seriously hoping the best for the platform and its community because they're the most dedicated, creative, and passionate group of people I've ever witnessed. You told this story so beautifully. Amazing job as always, Thrill <3
  • @amymanen5699
    I downloaded Neos a few hours ago. I couldn't believe the versatility that they practically hand you in a silver platter. As a creator, I can make and share practically anything I want within a single app. I was blown away to see even TiltBrush's features in there! It's a beautiful platform and I look forward to creating in it.
  • @YumiYume
    I've been a Neos user for a couple of years and lived through the whole of this sad period. But Neos isn't finished and my friends still meet up every Friday night for drinks and onboarding new users. The latest thing we played with was a physics based full body saloon car. You have to sit, work the footbrake and accelerator with your feet, steer with your hands. The gearshift works, dash controls like indicator and wiper stalks, the tacho and speedo all work. 5 of you can sit in it and go for a ride - in any world - it's a prop you can spawn from your inventory. This is what the Neos community creates.
  • "Teaching people by hand" You know, that is something incredibly special that I noticed with Neos and I couldn't put my finger on why it was so special. Whatever you do in Neos, everyone else can see as well. Want to show someone how to use the menu, you can make your personal menu viewable for the world to see as you guide them through step by step. To be completely honest, Neos feels like the social app that promotes reaching out and learning where VRC and CVR feels like you're tossed in and you just have to figure it out yourself. I really hope that the Neos team can find their way again and expand this platform further than ever before, making it more accessible for less tech savvy users, improving the flow of the UI and so on. This platform is bleeding with potential and I think they would be making a huge mistake to let it die.
  • Wow, that's wild. This almost has like a campfire feel to it, I imagine thrill in his 90's explaining the storied past of Neos, the first metaverse, to a mesmerized and captivated audience of tomorrow's youth.
  • @zairawolfe
    I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for doing this piece. It really hit me in the feels. I'm a Neos user who's been around for a year and a half now. Upon joining Neos it quickly became my home and the only place in the world where I was actually accepted entirely as I am. It's also where I met my partner and made so many of my friends. It saddens me what has happened to bring Neos to where it is now, but I still have hope that things will move forward again. It's my home and I won't be abandoning it. So thank you for making this video and sharing Neos' story.
  • @PikaPetey
    I loved neos. The logix system is amazing to program with. Being able to see how the program is running at real time really helped me grasp the early concepts of programming.
  • @not_tobo
    My first Neos experience was few months ago, before the Vrchat dumbester fire. I joined Neos with a friend, tried to port my vrc Avatar, got lost and a random Neos user joined our public lobby and saw me being lost porting my avatar, then he reached me how Neos and avatars work for hours. Neos has a lovely community.
  • I've spent 3,500 hours in Neos and personally introduced the game to well over a hundred folks that are now common players. This video has the somber vibe that NEOs should be approached with caution. To the 'ignorance is bliss' people, like myself, who just enjoy the game for what it has and offers day-to-day, there has not been an impact to what you can do and enjoy over the years of this production/ownership squabble. I don't see NEOs as "Destroyed" as the title claims one bit. It's exactly as great as it was. The biggest impact to all this was with a currency that no one ever used in-game, especially since Steam (which most people launch the game with) disallowed functionality with it (and I'm surprised this video didn't mention). It has no importance to players, so don't be deterred.
  • @Lycon721995
    I feel so fuckin bad for Frooxius, i met the guy back when i first got onto NEOS and it's just shitty to see what happened to him. Thrill comparing the two to Jobs and Wozniak could not have been any better, i feel just as bad for Frooxius as i did for Wozniak.
  • @frederick7795
    About 2 weeks ago, I joined Neos for the first time, When you enter the tutorial world you get the choice of either making it public, so others can join or keeping it private. I make it public thinking no one would join, but within minutes 2 older users joined and began teaching me about the game. Before I knew it, there were around 5 people in my tutorial world talking and teaching each other. Neos has one of the most caring and helpful communities of all VR applications.
  • @kaiser2979
    The fact that even after the crash, the pump and dump, and really everything surrounding crypto in 2021, Carrol still wants to make Neos a crypto platform is insane to me. Like, he has to have seen all the issues with it both externally and internally. Really hope Frooxius gets control, it really does seem to be their child and I hate the thought of them losing that to their business partner’s greed
  • The more time goes along, the more resentment I have for crypto and blockchain and web3, and the less patience I have for any of its evangelists. I hate how they're trying their hardest to ruin VR and they don't even care about it. It's all just about finding a greater fool to take from. It's the antithesis of what's awesome about VR.
  • @VRBatJune
    Tomorrow marks my 3-year "bread day" for Neos and this is honestly the best gift I could ever ask for. I really wanna thank you so much for putting this out. It's been a chaotic 9 months, trying to explain to my friends what Neos is really about has been really difficult since there are so many people who jump to the Crypto side of everything and always downplay Neos just because it was associated with crypto. This helps IMMENSELY, thank you so much for giving us a voice. 💙💛
  • @DrakonLameth
    I think the old title for this might have been better than the rename -- "The TRAGIC story of NEOS: The Most Advanced VR Game Ever Made" feels less 'Neos is dead and gone, here's a retrospective' than "How a Crypto Scheme DESTROYED the BEST VR Game Yet", which paints a picture that neos is dead and gone.
  • years from now, i think this channel will be known as the VR history channel. amazing video thrill!!
  • @LiteLotus
    I started playing neos before the fall and I've occasionally played after and the difference in the community has been night and day, the NCR craze destroyed something I enjoyed tinkering in, making friends, and supported financially
  • @relsai4861
    For those who were wondering, Neos is being rebuilt under a new platform called Resonite (now crypto-free)
  • @NightSprinter
    Also, Neos had to have a non-NCR version in order to remain on Steam, after Valve cracked down in crypto.