A Popular Game That Failed the Community [The Storage Roblox]

Published 2024-03-24
The Storage had a lot of potential to becoming a great game, but the mistakes they made and the fixes they failed to do costed them dearly. Perhaps there is still hope, however, in this video I'll go over the main problems in hopes it comes to their attention. As always, I am RoxyBloxy and I'll be diving Into the controversy and what happened to the community within. I play the game personally and see what others say as well. This isn't any means an attack on the devs or game itself. I just analyze what I experience and see.

Disclaimer: I do not support hate or harrasment towards anything or anyone I speak of in my videos. I am just stating the facts of what I heard and seen. There is always another side to a story, including the "antagonist" side. Theoretically, there is no bad or good in an analysis. It is up to you to decide.

Message: If you or someone you know were affected by devs, games, or other players. Please let me know in the comments, and I'll make sure to tell your side of the story. As a Roblox community, we need to stand up for each other because what affects one will eventually affect all. I hope you have a great life!

#roblox #thestorage #robloxreview

All Comments (21)
  • @diego1014
    yo ixhmq (Diego) here (some og player in the old times from the storage) The game is kind of delayed and the pvp is boring as it has the same concept as da hood and apex legends (with the sliding technique) people running around with dbs and smgs and most of the decoration assets are simply taken from da hood and lets dont forget about the memory leak that happens when you stay more than 10+ minutes in a server and getting the most absurd lagspike in your entire life Although the game back then it used to be popular and enjoyable but it was more chaotic cause of the package abusing aswell with the duping glitch and etc Devs are literally the same as da hood so they wouldn't listen to good suggestions on the idea channel and not sponsoring the game without their promised "floor 2" update damn even halloween event is still here and we didn't get any april fools or christmas event so the game is just gone in ashes They even cancelled the mod applications and the community had some good candidates to help the community and be part of the moderation team so simply just a laundry money game for iumu and other devs not tryna ruin the experience of the game but is the sad truth of this community and his playerbase drastically going off
  • @Rabbitlover13
    Should add a feature of if you die you can turn off combat from players or just only 50% of your items gone when you die which would still be good
  • @Gato_Brew
    you know what? im going to do what storage could never, im going to remake it, add passive modes, listen to community ideas, all i need is a player base. its called stacked
  • @avp_youtube
    I left some time after they decreased the amount of storage in your base, and instead made a gamepass. They started to get more money hungry after that point.
  • @BearBearYT
    I played this game a lot when the community was full of good people yeah there were people who attacked every now and then but it was never often
  • @MAG_agent1337
    1:41 (bit of a long read, be warned) In my 120 hours of playing this game I have never seen any of the stuff in this section happen. The only thing i've seen actually happen is occasional basecamping, but if you know how to set up a decent base that isn't a problem. even if they open your storage door with a crowbar, you can easily counter this by having a better base (which you could afford, with as show in the video you having anywhere from 700-3000 dollars) Also, do keep in mind that everything is random, and everyone has the same chances for good loot/guns. Losing items on death is a problem, but ultimately if you play for long enough you can get enough money where you can just buy your lost goodies back. The verdict: Basically a skill issue. (Sidenote, I have a screenshot of my base on the community tab on my channel.)
  • @seanlowther823
    I have played the absolute hell out of storage and I genuinely can say I enjoyed my time on there, even through all of the random deaths due to no life having players with god buffs and lmgs/mags blasting me when I’m selling/getting loot in a unit, to the countless entities that get left in a hallway by a player who didn’t want to deal with it or brought to you by said player I’ve managed to make a cozy lil base with decorations, I have the storage safe and the work bench, to even buying the second floor and throwing a entity killer in the front, however with all that said with everything you’ve said in this video some here are some of my biggest issues with this game. The bugs-The amount of times that I have died while fighting a npc or player due to the weapon I’m using still doin the hitting animation while it doesn’t actually hit the npc or player and god damn that genuinely is infuriating when you’re 30 units in and you die to a fixable bug but the owner won’t dog anything. The (currently) undoable Easter egg/quest- Now agian I am a very new player to the storage, I want to say I started playing a decent months ago so I really don’t understand any of the quests line or Easter eggs that are on the map or how to do them without searching it up, but I what I do know is every time I’ve gotten a agent whatever room the door you open is blocks by an invisible wall for whatever reason and they refuse to comment on it which is insane to me and shows the extent to there care of their community. The lack of content- I am a fast food worker who struggled in his highschool tech electives by no means necessary do I have the first thought of knowing what it takes to make and update a game constantly, but again what I do know is that it takes more time to sit there and make rooms for units that do genuinely nothing at all