How to Replace Biden: Longtime DNC Member Jim Zogby Proposes Process to Pick New Nominee

Published 2024-07-03
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As Democrats discuss whether President Joe Biden should stand down as the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate following his disastrous debate performance, we speak with James Zogby, senior member of the Democratic National Committee, about his call for an open and transparent nomination process to select new candidates leading up to the Democratic National Convention next month, where the final nominee would be voted on. “I want to see a unified, energized party with a lot of excitement because they were part of a historic process of change,” says Zogby, who is president of the Arab American Institute.

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All Comments (21)
  • @RobinHerzig
    Can we get an anti-genocide candidate 💥👀 pleeeeezzz!??
  • I'm sick of the two corrupt party system. I am adding to my own comment to say that from the other comments I read and the replies to my comment that all of you are sick and tired of politics as usual. Vote a third party then. Make an impression on the Major two that there are enough people in this country that will take a chance to change the status quo.
  • @alin81-82
    If Biden kept his word about not running for a second term, this wouldn't be happening. He's not up for this. SMH.
  • God bless America 🇺🇸 2years ago I paid off my mortgage and I can still remember my husband sending me a text message to say we were lucky making and taking the decision that's getting us $56,000.00 every month. Paying the mortgage felt like a noose lifted off our neck after 6 years of worry.
  • The time to go out as a strong visionary "leader" has come and gone. Biden, if he steps down, steps down because he has been exposed.
  • @theicyridge
    Absolutely, Zogby. The nominee needs to be elected, not appointed, to have credibility.
  • I guess what voters wanted hasn't mattered at all? When do voters get to select the people that they want as candidates? I don't want corporate sponsored delegates making decisions. This is bollocks.
  • Notice he said " viewed as legitimate" 😆 🤣 😂 this is what they get for rigging the primaries AGAIN.
  • Ok, but where has Mr. Zogby been for the past year? Biden's issues have been obvious for a long time, but the DNC just keeps doubling down.
  • @judytalk128
    Replace Biden immediately to save the country and our Democracy!!!
  • @goletra
    You mean let's have a process that should have happened four months ago?
  • The only thing I don’t like about the discussion is how he wants Kamala Harris to basically be the de facto nominee. That doesn’t wash for me. The people attending need to make the decision NOT him.
  • she will win based on her winning zero votes in primaries. Excellent analysis. 🎉
  • Why are they not looking at the people that were running along with Joe and got cancelled.
  • Why this obsession with allowing the political elites choose? This is exactly how we ended up in this situation! Choosing a new candidate should include some semblance of the voters having a say!!!
  • @kb_100
    Zogby is 100% correct that media attention will be completely focused on every move Biden makes. Looking for further signs of decay. Of which there will be plenty. Every time Biden appears in public there will be anxiety about how he performs. That type of coverage is not going to do him any favors.
  • Our standards have been lowered to whether or not they enable genocide. This is not democracy in any sense. if the American people are to truly run our government, popular assemblies and juries would govern, not corrupt professional politicians.
  • @claudiaCiP
    “Hardworking activists”, that’s a huge overstatement. I know because I witnessed and observed their “activism” in the nations capital and the state of maryland. There are a few authentic hard-workers. But they are a tiny minority. Most party delegates are opportunist with a miserable record in activism, justice-based legislative actions and community service.