Adult with Autism | The Autism Diagnosis Process | 03

Published 2021-02-01
For a self-described introverted, reclusive loner...opening up and putting myself in a state of vulnerability wasn't easy. Hoping for trained medical professionals would make it easy for me to begin a route of attempting to figure out what made me ; different', I couldn't have had a worst first doctor.

Thankfully, I didn't give in after a bad experience.


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All Comments (21)
  • @bryanmerton5153
    Great video. You tell a great story! I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and have learned to live with that but I still didn’t feel right. I have found out recently that I too am autistic. I am 61. For me it was a relief and sort of filled in the blanks! Thanks again for sharing.
  • @janinemills6732
    The "purple" analogy! That sums up autism, how an NT would not react and an ND perspective of it. Brilliant 😊
  • @Ramagon98
    Been loving your videos. That feeling when someone asks the questions in the right way, listens patiently while you ramble on, and then re-states/summarizes/distills what you said down to "so it sounds like..." and then you go "YES!!!". Just diagnosed at 40 and have finally started talking to the right person. I can very much relate to the Dog/Autism TV... wrong channel/frequency/language. Please continue sharing... thank you!
  • @dancingram79
    You said something, "you will need all your energi for this". Great video 😄
  • @flamingohead27
    I have to say I agree with finding videos about Autism that I can connect with. And it makes my heart soar and makes my eyes water that I can watch your videos and I completely understand what your saying and I can relate. I feel relate isn't strong enough. But, thank you. I don't feel alone. 14:12
  • @CollinDEvans
    Really great video. I especially liked the bit at the end that "I wish it was that easy". I had a boss replaced with a jerk that I didn't realize was a jerk until later he was awful to work for. Now I get a lot of anxiety at the idea of my boss being switched on me.
  • I’m new to this diagnoses. I’ve been through a wave of emotions! And if I begin to recall a frustrating moment it can feel as if I’m right in that exact time! Exhausting! Great if you’re an actor and want to use it for a character though?! Too bad I don’t fit in there as well?! LOL I think it’s perfectly healthy to feel as you do! I know I cried! LOL it’s what we do with our feelings that matter. To be alone and still and sort through things is a skill I’m so glad I’ve developed and enjoy! But many do not enjoy time to self reflect. We see poor choices when this happens. You have made perfect sense to me! I ramble all the time but you did well!! If there’s a subject I’m obsessed about I go on and on! But there are times when I find no need to speak. I’m never really going to know myself. Anyone who says they do I wonder about really?! You’re life isn’t over! How can one know this? And if you’re alive you have a purpose! And many! They will evolve and change through time too! But you’re wise! I’m late in the game. (I always disliked that Game of Life board game! I’d want to play Clue at age 7?! Lol ) Thank you for sharing! It’s hard to find connections to others who help explain my thoughts and feelings. It’s so important to express them! 👌🏻👏🏻👍🏻😁
  • Love your channel so much. I feel the same with other autism channels. All they do is either complain with no tips or are so vague it annoys me. Thank you for sharing. I am sad that the nhs wait is so long, I was hoping to get a diagnosis so I could get some adjustments at work but it will probably be quicker to just find another job 😂.
  • @allisone7909
    Thank you for opening up and sharing your experiences. I believe a family member of mine has autism, he is 23! I only realised this 2 years ago and since then, he and his close family have pushed back and have given reasons why he isn't. What didn't help was this his GP said he didn't need an assessment and I wasn't thanked by his close family for putting him through this . I can only now wait until something triggers him to get some help for the daily challenges he faces and that he sees a GP who speaks his language. I wish he could watch your videos, but there is too much resistance at the moment for me to be able to suggest it. It's a shame, because it is so apparent to me that he needs to be assessed!
  • @vikdaddy
    I have just watched your first two videos and currently watching your third, as I was recently diagnosed with autism. I was going to comment that you seem to be a negative, pessimistic person. But then I thought about it and realise that I am too, because I identify with many of your grievances and traits. You are basically pissed off with the world and almost everybody in it, and so am I.
  • @emmawood1232
    I rang my gp in December last year my gp is useless. So I said I think I am autistic she said why I started saying why and was told no it's depression. She didn't let me finish and I told her that. Then I just said well I want you to refer me and if you don't I will keep ringing.
  • Great video. Love that you number your videos. I want to watch them in order and remembering a number is much easy than remembering what the video is called!! I can resonate with how you were diagnosed but I did not have the money to go private so had to wait the 2 years but i have got diagnosed a lot quicker than my children (still waiting 4 years on because of covid) but hopefully this should happen in the next 6 months. I was in therapy at the time and even my therapist was sceptical but listened to me and got me to fill out a form from one of her colleagues. I will never forget her face when she totted up my score and her reply was' Err yes Dawn, you have scored high haven't you' I did chuckle to myself but will always be grateful she listened. Looking forward to watching more of your content.
