Sailor Moon{Setsuna/Mamoru}- Who's That Girl? (reupload)

Published 2013-05-28
Apparently Youtube blocked this video about a month ago due to the song and didn't tell me. This was actually the first full AMV I made with Sony Vegas, back when I didn't know how to make a video widescreen. I managed to get the video off of youtube because I no longer have the original file, but the quality died in the process (not that it was any good in the first place).
I didn't want to remove this video entirely because it was the first full video I made in Sony Vegas and even now I still consider this one of my favorites I made. And even though this video is a far cry from what I can do now, I'm still damn proud of it. So I just cropped it to widescreen, pitched the song severely, and now I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that it won't get blocked again (seriously this is like the 3rd attempt each time manipulating the song more). So enjoy this blast from the past! Sorry about the quality.

Couple: Setsuna/Mamoru/Usagi
Song: Who's that Girl (remixed/piched/spead up/ and echoed) by Hilary Duff
Video: Sailor Moon

All Comments (3)
  • @MandySlazer
    You are amazing! I loved it! The video was so well put together! And I love the love triangle Serena x Darien X Trista!!! I also love the love triangle Serena x Darien x Seiya!