The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (M'aiq the Liar)

Published 2011-11-26

All Comments (20)
  • @felynecomrade
    "Some call M'aiq a running joke. M'aiq does not understand. Where would a joke run to?"
  • @Kev95682
    If M'aiq is a liar, then I don't care about the truth.
  • @zacharym1844
    Ya Know whats funny? About 99% of what his says is true.
  • M'aiq is the elder scrolls' version of most interesting man in the world
  • @DoofusInc
    I love how this is a montage of M'aiq in the most random of places -"M'AIQ WE ARE IN SOVNGARDE, ANOTHER PLANE OF EXISTENCE HOW DID YOU EVEN GET HERE?" -"M'aiq drunkenly stumbled inside while looking for the bathroom. No bathrooms here."
  • @mikewright7964
    If I ever have a male cat, I'll think of naming him M'aiq.
  • @SwerveStarEx
    "Dragons were never gone. They were just invisible, and very, very quiet."                                                                                             -M'aiq the Liar, November 11th, 2011
  • @MrLeoBolek
    M'aiq uses many references from previous games and Skyrim. "M'aiq knows much, and tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not." A recurring quote, referencing the one in Oblivion. "What does it mean to combine magic? Magic plus magic is still magic." This and the next line reference changes to the magic interface. This refers to pre-release talks that the new dual-wielding system might also include the ability to combine spells, a feature that is not present in the game. "Much snow in Skyrim. Enough snow. M'aiq does not want any more." Referencing the fact that Skyrim was promised to have dynamic snow that built on surfaces. This is present in the game to a small degree, but really only changes textures to snowy textures instead of making a physical pile of snow. "M'aiq carries two weapons, to be safe. What if one breaks? That would be most unlucky." Referencing the dual-wielding system introduced in Skyrim. Additionally, he may also be referring to the fact that weapons (and armor) no longer wear down. "M'aiq hears many stories of war... yet few of them are true." A possible self-criticism by Bethesda, whose system of creating characters made scripted 'major' battles unrealistically small, which was a major complaint for the main quest of Oblivion, as well as for the Civil War quests of Skyrim. "M'aiq does not remember his childhood, perhaps he never had one." Referencing the lack of children in Morrowind and Oblivion, and the further lack of children from non-human races, such as Khajiit, in Skyrim. "The people of Skyrim are more open-minded about certain things than people in other places." Possibly refers to the ability to marry people of the same sex or to the tolerance of necromancy and skooma in Skyrim. "Don't try blocking if you have two weapons. You will only get confused. Much better to hit twice anyway." Reference to the impossibility of blocking while dual-wielding "It does not matter to M'aiq how strong or smart one is. It only matters what one can do." References the fact that Skyrim characters have no Attributes, such as Strength and Intelligence, that were present in earlier games. "How does one know there was a city of Winterhold? M'aiq did not see it with his eyes, did you?" Likely refers to the "Great Collapse", which led to a majority of Winterhold falling into the Sea of Ghosts, but may also be a reference to Arena, in which Winterhold was still a major city, and in which M'aiq made no appearance. Alternatively, it could be a reference to the fact that there is not the slightest hint of the old city, such as ruins.. "Once M'aiq got in trouble in Riften, and fled to Windhelm. It is good that nobody there cared." Refers to crime being tracked separately for each area of Skyrim, and thus guards no longer trying to arrest you for a crime you committed in another hold. "Dragons were never gone. They were just invisible, and very very quiet." A reference to his line in Morrowind saying that you have to fly high to see dragons because "the ones near the ground are very hard to see, being invisible". "M'aiq saw a mudcrab the other day. Horrible creatures!" Probably a reference to criticisms that the NPCs in Oblivion would often have inane conversations about Mud Crabs. "Skyrim was once the land of many butterflies. Now, not so much." This might refer to the fact that you can catch butterflies, or it could be a reference to an apparent bug from early in Skyrim's development where butterflies would not despawn and would quickly flood the game world. "M'aiq has heard that the people of Skyrim are better looking than the ones in Cyrodiil. He has no opinion on the matter. All people are beautiful to him." Referencing the completely revamped and improved character designs in Skyrim. "M'aiq's father was also called M'aiq. As was M'aiq's father's father. At least, that's what his father said." Obviously referring to the presence of a "M'aiq the Liar" in the previous two Elder Scrolls games. While it's possible that the ones seen in Morrowind and Oblivion were in fact the same individual given the short time span between those games, this one is likely a descendant, given the 200 year gap since Oblivion. And of course, there are some easter eggs about M'aiq: M'aiq can see you even when you are invisible. M'aiq can get stuck on a dragon's corpse, but after you use the "wait" command, he will disappear again. M'aiq will still comment to you when you are in werewolf form or in vampire lord form; in addition, he will not trigger a bounty if you transform in front of him, nor will he become hostile. M'aiq will not become hostile when you are at stage four vampirism. Assaulting M'aiq does not incur a bounty. This and his essential status combined with his pacifism make him an excellent target for gaining XP in combat and magical skills. M'aiq also appears in Morrowind, Oblivion and ESO. According to the game files, when M'aiq isn't around Skyrim, he is located in a small holding cell called "Elsweyr".
  • @KneelB4Bacon
    3:04 "M'aiq is very practical. He has no need for Mysticism." The Mysticism school of magic was removed in Skyrim. :)
  • "M'aiq thinks being alone is better." But all of his words are lies... AWWWW!
  • @CrystalPepsiDog
    "Mai'q saw a mudcrab the other day. Horrible creatures"- the most common sentence in oblivion :p
  • @AngerProduction
    I love they way khajiit talk, especialy when they say "take a look" :D
  • @aickavon
    I like Miaq, he's kinda like that traveling hermit with awesome pieces of advice.
  • @tengkuadam1399
    Seeing M'aiq is like seeing you're favourite celebrity