Part 1 - Delusional Disorders: Types, Causes, Coping and Treatment

Published 2013-07-07
While most of the information available about delusional disorders leave little or no hope for those living with them, their loved ones ore their colleagues, this video series discusses in detail what causes delusional disorders to develop and how to recover from them by understanding and addressing their underlying cause. This introductory video briefly discusses the various degrees, types and categories of delusions as well the methods used to address and recover from them. Future videos will break down each individual category and type of delusion and the applicable therapeutic model.

All Comments (21)
  • @hojuniverse
    Great info! Thanks 🙏 I’m a therapist and struggle supporting clients with delusional D/O that are so ingrained that they flee their homes and have for one belief or another become chronically homeless. My heart ❤️ pains for them.
    Good video! I have a family member who is completely “high jacked”. It’s strange because she has only been this way for about a year. Before this strange behavior from her she was very calm, meticulous, and artsy. Now she is brash, aggressive, and VERY delusional. They are not bizarre delusions, but they are very far fetched, and if you tell her that these delusions are far fetched or a bit out of reach, she will begin to cry and say that we don’t have any faith in her. It’s very strange and heart breaking, to see a family member go from being one way one year, and develop some sort of mental illness the next.
  • Thanks! I have a friend that I have only known a year but I really don't know her. She calls me several times a day or texts constantly. She is a live in care taker of an elderly lady. She hates her and is always talking bad behind her back and gossiping about other people in her life. In addition, she is convinced that drug dealers have bugged this home inside and out. Claims to see blinking lights that is for drug coding. She watches everything outside from the people and hears noises such as drones, sirens, chirping birds, temperature changes supposed they are outside planting dope, on top of roofs and even the leaves on ground to her are markers towards her. She says they know she is there and everything in her mind is because of her presence within that home. I could go on. She is egomaniac, controlling, hijacking phone conversations, hateful! In meantime, she is sending me gifts because I had eye surgery and I can't help believe it is manipulative. I do appreciate her kindness, but I have never interacted with such a person. I would like and appreciate feedback. Thank you, God bless!
  • @lisakukla459
    What an awesome video! I'm very eager to see the rest of the series. My partner of 3 years is experiencing this currently, and this was really helpful for me to begin understanding what's happening. He got an emergency protective order on me, because he believes I'm going to great lengths to "destroy" him. Apparently, when children are involved, no evidence is required to be granted the emergency order; that comes at the hearing, which is in about 3 weeks. Hopefully he will get the help he needs before the hearing and, in time, we can begin to repair. I'm so worried for him. He doesn't have any people in his life, no friends or family besides his kids, so I don't know how this will ever be resolved, but at least I did keep his new therapist abreast of his abnormal thinking and out of character behavior in the month leading up to this nightmare of a crescendo. It must be such a frightening thing to believe that your partner has suddenly turned on you in every possible way. Thank you for taking the time to create a video on this topic. You're right; there is not much information like this available. The inner child part is so interesting to me. I've been doing inner child work for about a decade and I talk about it with him all the time. Its even part of the courses we each are taking at The Relationship School. I wonder if beginning therapy plus having the kids a week at a time for summer break was just too much pressure for him and something just "locked up"? Or perhaps the cbd he recently began using, or maybe the anesthesia from his spinal cord stimulator procedure? Really there could be any number of other stressors or possible culprits that I wouldn't know about, as he is not a loquacious man, by any means, when it comes to internal experience. Okay, on to the next video! Thanks again!
  • @kudzstopit6994
    That suction back into the delusion is the real kicker. Suddenly progress, seemingly gone. Depressing. But thanks for sharing this
  • Mention of the inner child. I've heard that before but never paid attention to it until recently. I have two children of my own and so because of my delusions and battle against them I thought, number one, to be patient with my mind. It's trying to make connections with very little information that it has. Telling me a story the way a child might tell a story. I thought maybe I should listen to my mind and see what it's trying to understand. Although I don't feel completely comfortable with the idea of listening to it in totality...After I came to that conclusion I got to softening up and thankfully getting mostly released from my delusion.
  • I definitely view and feel what is not right when the delusions are weak but sometimes they become so strong that it's much of what I "see". I try so hard to resist it. I was in denial it was happening to me again. The first time was the worst but now it comes on when I'm triggered by information of the original event, I get so fearful and my mind just begins to pull in "connections"
  • @mistydawn2717
    Thank u so much for this. Its been so hard trying to help my dad and mother doesn't understand so she yells. Will be watching ur videos. Ty for the help Mr đź’–
  • Hi, thanks you for sharing this video I found this very informative. I'm curious if you have any videos wherein, we get to learn about the techniques on how to deal with that inner child?
  • @joyt568
    Hi, thank you for your informative video. I'd like to know, in the case of the "scared" inner child where you're unable to find any outside support, is there a way for the person to educate and love their own "inner child" so then the person are able to cope better with situations they find difficult, instead of automatically sees all difficult situations as past childhood traumas? Thank you.
  • @25CarpeDiem
    At last! Full explanations thank you! I am the life-long target of a sibling's control and jealousy where she has made it her life's work to get rid of anyone I had meaningful relationships with. Her delusions cover 1. She is the Virgin Mary 2. Workmen in other streets are 'turning down her electricity' 3. Neighbors are in love with her and opening their windows to make her house cold 4. "They" are following her 5. My husband is the devil the list is endless - what can you tell the victims on the harsh end of these delusions?
  • Thankyou so much for the video...What all can be the reasons for having delusions...if delusions of mixed type lasted for about 2 that a chance that it will be repeated in life again...plz can u help me with this question..
  • @MatthewC33199
    The name of the type of secondary delusion where people believe their family members, etc. are fakes is called Capgras Syndrome.
  • @nicken89
    If you believe that you have a delusional cyberstalker, is there any guidance to be found for how to deal with them? For example, if you tell them that "You may think I'm trying to help you, but I'm not. I'm trying to help myself be free of you.", etc, would that be a good or bad idea? What can you actually do, if anything?
  • @pinkkhayez874
    Would you talk to me one on one about my delusions? I just have a couple questions that could possibly help me out alot in my recovery
  • I'm delusional. I know it and I accept it. What I'm not sure if is to what degree? My girlfriend is reinforcing my delusional state as a method of control/revenge in our relationship....