mr brooks michael cole scene

Published 2009-07-10

All Comments (5)
  • Michael you have fans that will never forget you. Please know that
  • @penquin402
    I know that this is supposed to be a serious movie but Demi's facial expression when she says, 'if you got ran over by a truck and died' cracks me up. Then when she kind of laughs and says 'fuck it. Felt good' cracks me up. I don't know how they all got through this scene without laughing. I would have broke every single time.
  • I once met a woman at Butlins who looked exactly like the black solicitor in this scene! Literally an exact copy. I've met a few doppelgangers in my life. This is one of my favourite films ever, it's dark bot not OTT. I saw avatar years ago but I thought it was total crap, I also didn't like the 2006 300 either. This is one of the mid 00's better films. I love the murder scene where he kills that couple, I love how he wins and is the villain. I usually route for the bad guys, especially in Disney films. It would be awesome if Disney made a film for children where the villain wins, it just would!