  • In this day and age I always try to find a website and send an email and then of course they always tell me to phone. Ugh! And it's so hard to explain how and why I just can't call (I mean, I'm in my 30's here) because even I don't understand it really, just makes me feel silly. When I first asked my doc for a referal she basically laughed at me (I have a previous diagnosis of BPD, which is not accurate and she said that the two can look similar, but that it really wouldn't be autism in my case). I just get so annoyed. No one knows better than me my internal struggles. It's so hard to explain that to someone do you explain breathing? You just do it. I dunno, I always feel like I'm a fish out of water...I somehow breathe air, but it feels like it's crushing my lungs within...but then docs sees you and is like clearly you're breathing air or you'd be dead...and so I have to sigh and just I dunno what... Yeah and let's face it, it being picked up at school, I mean we're going back a ways here...people weren't trained to evaluate kids for autism back then; which oddly enough though I had severe problems, behaviourally, at school, but it was all put up to the fact that my parents were shit, which they were...but I am smart enough and have done enough therapy and self-work that I know the difference between anxiety, stress, childhood trauma crap and then the 99.9% that is left completely unexplained by all that, you know? I am actually tearing up! i am so happy that the second doc spoke your language!! I remember at my second assessment, it being longer, I got to meet the doc multiple times, but everytime I was constantly confused and tried to answer things to the best of my ability and pulled out old scripts, but oftentimes just really didn't understand what she wanted at all. Private clinics here are overwhelmed here and wait times are years long too. The only reason to go really is that hopes that it will be mor thorough I guess, which in my case it wasn't, unfortunately. It's so funny because I feel it's a very ''autistic'' thing that alot of us seem to do, is walk in to the assessment with about a dozen pages of notes about ourselves and our lives. I tried to provide the broad strokes, main things that jumped out at me, but as part of the assessment they want to talk to your parents, which in my case wasn't possible, so they spoke to a teacher of mine (when I was 11) and am still in contact with today, but again, the masking basically my struggles go unnoticed and when I voiced them the doc knocked it off as anixety. Giggling at the purpleness!! I think why I am still so (stubbornly) wanting a diagnosis is because people won't listen to me alone, like I don't know enough of myself I guess...or somehow I have ''snowflake'' syndrome and just want to be special. It's so bizarre. I've had a few people being open to it, but professionals instantly shut me down and tell me that it's rubbish; as I often struggle with anixety and depression it would help to have an accurate diagnosis in order to better ''treat'' my, I dunno, ''condition.'' I feel like we're going in blind otherwise and as a result of this undiagnosed mess I am often getting into trouble with mental health people, when I consult them, because I don't tick any of their boxes (say for BPD or anixety, etc.) they just don't know how to help me. Now knowing it's most likely autism, makes complete sense why they couldn't help me at the time, they weren't ''treating'' the right thing, but yeah, caused a lot of trouble for me. I laughed at your quip about the women here, let me tell you, I have my cycles (not currently), have kids, am married to a man, but COMPLETELY relate to you 100% I cannot thank you enough for making these!! I feel less alone!! (Hubby is great, BUT completely neurotypical, HA!)
  • @DonnyHammell
    Thanks for posting these videos. Like you, I've always felt/knew that I wasn't the same and I'm now in the process of going to the GP to ask to be assessed. Going to be a long process and I'll probably be 53 by the time it's done 😂
  • @lornahay2328
    Thanks for your honesty and sharing your experiences. ❤
  • @roxanes43
    Thank you for sharing your vulnerability here. As an adult going through the autism process, your perspective as a loner really resonates with me. I look forward to exploring your many videos!
  • @ShinySilverBunny
    Thank you for sharing and putting this all out there Paul. I can minimally relate to other Autism channels because of the annoying music and sound effects and dramatic expressions which is mostly in the younger crowd. For those of us 35+ it's a somber experience. Not a happy joyful one. I am leaning towards the pay out of pocket but I just don't have the money unless I took out a loan. I'm 46 and still living in an apartment and always struggled with money management. I'm so angry that I was turned away from a diagnosis and testing in 2018 and 2022 when I had good insurance. I would have made other decisions. I'm hoping to find a full psych evaluation from a qualified doctor as I may have Adhd. I'm happy you have stability and moving forward. I have not seen videos on your channel mention it but could you do one on Autism and money behaviors? Stay warm my friend.