instead of focusing and working on pre existing problems that your community is experiencing, and what sucks is there is so much potential for this game that is just being wasted for money like an example being a unit that exists in game that opens to a farmer Joe who sells you over priced food that you have to carry on you which you will inevitably lose to a lowlife no life running at Mach 10 with a double barrel, that could be replaced with a simple farming mechanic that you can return to later down the line with in game time, but instead they focus on adding “updates” every month in a half which consist of two things that add nothing to the game, and the one time I thought something cool was gonna happen was a halloween update that added two decorations if im remembering correctly and it took them till the end of Christmas to remove it. The community/dev-This being a main point in the video I don’t feel he did justice explaining how annoyingly toxic and infuriating the cesspool that resides in storage genuinely is, the amount of times I have died to a player that has done nothing but spend minutes to hours on a server just running around with a double barrel/lmg lighting people up compared to dying to the rng of the game is immeasurable, I try my best to work 40 hour weeks and when I finally do get a day off I do unfortunately sometimes spend all day on my PlayStation with my friends and we’ll hop on this fame for a couple hours and more times out the not the person killing wouldn’t only outlast us but I’d come back solo and the person would still be there just blasting away and it doesn’t help that most people have already been playing for years so they’ve stock piled on cash/buffs/weapons so you’re most likey not getting a chance to fight back and that alone makes the game damn near unplayable. The micro-transactions- And he pretty much covered this pretty well in the video but when a game like this has a feature such as super small storage capacity that after weeks of grinding maybe you’ll be able to afford a new slot to store things in and they take it away from the pre owned players/future ones just to make it cost real money irl is genuinely scummy.
  • @cyrilatienza2167
    im so tired of this game, been playing ever since release and all it does is screw me over, toxic players just rush me with a shotgun or ak and some even no clip through my base just to get a shot on me and the worst of it is losing your shit to entities with broken damage. I hate the skeleton with the sword the most, I lost a majority of my shit to it besides players with shotties and I cant stand the description of the game anymore, its more unbalanced and unfair than a "very hard game"
  • @LifeNotPlenty
    As seen in every game, taking care of the majority always goes well. Listening to the community will go a long way. So if you make a game, do exactly that and reap the rewards. Players have the power, not the devs or game creators. Shouldn't have to repeat that, but here we are. I like the game enough to give it chances, but was failed just like this game in ratings. Oop. Hope the devs hear this and other Player's so they fix the GAME 😢
  • @deathisplenty
    The Description, "Very Hard Game" Felt Like an Excuse to Provide the Bare Minimum of Support for the Players tbh... I Don't Support Pay to Win Games, But Honestly They Should've Had an Option to Pay a Reasonable Amount of Roblox to Keep Items After Death. Or Atleast Allow Players to Leave Without Losing Items for Combat. Not Sure if They Did Add That Since It's Been Almost 2 Months. Would've Brought That Rating Up to 75%. ALSO MAYBE NOT ALLOW SOME PLAYERS TO BUST INTO MY BASE AND OWN ME! Literal Targeting and Bullying There, But Doubt They Were Punished 🙄
  • @angelmagana7375
    I did play this game months ago and it was super fun for a few weeks, but over time I kept losing interest because no new rooms were added, everyone trying to kill me, the same repetitive gameplay, and that damn shotgun being so overpowered which I expected them to nerf but never did. The entities were the same over and over and no longer fun. Sure the game was hard but not the fun type of hard I was expecting when I stepped in the game.
  • @Waterm613
    This is true if they want to make player's play the games they want to make it more fun but losing all your stuff after dying that's just not fair it would be better if they just add some of your stuff to be lost
  • @RedRose5.68
    Feel they should add a safe system if u did't hold the weapon or attack players, other players can't attack you too. This will make the game better I think.[for those player who just want to build base or collect stuff, spend hour on storage and shotgun dude just took all your item away.
  • Dude i hate stroage all the time because like even the creatures make me lose items because of combat all i wanted was to play normally and also i have problems with the hitbox the bro when i try to run away they can still hit me in like 5 inches and they can still reach me with a melee weopon. btw thanks for this explanation
  • @showingracer7759
    i pvp in this game alot and i think some of the only reason it doesn’t have a lot of players is its lack of quality of life updates or even updates at all and how the game doesn’t help the new players get introduced into the game at all
  • Is the game still getting updated though? Like the last update was in march so I’m hoping they are working on something big or is the game fully abandoned?
  • @Altrumia
    the first time i played this game it kinda sucked cause there was a player noclipping and shooting me and other people, they would even get into closed storage units to surprise attack players who open it.
  • @skyblockgameEX
    I quit when a nerf of gun systems that it makes it doesnt fight smoothly like before anymore
  • @drenawebb
    I was keep getting killed by the dark skeleton all day. I worked so hard. because I was a weapon collector😢😢😢